- The bookmark that came with it stays with it always;
- You must sign the book with your name, blog address, life/running mantra and most inspiring race;
- You must then choose someone else to send it to along with these same stipulations.
Thanks to Morgan for starting us off.

2. Did anyone catch the season premiere of The Biggest Loser the other night? Several hopeful contestants participated in a one-mile race to earn their place on the ranch. It was excrutiating to see how much they struggled, many barely making it to the finish line. Let's not take our health and our abilities for granted.

3. Tonight is clinic night and the group will be continuing speed work. I, however, will be sticking to an easy run - resting these legs for Sunday! More on that tomorrow...

Happy Thursday (almost Friday)!
WoooHooo! Have a nice easy run and let those legs rest up!
I saw BL on Tuesday. I had tears every few mins when they either ran or did the step up and were talking about their lives. Lots of sad stories out there. looking forward when they are actually in the ranch.
yay for Scotia. its gonna be a wonderful day!!!
wahhh the posting comments thing keeps telling me "service unavailable" here's hoping this one works...
i haven't seen TBL b/c it is on during one of my classes and we don't havE DVR anymore!! boo!!! is it going to be a good season??? maybe i can watch it online.
AND.. the compression socks came! yay!! :) xoxo
Yay for me!! So excited to read this and pass it along...
Yes, I LOVE TBL. That was excrutiating to watch, though. Especially that one woman who was moaning and carrying on.
what a cool idea with #1!! LOVE IT!!
oooo you like TBL too?? check out my blog post from last night!!! i went to TBL taping when they filmed in Boston but i had to keep it a secret until now. i have pics and a recap from the day, including pix of jillian.
That is a really cool idea about the book!
have a great race! It is supposed to be a nice day Sunday. I watched some of TBL (in between GLEE!) and cannot believe more people don't end up seriously hurt on that show. Will be an interesting season....
I missed "Biggest Loser" Tuesday - I got sidetracked with "Chopped" darnit! Happy almost weekend!! :)
I was sad watching BL - I wanted them to take more people. :(
Enjoy Sunday! One day I must get to Canada. That race looks amazing.
I'm not so far from learning to run that I can't feel for those people. I was actually impressed by how much some of them actually ran rather then walking - although I bet there was some creative editing.
I love the BL! Can't wait for the season to really get rolling and the sob stories to be over. I hate crying all the time, I just like watching them be in pain! It is funny that last year while watching, the hubs and I weren't doing any significant exercising of our own, check us out now!
That BL was so hard to watch! That poor girl in Boston made me so sad with not going on! Shessh!
Good luck at the race this weekend! Not sure if I will be on blogger tomorrow or the weekend :( So run strong and run fast!!!
I love the #1 idea. It's the Sisterhood of The Traveling Running Book :)
I just caught parts of TBL. Can't wait to watch it. It makes me appreciate the fact that I can exercise at all.
Good luck on Sunday!!!!
i agree we shouldn't take our health for granted, but we work hard to stay in shape. i didn't watch but i hope it was a wake up call for some of them. you gotta take care of yourself before it's too late.
Enjoy your run tonight!! i have not had a chance to see TBL yet!! I DVR'd it Tuesday and hopefully tonight I can sit down and see what happens!!
I had the same thoughts when I watched TBL - I'm thankful for my health. It was hard to watch some of them (the breast cancer lady not winning) but I gotta give them props...running 1 mile when you're not fit is a big deal!! I love that show, I find it really inspirational.
I watched a little bit of the BL on and off, but found it to be too emotionally draining. I like the show but sometimes there's just too much drama. I agree, we shouldn't take our health for granted.
Good luck this weekend! You're a machine!
I did watch Biggest Loser...It was so sad listening to all their stories. I wished they could have taken everyone!
Hope you had a nice easy run! That's a cool giveaway...and cool stipulations too.
Enjoy that easy run this weekend!
Loved watching them run the mile on BL! Tears in my eyes for not only their accomplishment, but also for the fact that I couldn't even run a whole mile a year ago!
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