I think I have made it quite clear that I am extremely excited about the Olympics and I've been watching as much of the action as possible (this often entails tuning in to the live feeds from my computer at work, shhhhh!).
You may have also noticed my snazzy widget tracking the Olympic Medals up above.
In honour of The Games, I'm excited to announce this special Vancouver 2010 Giveaway. Wouldn't you love to own a pair of your very own Red Mittens?

As Danica has clearly demonstrated, even Cali girls can wear red mittens!
The red mittens that you can win are extra special because they have been up close and personal with my sister's Olympic torch.
To win Red Mittens:
(1) Tell me anything you like (or dislike) about the Olympics! What's your favourite event? Any particular athlete(s) you are rooting for? Leave a comment!
(2) Follow this blog or let me know that you already do. Leave a comment!
(3) Link this giveaway on your own blog. Leave a comment!
This giveaway ends on Monday, February 22nd at 12 Noon EST.
I love the Olympics but I am hating how many commercials our local network has during the events! My favorite even to watch is bobsled.
I follow you on my google reader!
I follow you on my google reader!
This is the coolest giveaway!
I'm already a follower.
And what I don't like about the olympics is the terrible coverage. I want to see athletes competing, not hear about polar bears. My favorite event, speed skating! My heart beats faster and my legs start to get antsy when I watch it!
I love figure skating and would love for Joanie Rochette to win a medal (she's canadian :))
Faithful follower!
It's being linked to my sidebar as we "speak" :)
Google reader follower too! Um, I don't have a TV so (shame) I haven't been watching - except at happy hour it was on at the bar (curling) haha! oof.
Favorite winter events - downhil skiing, the half pipe, and Figure Skating! (Yup, love the figure skating!!)
I love the olympics! I DVR every minute of coverage. By far my favorite winter event is speed skating, more short track than long. Oh, and snowboard cross is awesome too!
I love downhill skiing and snowboarding half pipe and biathlon and cross country skiing. Im not a huge fan of luge.
I'm a follower!
And I linked to your giveaway - I edited it into my post from this morning!
I have really enjoyed the 2010 Winter Olympics. The cross country skiing is my favorite event to watch. I actually imagined myself doing it when I was on the elliptical the other day at the gym. Poles in hand...go! LOL!
I linked this giveaway on my sidebar. Awesome red gloves...gotta have 'em!!! :)
I am not watching the Winter Olympics but like having a pulse on how things are going in general. Thanks for the little widget at the top of your blog!
What I dislike about the Olympics is that I am not there in person to participate in all the fun, especially since my husband's sister lives in Van.
You betcha I am a follower!!!!!
i dislike the fact that men's figure skating has such crazy outfits, why can't they just wear a uniform as opposed to a costume ??
i follow you
I love snowboarding, Shaun White is the coolest person alive, in my opinion. I also really love curling, I love that it's like shuffleboard on crack.
I'm already a follower!
And I linked on my blog. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!
I love watching the marathon as the last event.... oh wait a minute wrong one! I love the AT& T commercial with the female skater....
OMG I mega heart the Olympics!
It's beyond hard to choose but I'll say figure skating is my fave only because I am an old washed up one.
Of course I'm a follower!
i already follow you :)
this is awesomeeeeeeeee! now if only your sis would give away her sweet torch-runner outfit :)
And I linked you on the blog!
i love the olympics. i think speed skating is my fav, but i like a lot of the events. i am more interested in xc skiing this year -- i guess if my running goes down i can always take up skiing?
One of my biggest gripes about the Olympics this year is CNN's Twitter activity. They keep announcing medalists before the competitions are aired! Thanks for being such spoilsports, CNN!
But I have a newfound love for snowboard cross. I've never been skiing or snowboarding in my life, but it fascinates me!
Of course I already follow you ;)
I love the Olympics when all my friends, family, colleagues and random people in the street/store/gym are all SO into it!
I follllow!
Those mittens are like a piece of history!
The fiance and I love to watch Olympic hockey. It's so nice to see guys play on European sized ice and really open up the game.
and I follow you
and you're linked back
which is your favorite? you didn't share!!
a link has been added!
Following you already
I linked to your giveaway in my latest post :)
I never use to like the winter Olympics but for whatever reason I am so into it now! I love watching snow boarding and skiing (maybe because I suck at both?) and of course HOCKEY!!! I am cheering for USA and Canada! I hope they both continue to do well in all events
i love winter olympics, but there is always some sort of judging controversy (last night it was mens figure skating) that is a downer.
i'm a follower
1. I am loving the snowboarding events! I usually love figure skating the best, but since I've become more of a runner than a dancer these past few years, I've been more interested in the racing events. The speed skating relay is really cool!
2. I started following you today!
3. I linked you from my latest post.
My hubby and i are avid watchers of the Olympics. Love the skiing, snowboard, curling and of course ice hockey. I'm a total klutz on ice and am constantly amazed at what people can put their bodies through with these elements
I am LOVING all the fun gear, outfits!! Super entertaining, I always wonder how much things cost.
I WANT these mittens, I love Canada!!
I Follow you,
you Follow me,
we will cross the Marathon Finish line together happily.
LOL do cheesy poems give me extra credit??
I linked, but you already know that :)
Have a GREAT weekend!
i love the olympics. I was cheering for Canada to sweep at the Women's moguls, but we just got the silver. which was great, but a sweep would have been better.
Now i am looking for our Hockey teams to kick some butt!!! yay! Go CANADA Go!!!
and yes, i would love some mittens! they are fabulous!!!!
I like the Olympics! I wish there was more coverage (of other events and other athletes in addition to top US athletes) and shown at earlier times of the day.
I am a follower!
I had fun watching the snowboarding last night. The only thing I don't like is that it comes on so late at night.
I follow your blog!
I linked the giveaway on my blog! :) Those mittens are so cool!
I linked the giveaway on my blog! :) Those mittens are so cool!
I love the Olympics!!! Although it does make me kinda sad when I hear that the individual has been training since they were 2. Come on! Let the kids be kids!
I'm a follower!
Curling curling curling! Cheryl Bernard rocks!
haha what a cute picture. THe red mittens are super cute! I like the summer swimming better than anything - for winter, I'm not into much ofit!
I love the Olympics, but would you believe I haven't seen a single event? Only snippets that have shown up on the news. I've gotten out of the habit of watching tv and can't seem to do it even for the Olympics.
I'm a follower.
I linked the giveaway from my blog.
I love the figure skating, but hate the new scoring system. Love those mittens!
EEEEEEEEK! I ahve wanted a pair of those mittens ever since I saw them! The person I have been rooting for is Lindsay Vonn..she did awesome!
I am a loyal follower!
I love the hockey! I hear they may cancel the woman's hockey next Olympics....how sad would that be?
I love that Australia won a medal using a Canadian-born athlete while Canada won a medal with an Australian-born one.
I am a follower!!
I love the downhill skiing. I truthfully love most events. I am salivating over those mittens.
I love watching the Olympics!! My favorite winter sports would be anything downhill that involves flips or the bobsled stuff. I also watched curling today and thought that was neat once i figured out what was going on!!
I would die if i won those mittens- i want some BAD!!
I am now a follower!!!!
I have linked this on my blog.
Ohhh! I'd love to wear these mittens! My dad is from Canada, and I love the Olympics!! :)
I'm also a follower!
I do enjoy the olympics and I really like the ice skating the best. I love Shaun White though for snowboarding. So great.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
I do enjoy the olympics and I really like the ice skating the best. I love Shaun White though for snowboarding. So great.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
Oooooh!! Love the red mittens! I'm already a follower obviously!
Loving the events, snowboarding, cross, etc. And I LOVE that we finally won some Gold medals on Canadian soil! YAY!
Oooh, I'm very excited about your mitten give away; I heard on the Today Show that they were the latest crave at the Olympics and were hard to come by. You have special sources, I guess :). What I don't like about the Olympics is that it just looks cold. I'm over winter and everything and it looks just so cold. How lame is that?? What I love is the ski racing when they area all racing together and the speed skating when they're all racing together - you know, like running a race :). I find that the most exciting!
And I am a follower :). Yea!
I'm a follower! Yeahhh!
Oh, and I love the aerialist skiiers - what they can do is amazing!
Best Giveaway ever!! I don't know how they work, but needed to post and tell you:
a) Best give away ever! S'toon has NO mitts, and I've done everything but camp out at Zellers since Nov. Not only are these a pair- they're the TORCH HOLDING grippy pair! WOW!!!! :)
b) Favourite event: Hockey! ;)
c) Favourite thing about Olympics: Opening Ceremonies and how our diversity was shown off and celebrated!
d) Favourite Moment: "We Are More" Shane Koyczan
e) more of a stalker than a follower! I stood by on WB while you planned your gorgeous wedding! :) Now I just stalk you though Meggiebeth.. ;)
Okay, ignore my above comment about being grippy- I just re-read it and found that these aren't HER mitts- and am now grateful, because I had to go back and re-read it because I couldn't figure out why on earth she'd want to give away THOSE torch carrying mitts. Phew! ;) These are still pretty spectacular to have touched, and been made authentic, by a torch! :)
I love the Olympics. The opening cerimony is one of the best parts. What I really love is the commitment and strength of the athletes. To crash on the half pipe and get up, try again. Or to lose it in a turn on the hill crashing through the netting and sliding face first through the snow. You wipe yourself off, get up and go for it again the next day. Hemmingway's favorite saying was First one must endure( Il, faut d'abord durer ) As for the TV coverage, the back stories are a litte long but without it how would we know what these athletes have gone through to get where they are, how would we have any feeling for them. Thanks for the chance to win the mittens. The would be an awesome peice of history to share with my daughter. We live in North Carolina and get little snow. But on the night of the opening cerimonies we had our family olympic party, just the 3 of us. It snowed about 3 inches and covered our back yard. It made us feel like we were there in Canada. After my 5 mile run on Saturday morning we had the chance to have our own winter Olympic fun sleding down the hills. I have linked you to my blog. Keep on running I know I will.
I love the Olympics. I think my favorite part is that every night of the week there is something fun to watch! My favorite thing to watch is probably figure skating in the winter Olympics, but I am also really into speed skating and skiing too :)
Also, I follow you!
And I'm linking to your giveaway in my blog right now :)
We love curling at our house because it appears to be an easy sport that anyone could handle, yet it's actually really complicated and unique.
Fingers crossed for the mittens! My Canadian friend has a pair and I am jealous!
I love curling. The men's are aimed to kick ass. and this year I've really gotten into speed skating too.
I'm following you!!
Linked on my blog!
I love snowboarding!
And I follow you on my google reader :)
Awww...those are cute mittens!
My favorite thing about the olympics is the amount of pride each athlete has for their country, and how important it is for them to for not just themselves, but their country as well.
I am a follower of yours on Blogspot.
It is posted on my blog couch2track.blogspot.com
My fave part of the Olympics is seeing the "flying tomato"...he is amazing!! I used to like the ice skating part but not so much these days! These days I like the outside sports (snow boarding) and seeing the atheletes pumped after a great run!
By the way...I follow your blog. I find your blog very inspirational and hope to someday be able to run as much as you. I'm struggling though....but at least I've got a mean walk!! :O)
Awesome giveaway!
I've been a follower for a while : )
Unfortunately I don't have a tv, so I've had to get my Olympic fix elsewhere, but my fave event is ice skating, hands down! I still remember when I was a little girl and watched them...I so wanted to be one!
I am a follower! :)
I love everything about the Olympics. I will watch anything! My faves are the skiing & skating events. But really, anything on will occupy my attention!
Love Love Love the Olympics. Hard to pick just one athlete that I enjoy...but if you insist ;-) - I'd pick Bode Miller. What an example of how changing your mind/attitude can impact your performance!
I love watching the Olympics - I've had the flu and it's the only thing that kept me sane. I love watching the figure skating, speed skating and the skiing - in that order. I'm rooting for Lindsay Vonn, Bode Miller, Apolo ohno and ALLL the AMERICAN figure skaters.
I follow your blog
Your giveaway is linked to my blog - I hope I win.
Looks like I just missed out on the entering. :-(
Well, I'll still say that while I LOVE curling, cross country skiing is my new favorite to watch.
Good luck to those who beat the deadline.
I am a new follower
I *LOVE* the Olympics and my favorite this year is figure skating!
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