It all started last Tuesday...the manager of my local Running Room store mentioned that I can join the full marathon clinic for half price once my half clinic is completed next month (the marathon clinic will be half over and the mileage will be close to where I should be at that time). The wheels started turning and I spoke to a few people (at the Running Room and online), all of whom seemed to think I can be ready in time. My friend Anamae from a forum that I frequent (which shall remain unnamed....) was kind enough to send me a training program to give me an idea of what I would be in for. Surprisingly, it didn't scare me off, but actually excited me. So I was thinking about possible events, and the only real option is Mississauga on May 11th (I was going to run the half).
The whole idea is a little overwhelming right now. I think it has to sink in a bit. Imagine, a year ago I was celebrating running a continuous 5K. But I really think I can do it. I have an excellent support network at the Running Room, I know I will have all the help and encouragement I need and Hubby is behind me 100%. So what more do I need?
Tomorrow night I will sign up for the clinic and then it's time to really commit, and register for the race.
OH MY GOD. I am going to run a marathon.

Git out thar, n' kick some ass, chile, ya heah?
Marlene, this is sooo funny! i'm also doing a 1/2 clinic at the Running Room, was also offered 1/2 price to join the full... and also am excited and shocked at the prospect that I might be ready or this! LOL I haven't yet registered for a full this year, and may not even run one this year, as I will be doing my first 1/2 at the Chilly, but my goals may change as I get into the higher mileage of the full clinic, who knows! maybe i will do one this year! This weather has to change though!!!!! LOL
My ultimate dream is to run a full next fall, when I'm 32. That's the same age my dad was when he ran his, so thought it would be kinda cool... anyway, good luck! btw, which Running Room are you at?
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