- first day of TOTM (sorry guys) - feeling uggggh
- this is a huge training week... it's normal to feel tired
- didn't eat enough; finished running at 8:40 and no dinner!
- we don't run on a track, but in a residential area (see below)... sharp turns, cars, uneven roads and an uphill home stretch!
- it was dark for the majority of our run - makes it difficult to run fast on roads with traffic and other obstacles (potholes, etc.)

All that being said, I feel pretty good about it. 10 x 800 is no joke!
3:46 - starting on the slow side
3:40 - feeling okay so far
3:44 - ooof, my stomach hurts
3:39 - how many more???
3:39 - okay, half way there!
3:41 - are you sure this isn't number 8?
3:32 - this is when I really wanted to quit
3:40 - just hold on...
3:36 - ... for dear life
3:44 - no kick for the finish this time
Average - 3:40/800
Overall: 16.8KM(10.4mi) - 1:30:49 - 5:23/KM(8:40/mi)
As of this week (after Tuesday's run, to be precise), I have officially surpassed my total mileage for the entire year of 2009: 1422 miles/2288 KM.
After last night's run, my current mileage for 2010 is: 1444.6 miles/2924.9 KM. Insane! Running 4 marathons this year might have something to do with that. Speaking of which...
Today marks one month until the Goodlife Toronto Marathon - my 6th! Training recap/thoughts and race goals coming soon.
To mark the occasion, a couple of photos from my first marathon back in September 2008 (Race Report). I will never forget that day.

Have a great weekend!
LOVE that finish line photo! Makes me smile!!
Great job with the speed work. I'm hoping to start track workouts next week (depending on my effort this Sunday at the half). If not, the week after. I'm a little scared!
Wow, respect for those 800's! Love your 1st marathon photos!
10 X 800 on the road in the dark!! You totally rock!
Great mileage for the year too.
Love those pics :)
officially 1 month till the Goodlife marathon. ur 6th?? my first????eeeeekkkkk.
wow ur 800s are fast. with times like that, u will be boston bound in no time!!!
cool pix! u always look so happy and strong when running.
happy friday!
awesome job...I am so happy speed work is DONE.
I LOVE both those race photos...very inspiring!
Those pictures of you - man, the best. You should be the poster child for why everyone should want to run a marathon. . . ."you'll feel like this after" . . people would sign up right and left.
i feel like those first marathon photos really capture the "essence" of marlene :) and you haven't looked back. you are a running SUPERWOMAN :) have a fab wkd and great job on 10x8- no joke is right!
BEST picture ever!
I got totally teary eyed reading your first marathon report.
Great 800's...in the dark no less!!
10 X 800--way to go! Were you doing yasso's? B/c it looks like you were fairly consistent and that bodes well for the big day.
I just love that first picture of you at the marathon. The look on your face...there is so much pride...so much emotion. It brings tears to my eyes!
you are amazing. I have yet to do 8X800..I am usually so mentally and physically drained by the 4th that I call it a day. Love the pics. Crossing my fingers I will have that same feeling on 10.10.10
what a nice loop route!! way to go! those pics are great, btw!
That workout is no joke for sure!
Have a great weekend!
That's a lot of 800s! And a lot of miles!!
I LOVE those pics. I hope I still have the energy to put my hands in the air after my first marathon!
You are so inspiring!!!
That first photo is the best marathon photo I have ever seen; it so totally captures the moment.
Those 800's were unbelievable; congrats!
Love your 1st marathon race photo! You always get great photos- do you have your own photographer or are these ones taken by the race pro photographer?
Haha that's how I was when I did speed work. Plenty of explanations for myself :) hey whatever works! Awesome job though for reals. I am a little disappointed today is not an impourtant holiday to honour and I had to come to wourk...
That is just crazy, all of it! Love the photos!
I totally started reading your blog right around the time you ran your first marathon! Time really does fly!
Great job on the 800s! Doing those on the street is tough! Way to go!
great job!! i LOVE those pics of u! wow, didn't realize you weren't doing your 800s on a track! i say knock a few seconds off of each! nice work! i set out for 8x800 yesterday but bagged it after 6, i didn't have it and there was no sense in pushing it with a big weekend coming up. have a good weekend!
Still one of my favorite finish-line photos :) I can't wait to see how you rock it this time around!!
I might have to take this idea of running 800s around a neighborhood, ha. Not ideal, but do what ya gotta do!
4 in one year...wow! Super mileage!! Nice work on getting the workout done!!
Love those photos from your first marathon. Totally makes me grin.
Good job on the 10 x 800s.
Love that finish line photo!!! That is how they all should end. You look soooo happy!
Nice workout. I don't know how you run loops. They make me crazy. and don't get me started about wind. y.u.c.k!
...I beat my yearly record (last five years anyway) too. Just something rewarding it setting new levels.
T.O.T.M................ T.M.I...........LOL...........
The puke is rising just reading about your 10x800s...probably because they're on my schedule for next week. Ugh.
such great photos! You did great on the repeats with all that going on!!! And congrats on the huge mileage so far.
WOW, one month?? How exciting, I'm jealous !
Great job on the 800's, my husband just did his last set before his marathon. I'm in awe...
have a fun weekend!
Those must be some of the best marathon pics ever! Congrats on the mileage.
Good race report, the pictures are great and look like that the race is tough. Thanks for sharing us detailed report race report like this.
Great job on the 800s! I'm up to 7... on the treadmill... :D
great job on the speed work!
Who was your friend at Haliburton?
Nice speedwork lady!!! :)
Love those 1st marathon pics!!! :)
Awesome mileage for the year! Way to go!
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