The lovely Lindsay of Chasing the Kenyans was kind enough to tag me with this fabulous award. The rules are simple: share 5 addictions and then select five more fab bloggers to receive the award and do the same.
My name is Marlene and I'm addicted to:
1. Running and racing ~ duh!
2. Grey's Anatomy ~ seriously my favourite show ever!

3. Kraft Dinner ~ I've confessed to this guilty pleasure a couple times before. I can't get enough of the stuff, especially white cheddar.

4. The Twilight Saga ~ I was late getting on this wagon, but ever since I cracked open the first book on Christmas Day, I've been hooked. I read all 4 books and saw the first movie within <2 weeks and now I'm itching to start all over again. (I also might be a little bit in love with a fictional character named Edward.)

5. Diet Coke ~ Mmmm, chemicals!
But enough about me! I want to hear from:
1. Julianne @ { i * h e a r t * r u n n i n g }
2. Jess @ 21 Days
3. Running Laur
4. Lisa @ Chasin' Bunnies
5. and my real life BFF Sarah
Thanks again, Lindsay. You rock!
Cool! Thanks.
And I think just about every woman is in love with Edward. Except those who have a hankerin' for Jacob, but they're just being silly.
Congratulations on being recognized for your fabulousness!
I will never understand how people can like that tasteless Diet Coke stuff.
Nice! I love diet coke, too.
I like the craft dinner :) He he!
I kinda wish I could see you enjoy all of those things in one day!
Did you get your shoes yet? I sent
'em a couple few days ago.
MMMMMMmmmmm... Kraft!!!
OMG, I've never been tagged before!
The war against chemicals, but for diet soda sure is a hard one :)
ha... I love me a nice ice cold Diet Coke as well. mmmmm.
Love the books as well. Didn't care for the movie much.
Ooo I love KD. I hope you are getting along OK sans Hubby. Hope to see you this weekend at Robbie Burns!
very cool and thanks for tagging me - i'll get to that soon. :-)
Funny...I am in love with Edward and I am a quasi-vegetarian addiction do Diet Coke. :)
Cute!! And yeah for chemicals!
You are fabulous! Fun stuff.
I survive the afternoons on Diet Coke!
And yummy Edward....
You are absolutely fabulous! :D
mmm mac and cheese... to go under my ketchup! ;) i hear so much about these twilight books/movie but i've yet to go check either of them out. sounds like i need to get on it.
Kraft Dinner? What is that, mac and cheese in disguise? I've never heard of that!
Thanks for the tag Marlene! Although, I'm really bad at doing this tag stuff. ;-)
Omg, I am so addicted to Diet Coke, it's not even funny. I think I bleed Diet Coke!
I love Kraft Dinner too . . . it's one of my cooking specialities! :)
LMAO Kraft Dinner! Ooohhh girl you sound like my kids :P
I'm with you on #1 but, the others, not so much. :)
I think that maybe I'm also in love with a fictional character named Edward Cullen. But in my mind, he is real. :) My husband thinks I'm nuts! ha ha!
You are fabulous.
i ****LOOOOVE***** edward :) lol... i should have had the twilight series on my list becaue i am also very addicted. cant wait to start reading them again!!
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