Are you looking for the ultimate test of endurance? Then compete in Goofy’s Race and a Half Challenge where you will run the Half Marathon on Saturday and then the Marathon on Sunday. If you finish both races in the time limit* you will be awarded the coveted Goofy medal.
2010 is gonna be a great year for racing, cause the whole gang will be celebrating the 5th anniversary of Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge.It will be a momentous occasion of, well uh...Goofy proportions. Plan now to take the challenge and be part of a weekend you're never gonna forget!
*Time limit is 3.5 hours for the half and 7 hours for the full, or 16 minute miles.
• Race Registration for both the Half Marathon and Marathon
• Official Race Handbook
• Commemorative Champion® Race Tech Shirt for Marathon, Half Marathon and Goofy’s Race and a Half Challenge
• Specially themed KODAK single use camera
• Goody Bag
• Disney's Health & Fitness Expo including our world-class Speaker Series
• Event Weekend Transportation for ALL Walt Disney World® Resort Hotels
• Special Goofy Personalized Bibs
• On Course Refreshments
• On Course Disney Entertainment
• Post-Race Refreshments
• Family Reunion Area with live entertainment and characters
• Post-Race Celebration
• Post-Race web site with direct access to your race photos, results and custom finisher certificate
• All runners who complete both the Half Marathon and Marathon will receive the special Goofy medal in addition to the Mickey and Donald medals from the individual events!
• Disney magic you won't find anywhere else!

358 days to go!
Awesome! The medals are really cool, and Disney does great races. They're well organized and well supported, so I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun with the experience. Anthony, at "I Run Ultras," just did the Goofy challenge this past weekend. Stop by his blog. His link is on my blog's sidebar.
Go for it! Sounds like quite a challenge!
sweet! it really isn't that bad! my legs are already moving again. it is going to be a blast; disney does such a great job of putting on the races. that registration fee hurts for a bit but after a few months you forget you paid it. lol. congrats on taking the plunge! :)
WOW! That is serious!! Sounds awesome
Ah yes, ambition. This is the type of thing that should include BEvERages!!!! Good luck, 358 and counting.
That's great!! Let the countdown begin!!
That's awesome! I'm so jealous - I would like to do that someday too.
Yeaaaahhh baby!! That's going to be AWESOME!! ;D
that sounds like a really cool race! Whats the time limit for each of the races??
congrats again! Ambitious, yes, but you 4 can do it. :D
That's so exciting! And to do it on the 5th anniversary is pretty darned cool, too.
Awesome!!! This looks like such a fun event!! Hard but fun!
I would love to participate one day when my foot will allow me that much pounding!
So exciting! I may be there as well. My good friend LOOOVVVEESS everything Disney, and I promised her if she trains for a full, I will go to disney to run with her.
Oh my word, that sounds like so much fun. I would love to do it as well. I didn't realize it was a half and then the next morning a full. WOW! I am so in for 2010.
That is one insanely awesome challenge. What a great event to look forward to. Way to go!!
Well, that will certainly one heck of a start to 2010! You can certainly do it and have been really putting in the mileage.
As you get closer, you'll probably want to mimic the experience by doing a decent distance on Saturday, recovering that evening, and then doing a longer distance on Sunday. There's plenty of time to do that, but i'm glad to share whatever I learned (or should have learned) from my 48 in 48.
That is so incredibly cool!!!
I have seen the Goofy challenge before and I so plan to do it once my wife lets me. I think when the kids get older I can use them to bug her about it also.
OMG! I was just talking to my dear hubby about this the other night. Maybe I just need to get myself signed up. What a great event to look forward to. :D
That is amazing! It will be so much fun for sure!
The one on my list is the half through Sleeping Beauty's castle at Disneyland. One year.
ohhh so fun!!! congrats on registering - that will be such an awesome experience!
I am soooo jealous! I wanted to do it in 2010 too, but with our upcoming move, I think I should wait until 2011. That is so awesome! Can't wait to hear all about it!!!
That looks awesmoe. Look at all that SWAG!
Sounds fun. I know you can do it!
I just did it! I did the marathon (not the Goofy) and it was FANTASTIC (I just posted about it yesterday) Really, really fun.
One of my teammates just completed the Goofy Challenge ... you ARE crazy! :-D
Yay! I mailed in my application Saturday. I'm in for Dopey next year (Goofy plus the 5K Friday). It's an amazing experience and you are going to LOVE it!!!
You are going Goofy?! Awesome!!!! Congratulations on signing up. Geez, with so many of my blogger friends all congregating at Disney World for the 2010 marathon I'm starting to think I may have to show up for an encore performance...!
Holy what?? I was not sore after my Half Marathon, but I cannot imagine running a Marathon the next day.. Wow January will be here before you know it.
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