Any Heroes fans in the house?

I'm going with Peter Petrelli's superpower: the ability to absorb and mimic the powers of others. You see, this way I'll have access to a multitude of superpowers depending on what I need for the situation. I can borrow Pounding the (NYC) Pavement's built-in air conditioner, Running at the Mouth's hill-flattener, Cross Country Squared's command of daylight, Mel's immediate healing, Training for a Half's Achilles (minus the heel), Fitness Geek's traffic control, See Nat Run's wind control, Julianne's super metabolism... to name a few!

I just discovered that joyRuN had the same brilliant idea as I. I guess we can share it. :)
Yeah, Peter Petrelli's superpower is the mother of all super powers!! Life would be so much easier. And I promise to use it for GOOD only. Really!! (You mentioned some good ones from other runner's! I read those and thought they were all pretty creative and useful!)
ha! Good one! Heros is one show i never got into.
Totally cool idea!
Very clever. I like it!
Ah i love that superpower. I Think I would be that girl who can just automatically heel herself
Good luck this weekend:) I"ll be thinking about you!
You are sneaky clever. :) Nice job.
I am a heroes fan so I follow it so I thought of every super power
Nice way to get them all. Very clever.
It's like wishing for more wishes! Extremely clever indeed. :o)
Super duper minds think alike!
definitely love this idea :)
I let you know how NY goes
Peter's power is definitely the best. That or Claire's: You'd never get injured and you'd never die so imagine all the races you could complete!
This would be a good one since we always find ourselves in different situations.
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