1. Yesterday I met a girlfriend for a nice and easy 10K run. We had made plans to get together after work and I originally thought I would have to get up early to squeeze in my run... suddenly it occurred to me to just ask her to join me before our dinner. It worked out perfectly. (I'm fortunate that almost every single one of my closest friends are runners, so it's usually easy to incorporate 'social' time with 'running' time... no excuse to miss a run!) Group tempo run tonight!
2. There are officially less than 3 months until my next marathon. I still have several weeks of training ahead, but I'm already pumped. With the Goofy Challenge under my belt, I've been feeling strong in this training cycle. Good things to come!
3. Why do short weeks always feel the longest???
Giveaways Gallore!
Running Essentials @ Tall Mom on the Run
Champion Shorts @ The Happy Runner
Nuun @ mom vs marathon
Champion Gear @ Run Zoe Run
Running Skirts @ Endurance Isn't Only Physical
Kalyz Sports Bra @ I Run Because I Can
Road ID @ Running Fool
Thursday, February 18, 2010
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1. Love running with friends!
2. Yay for less than 3 months! You are going to rock girl! Love that you are feeling so confident and strong!
3. Today is my Friday! Woo hoo!!!
Oh yeah three short months until you kick some more butt!
Running and friends - the perfect combo :)
Yay for 3 months!!!
1. I went to bed with a wet head and woke up with a head ache.
2. Headache made my P90X workout suck this morning, hope it sheds my this afternoon's run.
3. I need to get more running friends.
oooh yes that is awesome you can do social/running time together!!!!!!
you are never "out" of marathon shape!!! that is also awesome :)
I need me some running friends who will actually RUN with me!
Looking forward to the next challenge is the best! I have 17 days.
I thought yesterday was Thursday. I argued the point with someone...I was wrong. So today I feel like I am living Thursday all over again...an 8 day week. Long!
It's great that your friends are runners to, i need to find some runner friends I bet it makes the time and miles fly running with a partner.
Also I have a Kalyx Sports Bra giveaway going on hope you will stop by and check it out it and possibly link back ends tomorrow but I am starting another giveaway tomorrow both are open to U.S and Canada :)
Yay only 3 months!
Short weeks always feel the longest because you assume they are going to fly by ... kind of how a 3 miler can sometimes feel longer than a 10 miler ... it's all mental!
Holy cow I need to work my way around the Giveaways, thanks for the reminders..
Not many of my friends are runners, so thankfully I have met many people through the Bloggy land.
Ummmmm have you emailed me your RAcing calendar to add to High Five Friday?? Nevermind it is on the right.. YOu know what I have been thinking.. If I found a Marathon to run in July (HOT) I could qualify for Marathon Maniacs.. So could you.. But do I really want to pay $100 to be called a maniac, not sure??
ur lucky that all ur friends are runners.
i only have 1 friend that is a runner.
wow 3 months to the next race, eh? ur doing Mississauga?
ill be there too! doing the 5k on the saturday and the Half Marathon Walk. i guess ill be seeing u there!
ur lucky that all ur friends are runners.
i only have 1 friend that is a runner.
wow 3 months to the next race, eh? ur doing Mississauga?
ill be there too! doing the 5k on the saturday and the Half Marathon Walk. i guess ill be seeing u there!
that's nice that so many of your friends are runners. makes it a lot easier to find people to run with!
we didn't have the holiday on monday, but regardless, this week is killing me. when will it end?
Combining friends and running is THE BEST. I am working on converting all of my friends to runners so I can do this!
It so cool to have friends to run with.
Yay for 3 months!! It gets more and more exciting the closer you get.
Short weeks do feel long! Yay for another marathon!
I am enjoying for the first time every having friends to run with. Had no idea how fun it could be.
Great to hear you are feeling strong!!
Love the running friends! I could not live without them :-) I hope that you have a wonderful Thursday!
Sounds like the perfect combo - running then dinner! I think it's great that you just asked, because you never what. She was probably thinking the same thing.
And I hear you on the short week thing. Wait though, tomorrow it will feel like weds. I always get so messed up on short weeks!
Love the medals standings post above!!! Awesome. OOOH and you're tagged! SUNSHINE! Check my blog :)
Short week, what short week?! lol.
Haha I was going to comment this morning and then I got distracted by all the giveaways at the end haha. Anyway! That's great that you have friends you can run with. I need to get better about working out with my friends so I can see them and work out at the same time.
Lovin' the Olympics medal count widget! I wonder if I can get that on my phone? I start my training plan for the Seattle Marathon next week! So excited!
I need more runner girl friends! most of my friends who happen to be runners, are summer runners lol!
You must give off some energy vibe to attract runners :-) Whereas most of us have difficulties finding running friends or people who understand our madness.
Ps. Share those friends!
You're lucky all your friends are runners! That must be fun!
I'm excited for you to get back into a training cycle, again. I think you'll find Goofy does wonderful things for your endurance and confidence.
yayyyy 3 months!!! i love being pumped for a training cycle :)
How cool you have so many running friends. I have some but they're all dudes. I have to be in the mood to run with a dude. KWIM?
Let's call 3 months out plenty far away. because my marathon is now 2 months out and I'm on injured reserve. Plenty of time to heal, plenty of time,....
thnx for the medal count!
I love having friends where you can say hey, let's run 6 miles before dinner and they don't look at you like you're crazy. Running friends are the best!
You are so right, this week is dragging!!
And yes, running with a friend is such a nice change of pace. Especially for someone like me who almost always runs alone.
Short weeks seem to take forever and the time off seems to go so quickly!
3 months until the next marathon is very exciting!!
Good stuff! I've met most of my good friends in DC (and bf :) ) through running - so running time is almost Always social time, and now we just schedule happy hours/brunches/dinner to go along with it :)
3 months!! it FLIES! you know this, though... ;)
i need to actually know people in real life/my town who run... :)
short weeks? those exist? ;) this week and last week i spent thursday thinking it was friday... what a disappointment when i realize i still gotta go to work on friday!
I definitely need to find some running friends. So jealous!
Thanks for the link!
You are lucky that most of your friends are runners. I would LOVE that!
THis week feels long!! I totally agree. Where is Friday and when is he getting here???!!
I am with you on the short weeks feeling like eternity! 3 months to your marathon - woohoooo! So excited for you!! Happy almost Friday!
You have been on a solid training roll, you're awesome Marlene!! Running and social time, sounds perfect!
I just found your blog and have been scrolling through your running history. Love it! The progress you've shown since your first half is really encouraging for me!
I love running with friends!
I need some local running girl friends!
It's great that your friends are runners to, i need to find some runner friends I bet it makes the time and miles fly running with a partner.
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