It was a celebration of epic proportions as we watched the game surrounded by friends & family, and the moment that Sidney Crosby scored the winning goal in overtime is not one that can be described in words.
When the game went into OT, I made a few "deals" with the Hockey Gods should Canada win the Gold Medal, and I will remain true to my word. As such:
(1) I will be running in my Canada hockey jersey at the Chilly Half Marathon next weekend, and
(2) Hubs and I will be naming our first-born child (whenever the time comes!) after Sidney Crosby (perhaps as a middle name since we already have a niece named Sydney).
We take our hockey and Canadian pride very seriously.
I have never been so proud to be Canadian! And this morning I have quite the "Olympics hangover".
Full weekend recap to follow......
I had goosebumps watching that winning goal!! Good deals.
AHHH CHILLY HALF IS NEXT WEEK. I made a deal with the hockey gods too. I'd do my 20k yesterday but the boys had to win gold. I'm pretty sure my run caused them to win. LOL!!
it was such a good game!!
since those jerseys are so long i think you should also run shorts/pants-less ;)
also his middle name is patrick i believe (per my googling skills)so you could always name your kid that. sidney with an 'i' is not the cutest name. the 'y' version is cuter but like you said, already have a niece. and naming a kid crosby would make me think of bill crosby haha.
Fun times! The jersey could be warm to run in . . . take the chilly out of the chilly half marathon. :)
congrats on the win :) i can't wait to see pics of you running in that jersey! question. will you also be wearing ice skates?
I heard it was an awesome game! I wish I got to see it! Way to go Canada :-)
Woohoo for Canada! That was a great game! Have a great week!!! :)
You have every reason to be proud. Canada made an awesome Olympic showing. I take comfort in the fact that 3 players on Canada's hockey team are Chicago Blackhawks so you're welcome! ;) Or maybe I should say thank you!
You'll look awesome in your canadian hockey jersey for your half next weekend! nice
Wow you really went all out with the bargaining! I wonder what it will be like to run the half with a hockey jersey-sounds uncomfortable but fun!
Wow you really went all out with the bargaining! I wonder what it will be like to run the half with a hockey jersey-sounds uncomfortable but fun!
Damn those Red Wings (Stevie Y, Mike Babcock and Kenny Holland). So here in Detroit, we get half of both medals........
That game was crazy! But really good. I had so much fun watching the games this year :D
I am so sad the olympics are over. What a great game!
You are too funny! Crosby does make a nice middle name though ...
Yay Canada! What an exciting game!I didn't make any deals with the hockey gods, but I feel like I need to give an offering of thanks - perhaps an extra hard run today!
I think there will be a lot of Sidneys born in the next little while!
we listened to the entire hockey game on the radio traveling yesterday. What a great game and great victory for you!
ha!! WOW - those are not betting terms to be taken lightly...you really DO love you some hockey (and Cananda) :)
i give you the #1 fan award!!!!! and didya know your mittens are in high demand? i saw that on NBC nightly news :)
you have so many races!!! i love it!!! a half coming up. you go girl!
That was such a kick-ass game it was unbelievable! A tying goal with only 30sec go!!! CRAZY!!! of course we are disappointed, but if we had to lose to anyone, glad it was Canada, especially on home ice:) Congratulations on a stellar performance!!
Hahah I love it! making deals with the Hockey gods! It really was such a good game and I am sad USA lost but I am glad it was so close and I am happy for the Canadians!
An "Olympic Hangover!" Love it. Definitely adding that to my vocab! And OMG Canada and Hockey. Dude, I watched that Hockey Game... and the females... and I was getting excited for you guys too! I had no idea what I was watching and didn't even know they had overtime or what was going on, but dude you guys were so stoked! Congrats!
Congratulations to Canada! I didn't watch the game but was cheering for Canada to win. I don't think a win meant nearly as much to us Americans.
cant wait to see the pix from the Chilly race! those jerseys are going to rock!
and sidney as a child's name is great. the bf and i joked about that the other day too! hahhahahah.
so canadian, eh? hehe
happy monday
So sad its over!!!! It was an awesome afternoon with you though! Canada did us so proud at the Olympics this year!!
While it will sound like American betrayal, I'm glad Canada won hockey gold. It means more to you than it does to us, so I'm happy for you guys!
Congrats! Will there be a lot of Sydney Crosby's in Canadas future generation? Funny! You are a serious fan.
Congratulations on the win!!!! I (although I would not mention this to my friends) was secretly rooting for Canada!
Above all- it was a great game! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!
hahaha I think it's funny you are naming your first born after that dude :)
Hehehe that's funny. Think of it as a sacrifice for your country ;)
such a good game! two great teams going for gold!
Your are naming the baby Mission to a(nother) Marathon Sidney?? That's hilarious! I love it!
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