Yesterday I took part in the Run for Haiti/Mission for Solidarity, a 20 kilometre run to raise funds for relief efforts in Haiti.
The run started at 9:30 and took place downtown along the Toronto water front. A bunch of us from my training group drove and ran together. The run was casual, but well-organized and well-supported. The event raised over $15,000 for Haiti relief, which will be matched by the Canadian Government.

It was extremely cold and windy down on the lake, which made it feel even colder. I wore just about every piece of winter gear I own and still worried that I would be cold. As it turns out, I warmed up pretty quickly and felt pretty comfortable for most of the run, except for my face which was constantly frozen.
Group shot before the run... we are a colourful bunch. (I'm in the pompom hat.)
City skyline view over the water along the trail. It is extremely unusual that we don't have any snow on the ground, but January has been pretty mild around here until the cold snap this week.
The 5K turn-around, which we saw twice. We ran an out-and-back-and-out-and-back.
Photo op on the bridge.
And group shot post-run.
I kept the pace comfortable for most of the run, and picked it up for the last couple kilometres. It was by no means a race, just a training run for a good cause.
20.0 KM
After the run, we were treated to bagels, hot soup and free Gu! A great morning overall.
And now it's time to do it all over again with a 19K group run...
Yay... it looked cold. $15 grand... AWESOME!
Nice job on a chilly race! Good luck with your long run today.
Nicely done! What a great fundraiser! Have a good long run today.
MCM Mama
Great run for a great cause! Hope today's run is easy on you. :0)
great run for a great cause
You are so brave to be out in the cold. I can barely stand it here. Great fundraiser and I love your hat!!
There was a run for Haiti here in Seattle, too, but I didn't even hear about it till Saturday morning (the day OF the run). They didn't do a very good job letting people know about it. Hopefully, they raise a lot of money, though.
Wow, I love this run and it's purpose. You all look totally bundled up, yikes!!
Great job and so awesome that ya'll raised so much for the Haiti relief!
As far as being cold goes, seriously? I mean you should be a pro after Disney! :)
Great run for such a great cause! Awesome job!
Hope the 19K goes well!
Sigh..."only a training run for a good cause" My dream is to complete my first half-marathon (in May) in under 2:30...with a dream time of 2:15! :) You are amazing. It was indeed a great cause...and you are an inspiration! ...and now 19K, wow! :)
Burrrr, you guys look chilly! Glad it warmed up quickly. Hard to run fast in all that gear but you gusy did a great job. Enjoy your day!
Great job on getting out there in the bitter cold for such a worthy cause.
congrats on the run!
ya it was very chilly!!! u guys got great time!
Great job on the run, and hope today's went just as well!!! Ugh! It's so cold being home!! Haha.
Brrrrr....Nice job!
WOW i love your hat! You all look so cute in your winter running outfits!! Great job on the run!
Awesome cause awesome race. Such great pictures. Looks like a tons of fun!
What a great cause, and that was hardly slow for that weather!! congratulations!
That's awesome! Great reason to do 20k on a chilly day.
Love all reflective strips in the pic!
WTG raising all that $$! Looks like a fun time despite the temps!
Awesome that the event raised so much money. And good work on getting the kms in!
Looking gooood in all your winter gear! :) You guys deserve huge kudos just for getting out to run in that COLD cold weather!
Great job! I was kinda chilly just reading about it :-)
And good to know the reflective stuff works, eh?
Love your colorful outfit! AMAZINg that so much money went to such a good cause.
Out and Back and Out and back.. LOL!! Like a mouse in a cage. I love pictures of runners because the flash hits the reflectors, makes me smile.
Congratulations on a great run for a great cause. That is a fantastic amount of money they were able to raise!
WOW! That is awesome how much money was raised! Way to go on the run :-)
I love it! What a great way to give back. And that is awesome how much money was raised! :) Good Job Marlene!
Great effort! What a difference people can make when the band together.
Marlene I love you hat and scarf! Colorful! Love it!
awesome all around! it's amazing and inspiring to see various people come together for a good cause :)
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