2. Fall is here! Okay, not quite, but we are having some beautiful fall-like weather and I'm loving it. The forecast shows highs of 20C/68F or lower for the next two weeks. Bring on the jackets, gloves, long sleeves and fresh air!
3. Months and months and months ago, the wonderful Morgan of Caution: Redhead Running sent me her copy of The Complete Book of Women's Running to give it a read.

There were a few stipulations attached:
- The bookmark that came with it stays with it always;
- I must sign the book with my name, blog address, life/running mantra and most inspiring race;
- I must then choose someone else to send it to along with the same stipulations.
I'm soooo sorry this has taken me so long, but I'm finally ready to pass this baby along! Let me know if you're interested in the comments and I'll select the next reader however I see fit!
Happy Thursday (almost Friday)!
yay for fall weather!! my favorite!!
I have actually read that book! Its really good! I am loving the fall air too! But the 48F mornings are kinda chilly!
I too am excited about the fall weather, I have not seen the book before looks good!
YAY fall weather!! although it is COLD already! it is so sudden. i am welcoming it though with my fleece and new eddie bauer jacket :) and turtlenecks :) but... getting up in the morning is so much harder when it is freezing!!! have you busted out the cold weather running gear yet?!
the book looks interesting- i wonder what is specific to women's running??
I'm excited for fall weather, too! Unfortunately, I think it's going to be an exceptionally rainy season. Last year was so gorgeous.
I'm interested in reading the book. :)
I always kindof wondered about these running books for specific sexes.
Not sure how I FEEL about it. but I'll be looking into it. :) Heck if you and "redhead" are for it....how can I NOT be?! :)
I'd love the book if you want! What a great idea!!!
I'm loving the weather, although sometimes I have to convince myself of it before hand. It's wonderful once I'm running a few minutes. We have cooler weather here though. I'm already running at freezing temperatures a lot of mornings.
I would love the book. I just finished C25K, but admittedly, I've done very little actual reading on running, and I really need to educate myself some more.
I'm not sure if I'm ready for a passing of the book, but I'll put my name in anyway! I get intimidated by things that make my life as a runner seem like I'm that with it. I guess I'm always working on it!
Isn't Fall weather the best!!!
I haven't seen this book - curious about what they'd identify as specific to women runners. Do you think it's a good book for this newbie runner?
I am soo ready for fall...it is still summer here in Southern Utah, will be 97F today! Great idea to pass along the book. (I haven't read it) (: Have a great Thursday!
I'd love to read the book! Looks interesting and if it talks about injury free running...i'm sure i could learn a thing or two!!
Pick me pick me, you know you want to..
It is FULL ON FALL HERE!! Come visit :) Pretty please..
I'd love to read that book and I really love books that get passed around the country/world. So fun!
I can't wait for the fall weather to hit CA. It's suppose to be 90 today.
Yes, fall is most definitely right around the corner. I can honestly say that it's definitely my favorite season!
I am currently reading that book too and have been for almost a year. Whoops- I think I need to finish it. And I am loving the cooler weather. It's been so AWESOME for the longer runs.
oh, what a great idea for the book! i love that every reader leaves a bit of them in it! i'd be interested in reading it.
Oooooh, I'd love to read the book too! Cool idea, to pass it along....
Great job on the 12k...especially after your killer work out! Lovin the fall weather although I do hope it stops raining by the time I am done work so I can get my run in! There is such a nice SMELL about all too...
I would be very much interested in reading the Complete Book of Women's Running...now that I am getting a little bit more serious about this whole running thing and starting to plan my NEXT marathon this could be a great read!
Hope you have a good night for speed work!
I've never read a book specific to women's running and I'd love to. I do believe there are aspects of fitness that are gender specific. Being a newer runner, I'm still trying to learn about the sport in terms of fueling, recovery, training, etc. I sort of did things backwards - started running marathons without much thought to understanding the sport. I want to know more!!
Your fall weather sounds much better than ours! We are down to around 5C now, way below the average!
I'm definitely interested in the book! :)
I might take a page from your training plan and try speed work 2x/week next go-round - that sounds more fun than repetitive runs at "easy" pace ;) Enjoy the surprise tonight!
Count me "in" for the book-list - I've read 3 consecutive books on running so far (Bart Yasso, Dean K x 2), might as well continue the trend! ;)
I think I have a copy of that book laying around here somewhere...
WOOT for fall weather!
a new type of virus, but this one doesn't replicate ... I like the idea of the book being passed along
I go to the boy's room when I pee ... so if you come across a copy of "band of brothers" or some "Dr. Seuss" I'm on it like glue!
Are there a lot of pictures????? It's probably a lot of top-secret woman stuff in it!!!!
That's a cool idea about the book :). Yay for fall-like weather. Finally!!!
You're still getting higs of 20? NICE!!!! I'm loving the fall weather too - except the abundance of rain we get out here. GRRR!
I don't do a ton of book reading, but that is one book that I have picked up numerous times. Definitely looks like and interesting and informative one, so yes put me down as interested. You should let us know what you thought of it.
Three reasons to pick me:
1) I am still waiting on a wedding present, it's been two months.
2) I am also waiting on a birthday present, it's been two days... I'm willing to let you write it off as a combo of both 1&2.
3) I will pawn the book and get plastic surgery so my abs can look like hers, and not like a pregnant woman.
The choice is clear.
I left you a blog award today. And I meant what I said. You should move to BC and become my runner buddy - hahaha. Not anything to do with the book thing (honest, but wow, that doesn't look good on me does it - hahaha)
I love fall weather!!!
Just so you know, you may need to update my blog in your reader for my posts to update. It has been a real pain in the butt lately. sorry!
Love the idea of passing around the book! Don't you want it to come to Vermont?
I would love to have this book passed on to me! Your blog inspires me to run and I hope someday I can inspire others to run as well!
It is absolutely perfect running weather in BC right now - I don't want this to end!
I'm definitely interested in the book. What a neat idea!
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