Even better news is that I've been able to exercise! It feels so good to be active again. It's not running, but I'll take it. Yesterday I walked for about 45 minutes on my Mom's treadmill with incline and speed intervals to keep it interesting. It was actually a great workout! Today I hit the gym after work for a 30 minute hill program on the bike followed by a gruelling 10 minutes on this beast: the Stairmaster Stepmill.

It's basically a revolving staircase and it kicked my butt!
After that, I walked another 20 minutes home.
AND IT FELT GREAT. The best news is that none of this has aggravated my shoulder in the least. I'm hoping to walk, bike and/or climb every day to keep myself as fit as possible. I can't even explain how good it has been for my mentality to be active again. The sedentary lifestyle does not work for me.
My mobility has also continued to improve in the last few days. I think I can see the light at the end of this tunnel...
i'm so so so happy that you're healing! Yay! You will be out running before you know it. :o)
Wow, good job!
I've always been afraid of falling off of the stepmills - terrifying!
I am so glad things are going well! My second year of college I tried that stair master thing and turned it up really high and then tried to run up it - it didnt work well, i almost fell off!
OMG that looks like a machine from Hell! No wonder it kicked butt ;-) Here's to some exercising baby!!
Glad that you are back exercising. Please don't take it the wrong way if I tell you to be careful on that stairmaster!!
You will be back in no time!!
Oh yay!! Glad you are exercising again and your spirits are lifted. :-)
StepMill was built by the Devil.
Glad to hear you are up and around!
yay for progress! i'm so glad the light cross-training isn't aggravating your shoulder at all. i can't imagine how hard it would be to be completely inactive for so long! i used to do a stairmaster like that...like once. i salute you and your bravery :)
Yay! I'm so happy for you. I hope you just keep getting better.
OMG, the STEPMILL! I used to work out on that thing at my gym in Miami and it's KILLER! I would do it after the elliptical and could only last 15 minutes tops.
Glad your shoulder is cooperating!
So glad to hear you're getting back into a good routine!
I often wonder about why stairs can kick my butt yet I have run 13.1 miles!
Glad to hear things are getting better. Routines are always nice to fall into.
That's great! Getting the blood flowing through exercise will help speed up the recovery. Plus clearly it is helping your mental outlook which also helps the body heal. Keep it going!
I hear you...sitting around kills me, too. Glad to hear you were able to do some stuff with no pain to the shoulder.
That's great news. Keep up the good work on your road to recovery.
Yay. Rock that recovery! That stair contraption looks like it should be wheeled up next to a plane on the tarmac.
Awesome. They show the contestants using that stepmill on The Biggest Loser. I wish my YMCA had one.
That stepmill is HARDER than running! You are going to have glutes of steel after doing that, treadmill incline, and biking. I'm so glad you're back to exercising-- it's so hard to be cooped up and inactive (although spending the entire day in pjs isn't so bad once in awhile!).
good job getting back out again. Feels good after a forced layoff.
I saw one of these on the Biggest Loser last night...
I got a little queasy when I saw the stepmill. I used to use the one at my old gym, talk about a butt-kicking!
That's so great that you are able to work out now! That stepmill looks terrifying. I have never had the opportunity to try one of those beasts, and I think I'm glad.
YAY for exercise!!! i love that stairclimber, it totally kicks my butt but i love it :)
Great news! I like those stair climber things. it's the only machine I can use when working out inside.
welcome back!
Wonderful news!!! So glad you're enjoying the exercise :)
Glad to hear you've been able to return to both work and working out!
Damn! Awesome job, I want to find a gym that has that beast, look sso intimidating!
It's been a while since I've been here but I am so glad to hear that you're healing well and progressing to exercise! Awesome!! :-)
YEAH - so glad the mobility is coming back!!! They have that beast at my gym but I've been too scared to try it. :) I may have to give it a whirl this weekend to change things up.
Here's to a speedy recovery!!!
Workouts and studying are taking a hit w/ all the house stuff going on. But not anymore...I need to keep working out if I'm not going to lose my mind during all this!
So glad to hear that you can workout again. That has got to feel like a huge weight lifted.
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