The rules are:
1. Fill it out
2. Change one question with one of your own
3. Add an additional question
4. Tage 3 other people to do the same
1. What are your current obsessions?
I only have one: running!
2. Which item from your closet are you wearing most often?
Right now I would have to say it's my CityChase shirt from last year. It's a thicker short sleeve - perfect for this time of year. I've been wearing it a LOT lately!

3. Last thing you bought for myself?
Lululemon comfy pants.
4. What’s for dinner?
We had ham with my mother-in-law.
5. Say something to the person who tagged you:
teacherwoman: You have a great spirit and positive attitude. I always enjoy your posts!
6. What is one item you could not live without?
7. Vacation spots you must visit before you die?
8. Three things to do before you die:
a. qualify for Boston
b. have children
c. pay off our house - haha!
9. What are you reading right now?
Chi Running by Danny Dreyer
10. What is the last movie you saw and enjoyed?

11. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Edward Cullen
12. What’s your favorite smell?
Birthday cake.
13.If cost wasn't an issue and you could run any race in the world what would it be?
Great Wall
14. Do you have a goal that you are trying accomplish before 2009 is over?
PR in every distance. Ambitious, I know.
15. Describe one of your happiest moments.
By far, finish line of my first marathon.

16. What was your best Halloween costume?
Hubby and I dressed up as M&M's a couple years ago (both of our names start with M).
17. What do you have an addiction to?
18. What do you do that you would be embarassed for others to know about?
I often get diarrhea before a race. That's embarassing, but I also know I'm not alone.
19. Do you have a favorite training tip?
Rest days and recovery runs are as important as the hard workouts.
20. What is the biggest mistake you have ever made (running-related)?
Running in an underwire bra when I forgot to pack my sports bra. Ouch.
I'll pass this along to:
Diana is guest host for Foto Friday this week. Check it out!
i remember your post about the underwire bra run... lol. Have a great weekend!
Loved reading your answers! I have a chocolate addiction, too :)
running in an underwire bra - yikes!
You guys are cute as M&Ms. I'm sure you will do all three of those things before you die!
Great answers! I love reading your blog as well! Thanks for playing along!
Fun to read. Can't imagine running in the underwire...
Edward Cullen, lol! It was fun to read your answers. I love your marathon pic, finishing a marathon is empowering! Thanks for the tag~
I just want to know what "Lululemon comfy pants" are.
- Dean
Great post! I love chocolate! I believe it heals what ails you! You are going to PR in all distances this year!!
I wish we had a Lululemon down here! Or, that they sold their stuff online.
Fun post! I am addicted to chocolate too.
fun post.
I think I got a little chafing just from reading that last one! ACK!
Have a great weekend!
That was fun! I love reading random stuff about people.
Cute picture in the M&M costume, moe and I are M&M's too!
Love the answers, but the Antartica marathon would be the must do for me. guys make cute M&M's...what a great idea.
Enjoyed reading about you.
Thanks for tagging me! Love the picture from halloween! I always need to run in the right sports bra or it will be a disaster!
I would never be brave enough to even try running in an underwire bra! Forgetting the sports bra is deal breaker for me.
Cute post.
OMG I cringe at the last one. You poor thing!
Great post and answers!
I love these, so interesting, like a peek inside your world, love it! I have to say Twilight is the last fave movie I saw as well, just watched it last weekend.
m&m's!!! love it! :) chocolate addiction - i can certainly sympathize.
Fun post! A big ouch to running in the underwire bra. Cute pics, thanks for sharing:)
yay love these posts!!!
edward cullen is my guilty pleasure too :) haha
Big fan of your #13, Im not sure why though.. o wait! :)
I am risking my life to make sure the race is safe enough for you, wait until my report, haha
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