The majority of our group was running a shorter distance (fall-back week), but a few of us wanted to tackle our first 20-miler so we set early for the extra. It helped breaking the run into two parts, although we were definitely nervous about what the remainder of the run had in store for us when we found ourselves soaking wet and pretty tired from the first part. After 13K, we made our way back to the starting point where we picked up the rest of the group. This was also a great opportunity for fluid refills - we were going to need it!
I popped a couple of Advils for pain management (City Chase had trashed my legs!) and it worked, for the most part. Throughout the run, I kept wondering which was worse - the uphills which were exhausting or the downhills which were painful. Either way, the bigger concern was the thick air and the feeling that we were overheating. Occasionally we enjoyed a breeze, but when we didn't, it was downright unbearable. I was truly tempted to just stop and sit down on the side of the road. Most of us seemed to be running out of fluids but others shared and we all looked out for one another. I could not have been happier to have company; it's the only way I was able to keep moving.
As we neared the end of the run, we had to climb a steep embankment in order to pick up a trail that would take us most of the way to the end. We practically had to get down on our hands and knees in order to get up there. We finally made it, but many of us were feeling woozy so we decided to walk for several minutes until everyone felt well enough to continue.
Eventually, we made our way back. Between the conditions, my weekly mileage (a new PR of 89K/55mi!) and City Chase, this was one of the most difficult long runs I can remember.
32.5K (20.2mi) - 3:16:11 - 6:02/km (9:42/mi)
After the run, we were all treated to an awesome pool party, BBQ and wine-tasting (at 11AM, love it!) at the home of one of our runners. I went straight in the gorgeous swimming pool in my running gear and stayed in until I smelled the food. It was just what we needed to unwind after an extremely challenging run.

After a much-needed rest day on Monday, I was ready to hit the track this morning. My legs were still feeling pretty tired and beat-up, but I had plans to meet Juliana, so I figured I would warm-up and see what I could do. It was great to have company, especially sneaking onto the "PRIVATE! NO TRESPASSING!" track. After a nice warm-up at the park, we headed over and
It was still dark, dead quiet and somehow welcoming. J and I were each doing our own thing, but it was nice to have someone there. Another guy showed up to run a lap or two, but didn't stick around.
The workout: 6 x 800 with 400m (roughly 2:30) recoveries
3:22 - clearly a little too eager
3:31 - that's better
3:29 - telling myself it's okay to stop at 4 repeats
3:30 - telling myself I have to do at least 5
3:24 - made it this far, might as well finish up!
3:27 - ahhhh, done!
Average = 3:27 (4:19/KM, 6:57/mi!!)
I'm definitely pleased with how well this went. After dropping J off at her car, I ran a little farther to wrap up 13K (8.1mi) for the day.
Finished just in time for sunrise.
You are a machine doing that long run after the city chase...and in humidity too.
Stupid slow iPhone. I was trying to be first. Guess I'll be first loser instead.
So yeah. 9:03s after a day of City Chasin'. Nothing to be ashamed of here! That'd be a great pace to me even with a rest day before hand! You and Aron, my role models this year I swear :)
I seriously applaude you. I'm having issues getting out at all never mind a long run after City Chase.
Wow nice job on that long run. And BTW I want to live in that house. Lounging by the pool, sauntering into the wine cellar for a drink...ahh, the life!
good job on those intervals!!
and ya sunday morning was not a fun day for a run!! the temperatures seem much better this week, so hopefully no more super humid mornings!!
great job marlene~
We kept calling our run on Sunday the Death Valley Run. Not a lick of breeze the last 10km...crazies we all are.
Awesome job and I would have sold my hubs for access to a pool after our run. What a gorgeous house!
AMAZING run. You rock. I love your after photos!!
Damn, Marlene! You are getting fast! 9:03 pace for 20 miles in THAT kind of weather? And 55 mi (which by the way is more miles than ive ever run in a week!) And 6:57 ave pace for those 800s?! WOWZERS!!! Whens ur next marathon and what is your goal??
You are just awesome...20 miles after the City Chase...only one rest and then back to, impressive!
You are one strong lady! No sure how you did it. Great job!
I love that pool! Nice to have well equiped friends.
I just don't know where you get that energy. Great job sticking to your plan!
Marlene, gun time for the top 100 bc we were eligible for prize money LOL, yeah right!! They knew the winner would come from the top 100 so thats why. I was only like 15 min off...:-P
Great job on the run and the mileage! I can't wait to see what you do when it comes to race day!
Sunday was, in a word, unbearbale. I run 3.5K so I have no idea how anyone managed the distance you did! Good job!
Love the pic <3
sounds like the best day ever!
First off, you're a rockstar for going out in that weather! Group or no group my bottie would have been on the dreadmill! NICE JOB!
AND nice job at the track! I hope this week is cooler for you!
*jealous* of the pool & wine cellar! What a great day!
Awesome! Sunday so so brutally hot....I only did 20km and thought that was brutal...20miles after City Chase! You are a machine! Great job on toughing it out!
That's awesome you stuck to it with al that humidity.
man, i need friends with wine cellars like that!!
great job getting through with the heat and humidity. it's been brutal but fall is right around the corner!
You always crack me up with your City Chases...good for you.
Wow, I want to live in that pool, how gorgeous!! Not to mention the wine cellar.
Good job getting out there this morning, it was gorgeous!
great job! I have my first 18 miles this weekend, but life is crazy i won't be able to wear my recovery socks until night time. Is this OK? Did you do anything for recovery after your long run??
Marlene you are sooo DEDICATED!!! Heat, Hills and 20 miles!! I almost died on my 8 miler and it was not nearly that hot.. and look at you Speedster! I need to get out there and do some repeats.
AMAZING how having company can make the miles pass....I still doubt I would have finished Rock N Roll Seattle without you :)
You're crazy! All that hard work is sire to pay off!
um wow those are some speedy intervals!!! NICE job and even after all the other time on your feet - impressive :)
geez you are putting in some awesome mileage... hope no more advil is needed for those legs! Welcome to running in FL humidity...ick
If I ever pass you on a run, just trip me! You are amazing.
You ran so fast on that 20 miler!! Especially after the City Chase! Congrats on the weekly mileage PR!! 55 miles is a TON!!
That pool looks amazing! Must have been so nice to sit in that!!
Great job on the 800s!
You are a MID-NIGHT runner!!! Bet you are living in your CEP socks!
Great job girl!
Oh that house!!! Crazy running, you are wicked good!
I wanna be in your running group just so I can go in that gorgeous pool. Ahhh heaven!
You are awesome lady. Just awesome!
WOW! Congrats on getting through a tough 20 in those temps. You also have one heck of a running group. I want that pool and wine cellar!!! You are rocking all the runs!!! Keep up the fantastic work!
Wow, awesome job on finishing such a tough 20 miler and topping off your week with 55 miles! Amazing.
Thanks for the great company this morning. Holy crap you were doing those repeats fast, thank goodness we were doing different "ladders" for I would have been deflated having you whiz by at those speeds. Until next week!
Awesome job on your run! You are amazing with the mileage you put in! What a treat to have that pool to go in after!
40 degrees! I've been seriously deluded thinking Canada was cold.
wow great job on the LR and tempo tuesday! you rock!
Wow, amazing job on your long run in those conditions. You are a machine!
Man, I need friends with houses like that!
Good job on the 20 miles and wow are you getting fast on those intervals!
Marlene, are hardcore. Incredible!
The long run recap is impressive with that heat. Having a track recap in the same post is even more impressive! Way to go! I also had that thought this weekend, the tough uphill or the painful downhill.
Marlene, you are amazing!!! Plus you are getting so fast!!!!
I officially proclaim you 'CRAZY'! Your certificate is in the mail........
That is a SUHWEET 20-mile pace the day after City Chase in that humidity!
The pool & wine made it soooo worthwhile though ;)
Where can I find friends with a pool like that? I'm rollin' with the wrong peeps.
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