- Go for a run
- Physio appointment at 9:30
This is was actually happened:
- Went for a run
- Came home 30 mins. later to discover that I was locked out of the house
- Stare at the door helplessly
- Curse and stomp my feet
- Pace up and down the driveway trying to decide what to do
- Run like hell to the trail where I know hubs is running
- 5K in 23:23! (Nothing like some adrenaline-fueled impromptu speed work!)
- Arrive our usual parking lot and no sign of hubs' car
- Minor melt down
- Collect call Juliana to rescue me (THANK YOU!)
- Use J's cell to call physio and let them know I'm not going to make it (J offered to take me but I'm a sweaty mess and hadn't shaved my legs - lol)
- J drives me back home to see if hubs has turned up (he hasn't)
- J drives me to an alternate parking lot on the running trail to see if hubs' car is there (it is)
- Leave a note for hubs and head back to J's house to wait
- Hubs eventually shows up to take me home
- We discuss where we could stash a spare key
HBBC Ongoing Tally Dec. 25-31:
Dec. 25 - run (5.4)
Dec. 26 - run (12)
Dec. 27 - run (7.6), cross-training class (4) = 11.6
Dec. 28 - run (9.9)
I didn't think you guys locked your doors!!!!!!!! HA
Oh man! What's with locks lately, my gym lock refused to open yesterday, I had to have the security guys in my building come rescue me with their lock cutters!
Also glad your leg isn't broken!
Oh no!!! That stinks but at least you got a good speed workout in.
Ah, the unexpected...great 5K time,btw!!! Sorry you missed your appt...that's an aweful feeling being locked out...
Way to adapt and overcome. That is what us multi-sport athletes do....we adapt and overcome.
And the super speedy 5K time to boot....AWESOME!
At least it wasn't as cold out today as it has been lately...although with that speed session you added you probably wouldn't have noticed :)
I am planning on learning from your lesson, and figuring out a spare key spot at my own house!
A spare key has saved me many times!
Well, at least you got an AWESOME 5k in!
ok, lesson learned from this event is this: you must keep your legs shaved! It's kind of like when mothers tell you to always make sure you are wearing clean underwear in case you get in an accident! glad it all worked out!
Oh man. That is like my worst nightmare. Last year I used to run with my key and would always be afraid I would drop it somewhere along the way and not know it.
That is the worst! I've been there, too. My parents stayed with us for a few weeks after my son was born. My Mom turned the lock on the knob of the front door, which we NEVER did (always just used the deadbolt). I took took my son for a walk in the stroller only to return to find the front door had locked behind me...and my parents were asleep in the basement. I rang the doorbell. I yelled at the window (fire escape window) in their bedroom. Could NOT wake them up. And of course the baby was screaming. Worst.Thing.Ever.
Getting locked out sucks, I know.
That sucke!
Beer Geek left town after my first marathon after meeting me at the finish line. Only after he left did I realize I didn't have a key and neither did my mom. I was all set to break a window when we realized my neighbor had a key to the back door. Whew!
At least you got some speedwork out of it LOL.
Just found your blog... Enjoyed reading it a bit. I agree with your motto about being on a mission to another marathon. Have a good 2011!
Yes a hiding spot is a GOOD idea. Hugs to finding ways to work through bad situations..
spare keys are always a good idea... or leaving one with the friend you collect called too! :) hope tomorrow is better!
Nice 5k!! Don't you wish we could package adrenaline?!!
Sounds like the kind of morning you'd like to rewind and start again. Tomorrow will be better.
Oh that sucks! I locked myself out of my office at work a couple weeks ago. About 2 hours of waiting for someone to come back. My dog was in there so I didn't want to leave, plus my legs were super sore so I couldn't even go out for a run to pass the time by.
I had physio this morning too. Hurt like &^$#!!!!!!
I am terrible with keys! I locked myself out of my dorm room in university constantly, out of various appartments so often it was embarassing how well I knew the super, and out of my current home more times than I can count. The worst was when I locked myself and my staff out of a work vehicle (with the keys inside) - as the supervisor, aren't I supposed to be the responsible one?
At least you got your run in, and a little bonus speed work to boot!
that blows! but it's kind of a funny story at least. I figure, no matter how frustrating something is, if it makes for a good story, at least it has some redeeming qualities.
Frustrating, but yes, way better than a broken leg. :)
umm. why don't you run with a key? duh. :-p if i got a collect call i would assume JAIL...
hubs drives to a trail 3.1 miles away? lazzzyyyyy.
PS i'm glad you did the right thing ;)
Sounds like quite the process you went through! I locked myself out once just taking out the trash. It happens, but I always feel so helpless. And without a cell phone... oh man. I don't think I would have even thought of collect calling. Glad it all worked out.
did you end up making it to the appt or not?
what I have just realized is the only phone number i know by memory is my parents in KC..not helpful in miami
That sucks! Glad it worked out okay.
I have to admit that I often run without a key if someone else is home. Probably a bad idea since there's always a possibility they'd have to leave unexpectedly.
This is a familiar frustration for me. I have locked myself out MANY times!
That morning sucked! My wife and I enjoy your blog - hang in there!
Hooray for silver linings. Plus, now I have proof that this happens to other people! Glad it worked out (sort of)
YIKES! Quick thinking on your part. I'd definitely say a spare key is in order. Cute post!
Winks & Smiles,
Brutal!! Glad your leg wasn't broken!
Reminds me of the time hubby locked his keys in the trunk of his car, with his cell inside!
I know it must have sucked in the moment, but I am still laughing (with you) about the events of the day!
Happy New Year Maureen!
oh dear, what a mess. but you know, i do that crap all the time! which is why i started always running with a phone, because i am a walking disaster. haha.
note to self: must re-stash house key. thanks for the reminder.
Oh my gosh- I have had that happen to me a couple of times and it is terrible. One time I seriously considered walking 5 miles or so to my parents but I wasn't sure if they had a key to my house or not haha. I tell my husband we have to stash a spare key but he is convinced the robbers will find it haha
Maybe J should have a spare key instead of stashing it where a thief could find it ;)
It's a sign of what your friends think of you when they hear bad news and they immediately think of broken legs. My mom always thinks I will have a heart attack or get hit by a car (both fueled by news reports from events involving runners years ago).
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