Being Goofy:

Yummy carbs:

Having a drink with Redhead, who awesomely picked me up at my hotel and drove us to Downtown Disney. We had a wonderful time chatting about all things running and non-running. Thank you so much, Morgan! It was awesome to meet you. And my husband thanks you for not being a serial killer afterall. ;)

Posing on the boardwalk:

Ride pic (that's our friend U. in the back):

Castle by night:

Wine in classy hotel plastic cups after smuggling it on the bus to the park:

Funky (albeit impractical!) shades:

Steamy swimming pool:

Yes, we swam. Although it was freezing out, the water was nice. (Running back to the hotel room, not so nice...)
Don't mind my feet:

Carbo-load at the Biergarten German Buffet:

Fun with M&M's *Goofy Style* (for lindsay):

Sunny (and mild!) afternoon at Epcot:


It was an indulgent week:

Mirror shot (with Goofy medals):

Victory Dinner:

Yummy carbs:

Having a drink with Redhead, who awesomely picked me up at my hotel and drove us to Downtown Disney. We had a wonderful time chatting about all things running and non-running. Thank you so much, Morgan! It was awesome to meet you. And my husband thanks you for not being a serial killer afterall. ;)

Posing on the boardwalk:

Ride pic (that's our friend U. in the back):

Castle by night:

Wine in classy hotel plastic cups after smuggling it on the bus to the park:

Funky (albeit impractical!) shades:

Steamy swimming pool:

Yes, we swam. Although it was freezing out, the water was nice. (Running back to the hotel room, not so nice...)
Don't mind my feet:

Carbo-load at the Biergarten German Buffet:

Fun with M&M's *Goofy Style* (for lindsay):

Sunny (and mild!) afternoon at Epcot:


It was an indulgent week:

Mirror shot (with Goofy medals):

Victory Dinner:

J at Morning Runner tagged me to list 10 things that make me happy and ask 10 more people to do the same. Instead of the obvious family, friends, running, etc., I decided to name some of the little everyday things that bring a smile to my face.
1. crawling into freshly laundered sheets
2. having no plans on Saturday
3. emails back and forth all day with hubby
4. taking clothes out of the dryer and matching every sock
5. Grandma's homemade applesauce
6. receiving (snail) mail - not bills or ads!
7. catching green lights
8. hot chocolate after a cold run
9. waking up with sore muscles and knowing I worked them the day before
10. bring 'tagged' in a photo I didn't know was taken
I'm tagging the first 10 people to comment on my last post:
1. Heather @ Trials of Training
2. Laura @ Live, Laugh, Run, Enjoy
3. Lisa @ Chasin Bunnies
4. Amanda @ Run To The Finish
5. Beth @ Shut Up and Run
6. Morgan @ Caution: Redhead Running
7. Diana @ My Road to Marinette
8. Staci @ Weight Loss Mama
9. Laurel @ Lily on the Road
10. Kristin @ unathletic runner
Feel free to play along if you haven't already!
Happy Friday!
Great fun looking pics and your happy things made me smile. :0)
Oooh, SO close to *first* again..heh ;)
"Wine in classy hotel plastic cups after smuggling it on the bus to the park" - omg, I need to go to Disney World with you. BRILLIANT! ha, this made me laugh! and also think, "that's AWESOME"
Looove the pics - you guys clearly had a blast! And I'm glad there was at least ONE afternoon that allowed you to wear short-sleeves ;)
*thanks* for the tag, I'll get on it! happy Friday!
Great pictures! You clean up well! Looks like a great trip despite the cold. Thanks for the tag...
Love all the fun pics! You totally lived it up while you were here!!! I'm so glad we got to meet and happy the hubs knows I'm not a serial killer! LOL! I so wanted to say something to him at the race but obviously that was a quick meeting! LOL!
Great 10 Things, I too am a lover of freshly laundered sheets, I think I get my best sleep those nights!
I love all the pictures! It looks like so much fun! Congrats again girl!
I love having no plans on Saturdays too!
Even though I didn't get tagged, I might join in on the fun! I have a feeling I won't be going anywhere for the next couple of days... nasty storm coming through!
great list!
Looks like I better do some research on Northwest wine when I host you in June :)
LOVE LOVE all the pictures, pictures are my favorite..
GREAT list, reminds me I should ask hubs to wash the sheets..
Have a great weekend.
such fun photos! I really hope to make it out to Disney world someday.... I'm such a little kid! :)
I def agree with #7 on your list! Its all about the small things in life ;)
Great pictures and list! Seeing all those great shots really make me want to run Disney ... now if I could only convince the hubby that it's a good idea!
Looks like you guys had so much fun! :D
Love the pics! And love your happy things! I think real snail mail is the best! :)
You are totally the cutest person ever in those pictures! And those desserts LOOK AMAZING! I want one right now! hope you have a great weekend!
Everytime I see your pics I get even more excited! YAY!!!! Great list! Now I know that I can meet Morgan safely HAHAHHAA. Totally kidding.
LOVED the pictures, so fun! Thanks for sharing.
Great pics!! Seeing all these travelling to marathons blogs is so inspiring me to look into my options :)
Oh my goodness! Fresh, cleaned sheets are my favorite too! My husband always laughs at me and says I wash our sheets too much! Great list and pictures :-)
Love the pictures!
I don't think I've EVER matched all the socks in one load of laundry LOL. I'm happy if I've matched all the socks when I've emptied the hamper (and even that seldom happens).
MCM mama
Great pics and I loved the list!
I agree with the freshly laundered sheets. That's what I had last night and slept so good!
Fun pics. Looks like you had a great trip!
Love the pics - it looks like a great trip. I have read that if you do the 5km as well it is called a Dopey - no official medal for that though....
hmmm, another tag, I'll have to put my thinking cap on...
Such FUN Fotos!! I still giggle looking at Canadians all bundled up in Orlando that weekend. That just seems so wrong!
And I like your list with a twist!
Great pictures! You all look wonderful!
I love fresh sheets too! and being tagged in an unknown photo!
Have an amazing weekend.
I love your pictures - excellent photo documentation of a fabulous weekend! I love your #4 :). Happy Weekend!
Such FUUUUUUN photos! Love 'em!
Have a great weekend.
Ah, I can't believe you went swimming! Our pool has only been good for ice baths lately!!
ps. you look so pretty in all the photos too :)
I am with you- I love being in a warm pool even when its cold outside. The suffering while getting out of the pool and back to the room is worth it!
I wanna go to Disney World!
I love the photos! I am just catching upon blogs and need to go back and read up on the race reports. I would lOVE to do that someday.
Great list too!
Great pics!
Hot chocolate after a run sounds good, except I rarely ever run in cold weather.
That made me so hungry!! I loved the pictures and it looks like you had so much fun. BTW, I love emails from my husband too!
I LOVE your photos!!! I just love Disney ... and racing! Can't wait to go in March for the 1/2. Love the photos -- they tell a story. Keep it up!
I like the hefty glass of wine! Looks like a great trip and I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.
Awesome pics! Love your list too.
Your number 4 is one of the things I hate most in life! I HATE trying to match socks! Maybe because my husband and i have so many similar running socks that it takes forever! Ha.
I LOVE your pics. Looks like a GREAT time. It's funny to see you all bundled up in Orlando though. :)
I love funny pics, they are the best!! Jealous you got to meet Morgan!
loved the pics (and captions). smuggling wine huh? love it! :)
thanks for the shoutout and m&m temptation... argh! and i don't have any today!! ;)
ahhh warm fresh sheets. but #10... usually i look rather awkward in those haha.
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