I had a terrible sleep Friday night, awake for hours and restless once I did fall asleep (this is extremely rare for me). I had gotten myself pretty worked up over this race; it's amazing that a 5K can still get to me so much. I was still a bundle of nerves on Saturday morning.
It was overcast when we got up, and pouring rain by the time we got to the race site. There were tons of people milling about, many taking shelter under umbrellas or sponsor tents. The event had a record number of participants this year, selling out the 1K (kids), 3K and 5K for the first time since its inception in 2002. Rebecca Run has raised more than $1.4 million for Spinal Muscular Atrophy in its eight years. It definitely felt good to support the cause and see the entire community come together.

We met up with my Mom and sister who were walking the 5K and got to chat with many people from my clinic who were running, volunteering or spectating.
I went for a short warm-up jog shortly before the race start (didn't take long to get soaked once I ditched the umbrella) and it started thundering and lightening before I had finished. The storm didn't last, but the rain did.
Soon enough we lined up at the start and positioned ourselves close to the front (with only about 200 participants in the 5K, we knew we would be running towards the front of the pack). I was anxious to get going and relieved when the whistle finally blew.
As I mentioned before, my wonderful hubby had agreed to set his own goals aside to help pace me. I was only ever able to nail my intervals with him by my side, so I knew this would give me my best shot at sub-23:00. I didn't have to think or look at my watch - just run and hold on for dear life!
And we were off! Within the first kilometre I was wondering what I had gotten myself in to and seriously doubted if I'd be able to reach my goal. I'm a long distance runner! Why am I doing this to myself? It was hard running that fast! I did my best to push the negative self-talk out of my head and just run. I had run this pace in training a few times, but always got that 500m recovery jog after a fast 1000. Hmmm, it's a lot harder when you don't get a break.
The route followed paved park trails with some sections on gravel and boardwalk (SLIPPERY WHEN WET). We had to really watch the footing as we splashed through puddles and navigated our way around the twists and turns of the park. We were absolutely drenched in the pouring rain, but it was actually pretty refreshing. (It stopped at some point during the race, but I didn't realize until we were done. Talk about in the zone.)
I snapped this pic after the race of one of the bridges we crossed:
KM1: 4:17 ... Oops, way too fast! Damn, this is hard. [This was my fault. I may have bolted ahead of my pacer.]
KM2: 4:34 ... That's more like it. But still hard. VERY hard. Huffing and puffing and panting and wanting to quit - already!
KM3: 4:41 ... Oops, too slow. We had to run run right past the finish line. Brutal! I wanted to be done sooo badly.
KM4: 4:19 ... Where did THAT come from?! HURTING!
KM5: 4:45 ... Fading, fading... hang on! Hang on! Somehow I found a kick for the finish. It helped when I saw the clock!
chip time: 22:36 (22:40 official)
average pace: 4:31/KM
overall place: 15/295
gender place: 1/190

I could have cried. I was so excited, shocked and relieved to have finished and reached (killed!) my goal. My personal pace bunny was a huge help and led the way, but I know my own legs carried me there.
Funny thing is, I had NO idea that I was the first woman! I was thrilled and thought I had a good shot at first in my age group, but first overall?! Hubby checked the results while I watched for my Mom and sister to finish and once he told me, I had to go see for myself.
Here are a couple of pics from right after the race, one with hubby and one with some of the others in my clinic.
They had some awesome post-race grub and we chowed down on hot dogs, fruit, cookies and chocolate milk (why doesn't every race have chocolate milk??) while we waited for the awards. I was called up first, and I don't think I will ever forget those words: "With a winning time of 22:40, from Newmarket... Marlene Sykes!" I won a medal and a $75 Running Room gift card. Pretty cool! Hubby placed second in his age group, so he got a medal as well.
By the time I got home, I already had an email from my clinic instructor congratulating me and asking me if I realized that this was good news and bad news. The good news was obvious. I would find out the "bad" news the next morning (today) when we met for our long run. He put his arm around me and said, "I look forward to having you run beside me on Thursdays." In other words, I'm being bumped to a faster pace group for our speed workouts! If I can pull off a 22:36, apparently I'm not working hard enough on Thursdays.
I felt good for the first half of our 25K (15.5mi) run this morning, but started to feel the soreness and fatigue towards the end. I slowly drifted further and further behind my group until my pace group leader looped back to retrieve me. I was dragging! I was definitely happy when we finished. Surprisingly, the pace wasn't too far off what I usually target on Sundays: 6:08/KM = 9:52/mi.
I'm definitely taking tomorrow off!
You ROCK!! congrats love that you have a supportive pace bunny..
WAY . TO . GO . !!!! That is so awesome!
Congratulations on winning! That's so cool!
That was a great race report, and congrats again, first out of 190 is real bragging rights for sure!! You are a speed demon!
Awesome race report, huge congrats for being the first female, you're amazing!! Wish I could have volunteered that race. Go buy yourself something fun with your prize $$ :) Btw, posted about your giveaway... LOL about the bad news.
I still can't believe you got first place! So exciting! You have some great pictures to go along with it too.
What a phenomenal time! Congratulations!!!!!
I'm still so amazed by your BLISTERING time!!!!!
Congratulations and thanks for the nice race report. Once you start speeding up, there is no slowing down ;)
Ha, great job sub 23!
How cool is rhat!!! Congratulations!!!!
congrats again! very awesome :) and super cool of hubs to run with you!! congrats to him on his ag award too!
great job - it's so cool that your husband paced you too. great team effort!
Were there flames coming out from under your feet? Great job girl! WooT WooT!
Great report, and again, congrats!
Great time, great race, great report! CONGRATS!!!! You def deserve a day off! Good job!
congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you guys are looking good :) so nice to have a faster group to run with as you need it :) keep up the great work. and chocolate milk- genius!
Weeee! That was fun to read. Felt like I was there. :o) Congrats again speedy lady!
Awesome race report!!!!!!! Good luck in your new Thursday pace!!!!
This is so cool! :) CONGRATS Marlene, what an awesome accomplishment!!!! AND it was raining on you?!! Ha, oh man.
It's interesting to look at a 5K in actual K intervals, ha we're so mile-driven over here!!
It'll be fun to see how you do at the speed workout this week. Faster and faster!
Way to go!!!! You nailed that race! That is so super awesome you were the first female finisher!! I was getting so excited for you reading this post. :)
I agree, why don't more races offer chocolate milk at the finish line?
Good luck with your faster speed work group. You are gonna do great~!
Look at you!! Moving up to the big league now! Great job, you should be so, so proud of yourself.
AMAZING! Great race and a fabulous race report! I am still in awe of your 1st place female finish--so awesome!
My boyfriend has paced me for a couple of races--is that not the best thing ever? You know he's a keeper if he's willing to sacrifice his own PR to help you get one, you know?
CONGRATS again!! :)
Wow! You did such a fantastic job! Makes all those intervals worthwhile. :)
WOWOOOOO to say I'm slightly jealous is a complete understatement!! I want your training schedule missy
You were a woman on a mission!!!!
You have earned a day off! Awesome job!
Kick Ass PR! Great job! First overall? The sweet sweet taste of triumph...
Holy smokes Marlene, you rock! What an amazing race!!! Way to go speedster! I think it is great that your hubby paced you and that you both placed. First woman overall is simply amazing. I think you definitely earned a day off!!
Congratulations, Marlene!
HUGE congrats on your first place overall win!!!
I'm a long distance runner too and think 5Ks are so much harder to run. Give me a marathon any day :-)
You've come a long way since November 2006! It was very nice of your husband to pace you. Does that mean you have to share your gift certificate with him? ;-)
What a great race report!!
It's so great when you work as hard as you have to get those kinds of results-- it gives the rest of us motivation!
Question: Have you thought about running in the "international half or full marathon"? It's in October-- The full starts in Buffalo and ends in Niagara Falls CA. I will be running the half. You and your husband should check it out!
Great job on the race Marlene! I knew you had it in you and i bet now with the faster speed workouts you will be down in the 21 minute range!
That is freaking fantastic!!! Way to go!!! Congrats on such an awesome race!
You are just amazing!! Congrats again!
MCM mama
omg you are freaking awesome!!!! you WON!!!! CONGRATSSSS :)
Sorry for the late congrats, I can't keep up with blogging, running and life :-)
#1 overall!!!!!! amazing!
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