May 21-23: Racing With Babes - "Rock Your Socks" Virtual 10K and Half Marathon
May 22-23: Dare to Tri - Fargo Marathon Challenge 5K + 10K
May 22: Steph's 50 Marathon Challenge - Fargo Marathon
May 23: Cross Country Squared - CB Half Marathon (5K)
Strawesome glass straws @ RunToTheFinish **Ends today!**
B-natal Therapops @ Happy Runner
"Beer is Good" @ MCM Mama
RxSorbo Insoles @ Endurance Isn't Only Physical
Fitness Mag Subscription @ Weight Loss Mama
CEP Compression Socks @ Barefoot Angie Bee
"Choose You Get Healthy" Gift Bag @ Shut Up and Run
Honoring Alex: Power of 10 Giveaway @ Running Off at the Mouth
After Thoughts and Lessons Learned @ Shut Up and Run
RunningLaur's first marathon @ When I get a little, run run run...
ST30 Challenge @ Dietician on the Run
The Happy Runner's gender reveal!
Worth a Tri's wedding recap!
Adventures in our Funny Farm had a baby!
Please let me know if you deserve a HIGH FIVE today!
Weight Loss Mama tagged me for The Versatile Blogger Award!

What does this mean? It means I get to name 7 random things about me and then tag 15 of you to do the same. Here goes:
1. I only like under-ripe bananas; they have to be green.
2. I have had a terrible habit of chewing my nails ever since I was a kid. I finally willed myself to stop a couple months ago and they are growing out beautifully! I think I should treat myself to a manicure soon.
3. I have worked at my current job as an Executive Assistant for more than eight years.
4. I have a very strong distaste for seafood. I want to like it, but I just can't. Blech.
5. Hubs and I bought our current townhouse in 2008. We would love to upgrade in the next few years, and we hope to move into a "
6. After all the hype, I recently acquired a taste for green monsters. For weeks I have been enjoying almost-daily fruit & (greek) yogurt smoothies with a big ol' handful of the green stuff. Yum!
7. Three of my favorite TV shows are ending this year (24, Lost, Flash Forward). What am I going to do with myself? (Run more...)
Tag! You're it:
Have a great weekend!
Fun post! Thanks for the giveaway shout! have a great weekend!
Your high five Friday is so good! I love the pictures! I like green bananas too!
Oh and have a good weekend!!
green bananas?!? yuck! I like them slightly brown. ;-p
Thanks for the linky love :)
I used to like only very ripe bananas with freckles. Now I like them with a little green on the stem. Maybe someday I'll be like you :-)
High five back to you!! I hate fish too, although I have no desire to try to like them. I don't like bananas but maybe I would enjoy under ripe ones? Hmmm...
Thanks for the tag! :)
I can't stomach a yellow banana either...ick! But I do save them if they're in the yellow stage til they're in the brown stage and make banana bread. Yum! Thanks for the award, will work on my 7 this weekend! Have a great weekend!!
Yay weekend!
CUTE high five icon! I love the pink socks and fruit punch (right? that's fruit punch?!)
Hey, thanks for the shout out!! I loved the random things about you. No seafood, eh?
oh my gawd you're adorable, that picture is too cute. loving the high five vie this friday
Love the pic and high fives!
I didn't know flash forward wasn't renewed... dang!
Wow oh wow!! You did WAY better than me this week.
OK off to link you in..
all my shoes finale-ed last night. nothing to watch on thursday nights anymore. i guess running more is the answer! hahhaha
i am glad that you finally got around to the green monsters. they are delicious!
ya u deserve a nice manicure and pedicure after all the hard work on your feet and the no-chewing of the nails. Go for it!!!!
Thanks for the tag!!!
no seafood and under ripe bananas??? craziness.
I LOVE that you LOVE green monsters. I knew you would love them! :) Oh yeah, and on the green banana thing, I should have sent you my bundle of green bananas! Sheessh!
And yay for spreading all the good news. I think is super fun and gives me tons of new blogs to check out! Enjoy your weekend Marlene!!
I only like under-ripe bananas too. Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the shoutout. High five to you too!! :o)
I love your High Five Logo! You are going to win.
I like green bananas too. I've been an assistant (aka doing-everything-he-takes-credit-for girl for 10 years)
Have a wonderful weekend.
Cute post! Have a great long weekend ;)
I like my bananas over ripe almost brown. Have a great long weekend!
LOVE your high five photos, especially rockin' the compression socks!
Have a great weekend!
sweet post!!
Eww, green bananas!
(Did you know banana is a hard word to type when you've had a coupel of beers? Too bad you live across theboarder and I can't send you beer or wine. :0(
Thanks for the link love.
love the pic with the comp socks and glass of wine or drink :)
Thanks for the link AND the tag! You should definitely treat yourself to a manicure :-)
Your high-five Friday is awesome!!!
A manicure is a must :)
love love your high five pic.
I like under-ripe bananas too and my husband likes them over-ripe. You could say we have a well-balanced relationship.
FUN list and yeah for green monsters!
Wow, there's so much here, I don't know what to comment on!
F.U.N! I didn't see that Mel was doing this...
Hope the weekend was awesome.
ah, sorry I'm late but THANK YOU for the high five!! That's a cute concept :) I'm a fan!
I'm also going to send you all the green bananas - I think you're one of a small group that likes them ;) heh (kidding..sort of...)
On that green note, I have to admit I haven't enjoyed the GREEN monsters yet. Maybe I'll have to give them another try...
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