My legs felt absolutely dead during the first part of my warm-up, but fortunately they gradually woke up.
3K warm-up @ 18:43 (1K warm-up @ 5:23)
Target Tempo Pace - 5:00/KM or faster
4:59 - alright, this feels pretty good
4:52 - whoops, too fast. reel it in.
4:58 - that's better
4:59 - hold on tight, just a few more
5:05 - dying a slow death
4:43 - take that! (over-compensate, much?)
Average tempo pace - 4:56/KM (7:56/mi)
Overall, I'm pleased with how well each tempo run has gone. The conditions have been tough, with most mornings thick with humidity. Each week (with the exception of that first 6K), I was able to hit my target pace of sub-5:00/KM (8:03/mi). Hopefully this will pay off in dividends come fall when things finally cool off.
Intervals start next week!
This morning it was also time to bust out some new kicks. I realized over the weekend that I have over 800K (500mi) on my last pair.
Ya think???
I've lost count of how many consecutive pairs of Saucony Progrid Stabil CS shoes I have worn; I just hope they continue to bring good things.
good job on ur tempo run!!!
u r awesome at the tempos!
it was sooo humid this morning. crazy! i am also looking forward to some cooler temps!
Awesome tempo! I'm off to do the same.
YAY on the shoes. Love my Saucony's!!
Love the shoe pic! It was time for sure!
Wow 500 miles!! Great job on the tempo run!! I have had it with the humidity too!! It is way too hot in the mornings! Fall and winter and snow will be upon us soon!
new shoes are the best!!
Good job on your tempo run. And yeah, I'd say it's time for new shoes. LOL
Great are Rockin it this cycle...No Midsumemr Night's Run this year?
Love the shoe picture!
Great job this morning!
Wow, you are killing those heels....
Wow...great work on your speed work sessions. I'm with you ready for this humidity to be done with!!
You have some great wear on your shoes there! Just what I'd want to see in looking at people's old shoes all day - you're in the right shoe!!
Great job on the tempo run! The pic of your shoes is classic.
Awesome, awesome job on the tempo run!! You sure got your monies worth outta those shoes...nice pic btw.
500 miles!!! wow i never get more than 300 out of mine :)
NICE job on the tempo!!! you are doing great lady, keep it up!
You are fast! Time always flies when I'm training for some race. I'm lucky, I get 1200 - 1500km out of my shoes and that is apparently rare.
I just busted out a new pair of shoes yesterday, the exact pair you have, its my second pair and I love them, though I wouldn't mind them in purple instead of blue.
I'm amazed at your tempo run speed!
I need new kicks too, was just to head out to buy some!
wow, nice job! i haven't done a tempo run yet for this marathon but i've been racining on the weekends so that def counts. i've been doing Yasso's 800's mid week, i really like doing them. i use my garmin since the track is off. i only have to run 1 and 3/4 times around, lol.
Whoo hoo! You are doing awesome - I have no doubt it will show :-)
Love the shoe pics - amazing what 500 miles can do!
Great work on your tempos! I have a 6km tonight and will be happy if I can keep a steady 6:05/km.
Thanks for letting us follow along with your training... it inspires and motivates me in my own. And I'm always excited to see other Canadians! :)
Noooo winter noooooo. I much prefer going out half-naked in the soggy air. I hate agonizing over what to wear, how many layers, being too hot/too cold on a run... Boooo on you and your blasphemy ;-) But nice running
Impressive tempo runs!! Dang, look at how worn your shoes are.. Yay for new shoes!
awesome job!! new kicks are the best.
Talk about the rubber hittin' the road! Good for you for making your goal!
You are doing so awesome with your training. And yeah, I think those shoes were very overdue for changing out. You sure ride on that outside edge. :)
Yay for new shoes! Nice job on the tempo run - I'm happy when I hit 1K at that pace!
lol "dying a slow death" yeahh but you rallied!!! way to hang on! you are doing AWESOME!
Awesome job on your last tempo run of this training cycle. You rocked it again! This is going to pay off huge when temps get cooler!
You are a speed demon! Looks like you got your money's worth on those shoes. ;)
Great job on the tempo run!
nice job on the run!!! 500 miles is a great amount on a pair of shoes!!!!!!! jealous!!
Good grief you're fast woman! Nice work on the tempo! Enjoy the new shoes!!
Wow! Great run. Oh, and I've not paid any attention to my shoes than looked at them and had a huge wake up call! It happens so fast. Have fun breakin' the new ones in.
Winks & Smiles,
Even though I stop by here often, I'm still blown away every time I see your speeds!
Great job on the tempo run! And yes, time for new shoes :)
Woohoo on that awesome tempo run!! And yeah, I think it's way time for new shoesies!!
Wow, check out those shoes!!!
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