We only stayed one night this time, but we are definitely planning to go back to enjoy more of what the resort had to offer.
Sunday morning it was back to life as usual with a long run! After five consecutive weeks of 30K/18.6mi++ runs, I was due for a fall back. I was still able to tag along with my pace group since our route would take us right past my house and I could stop early there. It was another great morning to run - cool, overcast, slight breeze and just a light sprinkle of rain as we set out.
We had our most interesting animal encounter to-date on this run when we spotted two wild (or escaped?) pigs wandering along the road. There was a pink one and a black one and they were huge! At first we couldn't believe our eyes, and then we just couldn't stop laughing.
Our next excitement came when the road we were running along ended abruptly. We knew it would pick up again, but first we had to rough it on a seemingly endless mucky trail through the woods. We didn't complain too much, since we knew at that very moment that one of our team mates was wrapping up her first 100-miler through the Haliburton Forest. How's that for some perspective?
We eventually made it back to civilization and pretty soon it was time for me to turn off toward my house. I felt great throughout the run, which surprised me as I added up my weekly mileage in my head.
27.0KM = 16.7mi - 2:37:12 - 5:49/KM = 9:22/mi
Having completed my last long run/race on Monday, I ended up running almost 106KM/66mi this week! With just 34 days to go until the Toronto Marathon, I have some big runs on deck this week!
How was your weekend?
What are you up to this week?
What are you up to this week?
wow u ran that much in 1 week...sometimes i have trouble getting those many miles in 1 month! hmmmmm
Wow! What a great way to spend the weekend! Looks like you guys had a great one!
I had a wonderful weekend as well. My sister and brother-in-law came up from the cities, and the BF came to town as well. We had a housewarming party to go to on Saturday night and the rest of the weekend was pretty enjoyable as well!
Monday came way to fast...as usual!
If you don't indulge a little to celebrate 5yrs of marriage...what's the point :) Looks like a great time! Glad it was something to cherish!
Looks like a fun way to celebrate your anniversary - you guys look great all dressed up! Nice job with your runs!
Looks like a great anniversary getaway weekend!
Wow huge mileage week for you. You guys are so cute. Love the tongue picture.
Pigs, really, pigs?!? That's funny! And I'm totally inspired by your 60+ mile week. My next training cycle is definitely going to include more mid-week miles. And, I'm new to your blog, so just wanted to say hi!
Can I just say you are freaking hot? LOVE that dress. And I continue to be jealous of your legs.
For realz, where'd you get the dress?
What a great anniversary weekend! Pigs? That would freak me out.
Weekend was good...busy week but feel a good one coming up.
Sure a pink pig...... What were you drinking?????? ha
Excellent mileage last week, Chica! Woohoo. So glad you had a blast at the resort, it sounds so perfect - I was laughing at the pigs, never have seen those on all my years of running either. Happy Monday :).
Pigs!!! Josh has told me that one day I can get a pet pig :) course then he says he will fry it up for bacon... :(
You guys are a cute couple! I'm just glad you're wearing bathing suits in the hot tub. Bow chica bow wow. You know a lot of marathon runners are prego these days... ;) I'm just kidding. I know I find baby comments annoying. Anyway glad you had fun. And you're nutso on the mileage!!
Thta's so funny you saw pigs running around. That's crazy your team mate was running 100 miles through the forest. I bet that was a nice run!
Pigs--that's a new one! Sounds like a lovely weekend to me!
Good morning! Thanks so much for the kind words on the Couples Resort. And the Photos are awesome!
-Couples Online Support-
That is some serious mileage. Way to go!
Your pics from your weekend looked like you and hubs had a fabulous time! And way to rock on the weekly mileage - I think I would die if I ran 66 in one week. LOL!
NICe running chica!!!! :)
Looks like you and the hubs had a GREAT weekend!!! :)
Love the photos!
Love the sexy LBD! Awesome dress.
You guys look all hot dressed up! Glad you had a fun weekend!
That is a lot of mileage for one week! Way to go Marlene!! Glad you had a great weekend!
Okay could you make me more jealous?!?!?
Looks like a wonderful time. Congrats on the mega miles.
66 miles in one week - wow, WOW, WOWWWW!!!
You & hubby are just too cute. You guys look so nice all dressed up too.
Looking CLASSY and gorgeous - love all of those pics! :)
Pigs?! That's definitely a new one, and omg I'd die laughing.
wow...awesome mileage! all that WITH a vacation weekend? just doesn't get better!
yeahhh for special times with hubs!!!
hot dang that is some amazing mileage, even with piggies in the mix!
oh what a fun weekend! you are a running machine, nicely done on all of it. and all very much deserved! hope you have a good week.
oh and i would KILL to be able to be in a studio flailing all about shame-free...maybe someday;)
holy crap Marlene! you are a running machine!!!
First off - you look smokin' with the hubbs! Glad you two enjoyed your getaway!
Second, nice work on the run! And such a huge week of running! You are crazier than me!!!
You got that marathon in the bag - so excited to cheer you on! Good luck this week!
You two clean up quite nicely!
Wow! That is a high mileage week!
Crazy mileage, lady! You're amazing!! Looks like a wonderful weekend away :) WIshing you both another 50++++++ years together!
Looks like a fabulous weekend!
You two cutie pies are so darling! I love each and every picture because anniversaries are the best!! The jacuzzi picture is my favorite...frame it for your babe!
So happy to be back and see what you're up to...of course you're still a running fool and keeping up with all of that mileage! I can always count on you!!
Great pictures. I love the one where you all dressed up.
that's a LOT of running lady!! wow!!
you are amazing!
We love your blog and want to wish you success with your final month of training for the GoodLife Toronto Marathon.
Keep up the great work!
Looks like an amazing weekend! Happy anniversary!
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