As planned, I was up and at 'em
Juliana decided to join me and it was great to have company in the dark morning hours (hubs ran with us for the first little while as well). Imagine, 3 crazies running through the park at 4:30 in the morning! (and I thought Goofy started early!) It felt like we had the world to ourselves and while we ran right through the sunrise, it still came as a surprise when suddenly our surroundings were lit up with daylight.
We were treated to a pleasant chill in the air (about 16C/61F) and felt great throughout the run, picking it up for the final stretch. Definitely a good start to my day!
21K/13mi (step-back week) - 2:05:20... all before 6:30AM.
So 21K is doable before work... I should be all set when it shows up in my MWML run schedule a few weeks from now.
Have a great weekend!
wow, that's dedication! sounds like it was a really nice run though - glad you had some company out there. Have a great weekend!
Great job! I need to go back and read about your Goofy Challenge now....how fun :-)
Well done, that is great! I do this from time to time as well and always love it.
You are inspirational!
You are awesome. The weather sounds great! I wish we had a little bit of that here in Florida!
If you can't say anything nice........... That's just plain F&^King insane............
Now that is dedication! You rock! And tell me more about this chill in the air...
Oh Marlene...I have to agree with Coach Ken. I want to know how much coffee you are drinking by about 3:30pm today! Oh, and I appreciate your conversions for us "non metrics". They are very helpful! Have a great weekend!
marlene, u might be my hero. plus, u r a little insane, but in an awesome way.
i dont know how u do it!
I am seriously impressed with you. I mean I have been before obviously but I also am today. I definitely like getting up before work to work out, but 3:30 is still the middle of the night and not the morning at all as far as I'm concerned (morning starts at 5am in my mind haha). Good job on your 21 K before work!
marlene, u might be my hero. plus, u r a little insane, but in an awesome way.
i dont know how u do it!
You guys are amazing! A 3:30 wake up call is not an easy thing to deal with
next time you get up at 3:30am can you come over and screech in my bird's ear so he can get a taste of his own medicine?! hehehe. WOW that is early marlene. i'm so glad you had company, too. 13 miles before 6:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is just mind boggling. tell me you took an ice bath? my legs hurt just thinking about it :)
Awesome! You beat me by a few hrs but I got it done. I am working at home today so it was a much needed ice bath for me. Have a great weekend!
This just motivated me not to complain at ALL during my 10-11 miler tomorrow at 7am! Way to go!
Woohoo, that's the way to get 'er done! Hope you plow through work with a big smile...and get to bed early tonight. Have a great weekend!!!
WOW!!! So are you napping at your desk now? :)) That is serious early girl!! WAY TO GO!!!!
wow that just helped inspire me for my long run over the weekend. Way to go!
Wow. You are amazing. I'm curious what time you go to bed when you get up at these crazy hours?
Marlene + 21K +3:30am = super dedication!!!!
Since most of the time I don't get to bed until 12 or 12:30, I have to agree with some of your other commenters that I don't believe 3:30 is the monring. It's night, which makes you a super awe inspiring and amazingly motivated runner in my mind!
Good job, and enjoy the long weekend!
Finally! I found another crazy pre-sunrise runner. I'm out the door by 4AM on my long run weekdays. This week was torturous!
You are so lucky to have people to run with at that hour. I have to take my dog with me for the 1st hour, drop him off and continue on to get the rest of the miles in.
What a great run you had!
Awesome job!
I'm suddenly inspiried to get my booty up early tomorrow to get mine done! Hmmm...
Good luck at work! And enjoy your weekend now that you have the long run monkey off your back ;)
WOW!! 3:30 is soooo early. Good job!
LOL- I guess it is possible, but whew- 4:45am has been the earliest for me so far and I can't imagine getting up any earlier unless it's a all nighter.
Way to Go!
Ahhhh I can't even imagine! I have the feeling that if my alarm went off at 3:30 AM, I'd be very confused, think it was some sort of mistake and hit the snooze button for another few hours.
Way to go!
I could not do that. I hate early mornings. Glad you had company on your run.
oi vey, you guys are nuts!
Wow 13 miles before 6.30! Awesome :-)
Bowing deeply to you. WOW!
I agree. Bowing to you!!!
Amazing. You have rock solid determination!
woah, good job! 3:30 am is real dedication!
woah, good job! 3:30 am is real dedication!
Awesome, Marlene, hope you get some sleep:)
OMG - you rock! Hope you found some time for a snooze though ;) Have a great weekend!
Rockstar You!! way to to kick those miles when the rest of us is still a snoozing!
You inspire me to run long in the morning! Wow! That is great! I hope you have a great weekend!
Wow! That is late...I mean early :)
That is both crazy and inspirational! You did it!
Okay, okay. No more whining about getting up for 5:00 spin class!
Sooo early! Did you crash at anytime during the rest of the day?
Wow. that. is. EARLY. I woke up at 415 and was SERIOUSLY proud of myself. You have taken early bird to a whole new level. Nice work! I now feel inspired to wake up early tomorrow.
it stresses me out to have to do more than 8 before work b/c I feel so far behind on my morning routine. but i have put in a few 20s before work...it was rough but so nice to have it done and out of the way for the wknd!
Comment #46.. Holy What??? You are soooo DEDICATED!! Way to get up and attem.. I feel like a total slacker, I did not run once this week..
Way to go! That's serious stuff.
Hope you had a great weekend!
So proud of you! That is some serious determination to get up that early and hash it out. But how great that you have a good support system to run with you. I don't think I could run a half marathon alone in the dark. Lol - way to inspire!
I was just talking with a friend about how I am such an afternoon runner/workout person. And then I see your post... 3:30???? Geez. I can't fathom waking up at 7am. You have me wayyyyyyy beat. Great job!
WOW, thats early in the morning!.
Ok, now that's impressive! Congrats on making it happen!
Winks & Smiles,
dang thats early! way to get up and get work DONE!
Oh, I remember those days of having to get up in the middle of the night to get those runs in; I'd be running in Toronto and people were still going home from the bars. Running habits are forced to change once kids join the scene.
Are you still running in Oakville? The 10K or the half?
OH my word, that is amazing and inspiring!! that is crazy early!! way to go!
Wow. I cannot believe you got up so early! I grumble when I have to get up before 6:30 to run! Great job. That is definitely dedication.
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