Wednesday, August 17, 2011


5:00 AM - wake up, get ready, breakfast #1

still need bike lights!!

5:45 AM - bike ride to work with J - 36K/22.4mi

7:15 AM - arrive at work, drop of bike/gear, head out for brick run

I felt sooo good on this run - by far my best run off the bike. 5K in under 25 minutes feeling strong.

7:45 AM - clean up the sweat and make myself presentable for work

attempting to discreetly air dry my gear in the stair well

8:00 AM - eat, work, eat, work, eat, work, etc.

I enjoy peaking at my bike all day

5:00 PM - ride from work to meet hubs at the lake

5:45 PM - arrived at the lake and suited up for a swim

6:00 PM - great 1000m open water swim in ~20 mins.

forgot to get the camera out again - this is a recycled photo

6:30 PM - neeeeeeeeeeed fooooooooooooood


MCM Mama said...

Your day was a heck of a lot better than my day. ;o)

Way to get in an awesome amount of exercise. Nice job on the brick too!

Jenn(ie) said...

What a day! I had planned a run and ended up sitting on my couch with a list of excuses running through my head instead. You're inspiring!

Laura said...

So how much food exactly? I know you did a food post before but I am curious as to how much it has been ramped up.
I survived 50min spin and 35 min of core and am having trouble keeping my eyes open...

ajh said...

Wow! Looks like a great day. Congrats! I just biked.

Nicole said...

fuel that body girl!!!! :) :)

nom nom nom

Kerrie said...


Anonymous said...

Holy crap, that bike picture shows some muscular legs! I'm jealous! (I'm one of those people that doesn't strive for skinny legs, but muscles instead!)

And get yourself a light already, it makes you safer and more visible.

Char said...

And you still look so perky in the last photo. How do you do it?

Johann said...

That is some day! You are certainly in great shape. Super!

Christine said...

WOW! You are really good in incorporating your workouts in your daily routine! Good job :)

kristen said...

Your bike commute makes me wish I didn't work from home...I guess I could just get up early and go for a ride. (And that being said, I would NOT enjoy bike commuting here in Montreal. Cyclists seem to be getting hit and killed by cars weekly...)

J said...

Amazing day of training! Reminds me of the winter and the bootie buster challenge when I go crazy with workouts!

Lily on the Road said...

Holy schnitzzz girl, 36k in 22 min. ~ I'm hanging up my helmet.

Jason said...

You are a superhero but I think the work pic has to come down before your boss sees it b/c I don't think Twitter can actually be considered work....ha ha ha!!!!!

Lindsay said...

I think you should wear some granny panties under your diaper bike shorts and hang those to air dry. Like a big flag.

If I was your coworker I would hang a sign on all that warning of hazardous/toxic waste. ;) I'd also never hang my raincoat/anything there...

Anonymous said...

u need like a superbig meal! hope it was tasty and full of carbs! haha

that is a great day of workouts! haha

awesome job

H Love said...

girl you are a professional athlete!

Robin said...

pfew!! Tiring. WTG.

Runners Fuel said...

You are going to kcik some tri ass!!

Anonymous said...

i am totally loving bachelor pad and big brother as well. im even in a BB pool - on my team, i have jeff, porche and luwon (who made one of the biggest mistakes in BB history)

Jess said...

Very busy!

It's so light out there at 5:45 am! Here, it's dark right now in the morning until almost 7!

macnic said...

I also want to know how you replace all of those calories in a healthy way! Well done!

ATTrio said...

Holy smokes, that is one day full of workout wonderfulness. Nice job on everything!


Heidi said...

You constantly astound me with how much activity you squeeze into a day. Don't know how you do it. Awesome time on the brick run!!

Anonymous said...

Ha girl you are on fire! You seem totally fine with these open water swims - like you've skipped the huge obstacle that most Tri newbies are most afraid of (not that I would know..haha, but I WOULD be terrified of it)!

Vanessa @ Gourmet Runner said...

You are rocking it--way to get all three in on one day!

Teamarcia said...

You are livin' the life and earning that food! WTG!

Carly said...

I am tired just reading this! Nice job! I am so out of the loop...I didn't know you were tri training....that is awesome.

Being Robinson said...

NICE! i think i ate some cheese on wednesday... so then there's that for me ;)

Gotta Run..... said...

YOU were made for Tri's! Keep moving forward into it ;)

Anonymous said...

The way you juggle work and training never ceases to impress me.

Joanna said...

This is crazy impressive. And the best part? You are having FUN! I love it! I also love the attempt to discreetly air dry your gear. I try to do that at work sometimes with sort of mediocre success.