We ran into Kenny in the starting area before creeping into the crowded corrals and had a nice little chat.
Jack Layton, leader of Canada's New Democratic Party and prostate cancer survivor, said a few words before sounding the starting horn.
The route took us along the scenic paved trails of the park. It was pretty narrow, winding and hilly. Fortunately I had been placed in the red (first) corral, so I didn't have to do much weaving and was able to settle in quickly. Not surprisingly, I soon found myself sucked into the "race vortex" and found myself running faster than planned. I decided to just run with it and put out a decent effort without killing myself.

I spotted hubs around 1.5K and I slowed so he could snap this pic.
I suffered in the heat (those first hot runs are always the worst) and had to work hard to keep up the pace I had started. I sucked back a swig of water (which I ended up choking on) and dumped another cup on my head around half way.
My first three kilometres were progressively faster, but I slowed down a bit in the 4th. There was a massive hill before the final turn to the finish, which was absolutely painful and resulted in my final kilometre being the slowest. I still found my finish kick and totally chicked three guys once we rounded the bend.
Chip time: 24:08.5
Overall: 160/1633
Females: 26/853
F25-29: 4/184
I was very pleased (and surprised) with my placement. This was not a fast race. (The winner was 17:13.6, not fast at all by 5K standards.) I'll be looking to beat my PR of 22:36 later this season.
We received medals and caps at the finish, in addition to the long-sleeve tech tees. Overall, a great race that I would recommend and run again, though not likely for a PR.
Shout outs to blog-buddies:
-Marky Mark who walked the 5K in a very respectable time just a few short weeks after having surgery for his own fight against prostate cancer. Mark also raised a tremendous amount of money for the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation and placed in the top 10 fundraisers!
-Mel who ran a great 8K! Hmm, Mel and I were both at the Chilly Half, then Around the Bay and now Harry's. What's next, Mel??
-Kenny who ran both the 5K and 8K today!
well done! And I like that race shirt and matching cap. Sweet!
Looks like an awesome race! Okay, I may or may not judge races by shirts and metals...oops
You keep doing so well. I like the medal. Sounds like a good time overall.
wow! Great job and that seems pretty fast to me!
I love the green :)
Congrats on a great race! I am still dreaming of running 5K under 30 minutes...so your time sounds amazing to me :)
good job! you get fun stuff at your races.
Great race in challenging conditions and can I say how much I love the pic of you doing the "triple chick" maneuver at the end??
Lots of swag for a 5k too!
Congrats! I absolutely love the photo of you beating those three guys!
Nice run! I love the photo at the finish, you look like you're just tralalala-ing down the street, and the three guys behind you look like they're running like bats out of hell. Perfect shot.
Congrats! Awesome job. I have never seen a 5K with such great swag!
congrats! very good job. ya those hills down at High Park are not friendly.
and cute pink shorts! i like em!
WOWSERS -- You rocked it!
You chicked three guys and have a picture to prove it, I love it!
Nice job on your time!
Love the last pic of you chicking 3 guys! Great job out there!!!
Great job! How much was the registration fee? That's a lot of swag for a 5k.
Great Run!!
This was my first ever race and I loved it, that hill at the end was Killer!!
Nice pics, nice "goodies." You got a cap, swag, and a tech shirt for a 5K race?! That's unheard of. I wish I lived closer so I could run it next year. The course looks nice. So, you "chicked" 3 guys, huh?! How do I know they didn't catch you at the finish line?!! Congrats on finishing 4th in your age group.
Thanks Marlene and well done! Your times are just getting better and better both in absolute numbers and your placements. You're approaching elite!
This race was huge for me. Take a look at the website for Peggy Huddleston's CD and book to prepare for surgery. Part of the program is to practise visualizing three steps in the healing process. In the first step I saw myself in my hospital room after surgery saying I felt comfortable and with family members around me telling me that things had gone very well.
In the second step I saw myself completing a walk 16 days of surgery. So yesterday it came true!
For the third step I couldn't decide between my 80th birthday party or going to Paris this summer, as it is our 25th anniversary and we went there for our honeymoon, plus it also is Mrs. MM's 50th. Now I have to decide and that is a good thing.
Awesome race Marlene! It was definitely not a PR, and the hills! Crazy!! Sporting Life!!! See you there??! heehee
Way to go! Great race! :) I love the medal!
Sounds like a great race! I like the race shirt AND cap!
Great job! I hope to break 25 one day too! (and for you to do it into the wind, OUTSTANDING)
Way to go in hot weather. You looked really strong and summery out there : -)
Way to go, love the pics!
That's some great race swag, and a really great time for being so hilly!!
SO now it's about chicking the guys?????? Ha, now I'm telling every Canadian/American male to be on the watch! We'll probably start a club or something.....LOL
What nice SWAG for the race! Good job on conquering those hills!
Great race! I like the shirt and cap.
Well done and GREAT photos! Especially the passing one!
Great to see you guys. Fantastic race! You are getting very fast.
"race vortex?" Haha... I love that term. I've gotta remember that! Looks like a blast of a race and a really cool tech shirt!
Great job on your race! You did a speedy run! Yay!! Oh and I am loving the medal. Go Girl!
Loving the swag! Great job out there on such a hilly course! Woot woot!
Love that picture of you smoking the string of guys! Awesome!
OK I don't even get medals at my half Marathons.. UGH!!
Wow look at that place and the speed on a tough course. Way to rock it out lady!!
I almost bought those shorts...but alas my thigh still need some help before tempo shorts will be comfortable..
Wow, that is some GREAT race schwag for a 5K!
Really good time for such a hard race. Your form looks awesome inthe pics!! No wonder you chicked so many guys!
Great job on the 5k! That is some sweet stuff you got from that race! Love the picture of you beating the guys! Nice job!!
umm 17's is fast to me for a 5k :) haha.
nice job! looooved the pic of you chick-ing the guys. awesome photog by the hubs.
4th place!!! great job!! and i love the medal. i've never seen a medal for a 5k.
4th?!?! Nice! Congrats!
Great job! Love the pics, too.
Congrats on a great race!
data entry work from home
Congrats Marlene! I am glad you ran the 5k not the 8k, or else I could be one of those guys in your finishing kick picture :-)
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