Jess, to answer your question, 2oC = about 35.6oF, but it's -4 with the windchill factor (=24.8F). Brrrr! Although, I shouldn't be complaining just yet. There will be many much, MUCH colder days to come.
Here I am all bundled up and ready (or not) to go:

And after about half an hour of freezing cold, windy, snowy and wet running (felt more like shuffling with all the extra layers on):

(Look at our snowy pumpkin!)
The good news is, hubby has a chicken roasting in the oven and it smells delicious! After dinner I'm going to curl up on the couch in blankies since we refuse to turn the furnace on before November.
good job getting out there!!! i can't believe how much snow you have on the ground already! maybe i shouldn't go to the look though, i've been under my blanket on the couch for the last 2 hours LOL
WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?! I haven't been outside today...
I didn't know it was snowing that bad.
Good for you.I'm happy with my computer and my bed.:)
HOLY YIKES Girlfriend...WTF, is going on?
Look at that snow, my gawd, we don't even have that here in Ottawa!!!
Bundle up for sure!!!
Thanks for the refresher on calculating Celsius to Farenheit. Now, if I could just master the kilometers to miles thing...
But, holy crap that looks cold! I can't believe it's already that cold and you have that much snow! Should I take a pic of me in my shorts and sports bra standing out by a palm tree to make you jealous?
That's crazy!
OK - we have no snow on the ground in Whitby - that is crazy!! We had wet snow/sleet and that's about all! You only live < 1 hour away?!!
WOW! I'm so glad I did not wake up to that! I'm not looking forward to that at all. Nice job of still getting out there. I have a tendency to skip my run during the first snow fall. Mainly due to I'm building a snow fort or something.
We might as well live in Siberia! And to think three weeks ago (on marathon day) I found it too hot. This is a brutal time of year for runners-it's a big adjustment as it is dark for an early morning run and it is really cold. All your gear has to change and the footing starts to become an issue. It would be easier to pack it in and just eat pizza and cinnabuns until May.
Oh my! Turn the furnace on if it looks like that outside! We turned ours on a few weeks ago and haven't had any of that yet.
Good job on the run though, hope the chicken was yummy :)
Way to go! I don't know if I could have made it 5K in that stuff.
It was only 74F degrees yesterday when I went to run at 6 PM.
I so don't look forward to that AT ALL!!
Good for you! I am in Oshawa and I stepped outside ready to run and lasted less then 10 minutes. Long enough to run around my block and back. The fact that the snow/rain was hitting me sideways was good reason to return home... You are dedicated!
Wow, way to brave the cold. I can't believe all the snow and the temps. Nice job on the run. I think I would have whimped out.
Good for you but I agree with Christy. Turn your furnace on, it was minus three last night!
Good for you for getting out.
OMG, that is just sick and wrong! Snow this early!! (Although it is predicted for next week here.) And I'm with you about the furnace--doesn't go on until at least Nov.! Get out the fleece!
OMG that is just insane! Is that kind of weather normal for this time of year?!?
HOLY COW that looks COLD!!! We don't see much whote stuff here in SC.
You haven't even turned you heat on. Wild!
I didn't realize there were so many house in the Arctic.........
You RAN in THAT???? OMG. You are so hardcore!! I am impressed! I hope you got something warm to drink/eat after!
HOLY brutality!! I can't believe you ran outside in those conditions. I am not ready for that. That is cray-zay!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hello. I will have to come back and visit your snowy cold blog more now. Sadly my beachy 'hood isn't exactly warm these days.
Oh wow, it looks cold over there! We seem to be alternating between nice days and freezing days, but I know our nice days are going to be very short lived. Sigh, that's Canada for you!
Man, you guys got hit up there! We got a little snow, but it didn't stay on the ground here in Toronto. I had to turn my furnace on, but that was because my wife asked for it. If it was me I'd hold out for November too!
Oh Marlene!!
You look soooo cold, brrrr. That poor pumpkin.
I don't know how you made it out the door. Good for you.
Hugs :)
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