I can handle the rain, but this...

...is a little too difficult to navigate.
I must be crazy, because I still gave it a shot. I ran a warm-up lap and slogged straight through the
puddle lake on the track, thinking maybe it wasn't too deep. WRONG! It was pouring rain as I splashed my way through the ankle-deep water, and all I could do was laugh. It was actually kind of fun, but would have been more fun in rubber boots. Two minutes into my workout and my feet and shoes were 100% water-logged, but I wasn't ready to give up just yet. I tried a few modified laps where I ran back and forth, turning around when I reached the flooding, but the sharp stops/turns were killing me. It was also impossible to keep track of my distance - isn't the whole purpose of track running to have a set 400m lap?
Anyway, after a few sloppy non-laps I decided to throw in the towel and went for a wet run through the neighbourhood instead. Here I am after 10K in the rain.

I'm disappointed that my first track workout didn't go as planned, but as they say... try try again!
at least you're smiling at the end despite being soaked, cute pic. splashing through puddles is fun, hopefully next week will work out better :)
Ha, that is a lake! Oh way, there will be other days to hit the track...
There's limited appeal to splashing through puddles that are the size of lakes. I would have thrown int he towel before even attempting, so good for you for at least trying!
Yikes! I think I would've skipped it for sure. Our elementary school dirt track had a pretty big lake this spring, but I was able to run around it on the grass.
Great job getting out there anyway...
You are very brave.
btw, a friend taught me to stuff wet shoes with newspaper to help dry them! i find it works great!
BACTERIA! Just kidding, I'm a total hypocontriac like that. :o)
Way to tough it out in the rain!
Hahaha. You're one tough chick. I wool have walked home dejected and cried.
Definitely a good try! I was foiled at the track too yesterday as it seems they had blocked off 100m of the track! Its not easy to have to stop and turn around on a track! I wish this rain would stop! Rainy runs are fun but its like down pouring here!!
Shhhhheessh. it seemed that you have more rain than I do here. You are such a good sport !!! Love your attitude.
You get gold stars for trying, I would have looked at that and walked away!
Good for you for not letting a few lakes on the track stop you!
Looks like your in FL instead of Canada! WOW that is some wettness!
That is hilarious, I can't believe you even attempted it! :) How do track teams practice with tracks like that?!
yikes that is way to crazy to try to maneuver! Good choice on skipping, you'll have another day soon to try the track!
LOL that is a track?!/! hehehe. great pic, too :) get the woman a TOWEL! hahaha... there will be a next time!!! i really do love the track. it's so hard sometimes but you feel so accomplished after... get the job done! you're doing great!!
Good job!!!
You are a braver soul than I-- I would have stayed in. I HATE running through puddles yet alone lakes like that one!
love the smile, though, and the dedication!
Love the pic! Way to get out there and brave the elements.
Sorry for the Hiatus! But I am finally caught up. I love your dedication through the rain! Makes me look like a wimp. Now every time it rains I will think of the time you ran on a lake!
That is one HUGE puddle. Good for you for trying to run through it. Perhaps a bathing suit next time?! :)
yeahhh i definitely would have even attempted going thru/near that puddle! i probably would have turned around and gone home :) way to go and still get a good workout in, here's hoping track day #2 goes better!
Impressive! I only run in the rain if it starts after I'm out there or if it's a race. LOL
MCM Mama
hahah I LOVE that you ran anyway!!! This rain is not giving up anyyyywhere, geeze! we all need to take your attitude and just keep goin - ankle deep or not.
Great job getting out there and trying to run in the lake! Glad to see you smiling at the end, running in the rain has a way of making you feel like a kid again!
Kudos for trying. I wouldn't have even started...
Too bad about all that rain. Our kids' baseball practices have been rained out the last two days too. I really like running on a track, but my body seems to be a bit fragile for real speed interval type workouts. I hope to do more this summer, something like one every week. Good luck with your track workouts!
Sheesh! That's the track???
Sorry your speed work didn't go as planned...but you'll have many more successful ones. Great job on the 10K.
Holy smokes it is wet out there! So sorry to hear you got rained out on the track workout. Fingers crossed you have some better weather heading your way soon!!
Hi Marlene,
I am not running SD (I wish!!), but I am running the TO womens half (although just for fun since I am saving my energy for Indiana). Hope to see you there!
Definitely valiant! That's too bad that it didn't work out. Next time!
haha this is hilarious. i tried to run on our track when it had rained and there were huge puddles like that too... makes the workout pretty difficult :) since track workouts arent hard enough already!
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