That's 7F "feels like" -14F in 'merican, a.k.a. FREEZING FREAKING COLD.
I seriously questioned my judgment as I set out for a mid-day run, but I was determined to get my daily sweat (can you even sweat in those temperatures?) and Vitamin D. I also knew that an easy run would do wonders to shake out my sore and stiff legs from the weekend.
It was biting, bone-chilling cold from the moment I stepped out the door. I definitely hadn't packed enough clothes; with one layer on the bottom and two on top, my skin stung the entire time. My core wrmed up reasonably once I got going... until I turned into the wind.
Thoughts going through my mind:
- I must be nuts
- Who does this "for fun"?
- Treadmill is not looking so bad
- I must be seriously nuts.
- Should have worn my winter jacket.
- Can't feel my face.
- It's going to be a long winter.
- There are not enough clothes in the world for this.
- Why is everyone looking at me like I'm crazy?
- &%$!^&$*%(&%$!
This morning? I hit the treadmill.
HBBC Ongoing Tally Week of Dec. 11-17
Dec. 11 - run (6.8), Bootcamp (4) = 10.8
Dec. 12 - run (16.8)Dec. 11 - run (6.8), Bootcamp (4) = 10.8
Dec. 13 - run (5), F&V (1) = 6
If I were you, I would be best friends with the treadmill right now. And we'd be buddy buddy until spring ...
i will confirm: u r crazy!
You're a NUT! Still impresses me though.
Yeah I'd draw the line and head for the mill too. Brrrr!
I'm very seriously judging your sanity... and yes, that's coming from ME! That's not a good sign Marleney-poo!
I've been tellin' myself that it's going to make me stronger.
...But myself's not listening.
I think i heard that cold snap around here too. We sat at 2F and did not get above 18 all day....Brrrr!!! Crazy cold these days. if you haven't tried it, check out Mizuno Breath thermo base layer products. great for these bone chilling temps.
That's freaking cold!
Damn girl that's some discipline. I would have done the same thing.
It is 65 in Colorado today. Go figure. I want snow.
Brr! We have had super cold temps this week too, so I have been staying inside. :(
hahaaaaaa! I ran in blowing cold and snow on Sunday. This would be child's play for a Canadian, but where I live, it was crazy. And now I'm trying to figure out how to get a treadmill in my house. :)
I'm cold just thinking about it!
I am spoiled here in the sub tropics and probably would have just stayed on the couch, whimpering and wrapped in a blanket. Just reading this makes me want to hibernate.
That is brave!! I hate being cold. I live in CA and I think 30 is to cold for me. lol
Yeah I'm seriously questioning your sanity over here! LOL!
Oh man, that's insane!!! Good for you, though - dedication is your name!!!
As Beth said, it's 65 in Denver right now. I do NOT want snow, though (we do have plenty in the mountains! I can see it from my bedroom window - that's enough for me!)
Yeahhh its cold. Even if I could run outside I think I would still hit the treadmill! Hopefully we don't get hit with too much snow this afternoon so I can at least get to the gym!
You look sooo COLD!! I hope it doe snot get that cold here.. BRRRRR!!!
Eek! That is COLD! You are so committed. Can you make it to a treadmill at lunch time?
I guess that means I can't complain about the temps in the 30s and 40s we've had here, can I?
as i left the gym this morning with temps in the teens and wind chills in the single digits, i questioned how i'm going to train through the winter. i might die.
"can you even sweat in those temperatures?" Ha, apparently, yes? I cannot even imagine running in anything less than Zero. Oooof...
•Treadmill is not looking so bad
•Treadmill is not looking so bad
•Treadmill is not looking so bad
•Treadmill is not looking so bad
•Treadmill is not looking so bad
OMGOSH lady - get on it!! ;)
get on the treadmill. i cant believe you were outside running! i'm shivvering just thinking about it!
That picture is priceless! LOVE it. And way to get out there and tough out the cold. That is inspiring! :)
amen sistah those mornings are brutal and require almost so much clothing i cant move :)
Love this post. I'm going to go against everyone else and say: it's not that bad outside once you're used to it.
Definitely at least 2 layers on bottom and 3 on top though.
Okay, you are the running superstar and you totally inspire me. You can handle the cold!
Holy stinking coldness!! For crying out loud those temps should not be LEGAL! I am freezing just thinking about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, you Canadians are tough! Those temperatures are ridiculous.
Good call on the treadmill. That is nuts.
i bet your M&M costume would fit over all your layers and it would give you extra warmth. Just a thought. :-)
I love the look on your face in that picture. So cute. I have been hitting the treadmill as well. Ugh.
I am not sure I even know what that kind of cold feels like :-/
Our "cold" temps have gone away for a bit. Haven't even seen many upper 40s! :(
I can answer the question to why everyone is looking at you crazy ... cuz you are, as am I. Before I was a runner I used to question "those people"'s snity ... but now I is one.
Another layer and you'd have been just great! :)
Eeek!!! Good for you!!! :)
that's bikini weather.
You did not have enough layers on. I put on so many it is surprising I can move! I think it's worst mid day than first thing in the morning when I am not awake enough to think about it.
What a look on your face! I don't know how you even made it through the run! Glad you did though!!
After work tonight I saw a guy running in shorts. It couldn't have been more than 25' F. That's just crazy too! I hope your treadmill runs go well and aren't too boring!
cracks me up---you are the one running in the crazy heat in the summer and crazy cold in the winter! I don't envy you right now. You earn some hardcore bonus points for that run!
Yesterday, I was loving my sore ITB; it was great having an excuse to not run. Warmer days are coming - well, relatively warmer.
You know you're desperate run on the treadmill. Ugh.
I bow in the presence of your excellence! I'm so impressed lady - now next time hit the 'mill!
Have a good Wednesday!
Yup we just went through this in the west! It sucks!! I questioned my sanity many times during those runs! Thankfully it warmed up and we are running in a balmy -4C now.
We are crazy...
Love the pic. I think the same during cold long runs but then I remember the feeling of accomplishment after a run and it makes it all worthwhile.
We have a group that meets tonight for a run before yoga. I have dared them to have to guts to show up and run. I even have a treat for each that do.... BIG CUPS.... need I say more :)
haha! I'd definitely say it's treadmill weather for you.
When you need so many layers you can't move and it feels like you lost your chin to frostbite it's time for the mill. That's way too cold for me! Way to get it done though!
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