Tuesday, August 23, 2011

2 for "Twosday"

Today started with a chill in the air (11C/52F) for a brisk morning run. I almost regretted my shorts and tank top, but felt comfortable once we got going. You certainly won't catch me complaining about cool temps!

J and I met at our usual 5AM and ran our warm-up over to a flat 3K loop that is perfect for repeats - except for about a half mile stretch in complete and utter darkness. Time to bust out the headlamps.

The workout was 1000-2000-1000-2000-1000 tempo intervals with recovery jogs of a few hundred metres in between. We set off at our own paces, regrouping briefly after each repeat for safety reasons. It's a tad spooky out on the paths at that time!

It was a crystal clear night morning and the crescent moon and stars were easily visible in the sky. It slowly started to lighten up toward the end of our run. Summer is definitely waning.

Back to the workout - my goal was about 4:30/KM, though I knew it would be tough to maintain at that hour.

1000 - 4:33 ... hmm, this feels harder than it should
2000 - 4:32, 4:33 ... wow, 2000 is long
1000 - 4:27 ... sweet, 1000 is short!
2000 - 4:31, 4:35 ... hold on hold on hold on
1000 - 4:26 ... last one, piece of cake


I added on a few more Ks after dropping J off at the car. Part 1 of medium-long day complete.

16.2KM (10.1mi) - 1:27:46 - 5:26/KM (8:44/mi)

At lunch I headed out for run # 2 to finish off my mileage. It was hot and sunny (11C/52F already a distance memory) and I forgot both sunglasses and water. Lunch run fail! Luckily it was just a short one and I managed.

6.0KM (3.7mi) - 33:15 - 5:32/KM (8:54/mi)

Tonight we're off to a tri clinic downtown with an open water swim in lake Ontario. Good timing with our first tri this weekend!


J said...

Have fun in the lake tonight! Hope its not too cold! Great job on the runs - tough tempo workout for the morning, but you rocked it!

Jason said...

Love the hold on, hold on, hold on.....I was saying the same thing this morning on the treadmill as I was doing my 20 minute LT run.

First tri this weekend....yee-haa! so excited for you you future Boston Marathon runner and IM finisher.

BTW - I may be heading to Maine in August of 2012 to race the 70.3 Rev3 up there if you are interested in joining me and Jen Small of Miles, Muscles and Mommyhood!

Jess said...

I would LOVE "brisk"! Temps in the 50s (F) is my idea of perfect running temps!

Casey said...

your pics are great! way to get out there!

Unknown said...

I'm curious if you're actually saying those things out loud? ;) I know I sometimes do...

Anonymous said...

Ummm...today's workouts sound more like a TRI-fer than a two-fer! Have fun at the swim, and way to rock the double runs today!! I hear ya on the brisk morning...I actually made it out for a run before the sun too! Amazing I tell ya!! :)

kristen said...

I hope the lake wasn't too cold!

ajh said...

I had 44 degrees and wore capris, long sleeves AND a jacket. But I loved it!

Anonymous said...

Your tri is already THIS weekend?! Wow, so fast!

Hope the swim was nice and refreshing after those two runs :)

Nicole said...

your going to KICK ass this weekend! ROCK STAR!

Vanessa @ Gourmet Runner said...

Those temps sounds nice and refreshing--great job on both runs today!

MCM Mama said...

So jealous of the temps! Someday I'm going to doubles. Really. ;o)

You are going to rock the tri!

Heather said...

I hate 1000's because I always get confused and think it means 3 laps around the track. And the halfway through the workout realize that's not right. Running math can be so confusing! We abbé been having the fall like weather in the morning too, with the summery temps in the afternoon. :)

misszippy said...

I'll bet it felt like two different days with the temp swing. Hope you liked the tri clinic--it is perfect to have the info fresh in your mind for this weekend!

Char said...

What a great set of reps you did. I love the way that the second last one seems so tough but the last is your fastest and yet was easy. A lot of running is such a mind game.

Richelle said...

Awesome Tuesday!