This Sunday is the Chilly Half Marathon and my first "race" of 2010. (I'm not forgetting about that little thing called the Goofy Challenge, but this is the first event of the year where I intent to race for a PR.)
I first ran Chilly in 2008 (back in my days of getting 2 comments on a race report!) and volunteered last year.
I'm actually not a really big fan of this event; they've been known to have organizational issues (ran out of shirts and bags last year, women's shirts not available on time this year) and it's over-priced (you can run a marathon around here for the cost of this half). That being said, the timing works out great and it's a flat and fast course. This year they've changed the route to an out-and-back and for the first time, the entire road will be closed for runners. I generally don't mind out-and-back races and I'm hoping it will be beneficial to my mental game. If nothing else, I hope that it gives me the opportunity to see several familiar faces along the way.
Unfortunately this is the third year in a row that Hubs has registered for this race and not been able to run. In 2008 he was injured, in 2009 he was out of the country on business and this year he's injured again. :( I know he would love nothing more than to be running on Sunday, so when I'm tired and hurting at 10 miles, I'll remind myself to suck it up and be grateful that I'm able to run.
A. (I hope I can): sub-1:50:00
B. (I think I can): PR sub-1:52:29
C. (I know I can): Event PR sub-2:01:00
A. (I hope I can): sub-1:50:00
B. (I think I can): PR sub-1:52:29
C. (I know I can): Event PR sub-2:01:00
I've been going back and forth between feeling confident and terrified. Hopefully my training will come through for me on Sunday and I will feel strong both mentally and physically out there.
In my heart, I know I can do this. In my brain, there are seeds of doubt.
Here goes nothing!

You can do it! Good luck...can't wait to read all about it! I love that quote at the bottom. :)
You will be FINE. Love you!
That is my most favourite saying of all times, I have it on a Tshirt!
Go for it, you are so ready for a PB. Sorry to hear that Hubs is not up to snuff, give him a big hug for me, but you'll have a great cheer leader there to support you.
You will rock it for sure. Apparently the shirt issue this year was due to the supplier not the organizer but I agree on the price. I wonder if it is b/c the city is putting out more fees in order to have Lakeshore closed?
It is supposed to be a beautiful day and I am getting stoked.
Have fun!
You are going to do amazing and I can't wait to hear how you abolished your record :-)
Sucks that hubs can't run it!!! I'll be on the out while you're doing the back -- You'll be amazing Marlene!!! Hopefully I'll see ya!
I just got crazy giddy excited reading this. You've got this in the bag!! And I'll cheer for you from the course!
You're going to do awesome - you have been hitting all those training runs and doing the speedwork. Good luck!
Good luck, you've got this one in the bag. Just hope there are enough bags.
You are going to do great, you have been training hard!
Have a great time!! All of the cross training you've been doing will for sure pull you through faster!
Good luck!! I actually don't mind out-and-backs either.
I am sure you will do GREAT. Just make a race plan and stick to it! I'll be thinking about you.
I'm envious as it's going to be a nice day and like your hubs I'm injured as well. ;( Just enjoy the fact that you're out there, uninjured, healthy and doing what you love to do!
Good luck!! You are going to have a great race!
Good luck in the race! Hope you have a good time and get a PR!!!
I love the goals! Have a great race and enjoy your weekend!
Good luck!!!!!
Good luck!! I am excited to hear how you like the course- I ran it last year on the old course and while it wasn't TERRIBLE (as my training partner likes to put it), it could use some improvement. Kill it, girl!
i love that last quote!!!! really gun it for the final 5k!!!! you are going to blast that PR outta the water marlene. go get it! you are so ready!!
do you think you doubt this race a little cause you're not excited about it? I'm kinda curious why you signed up for a race that you said isn't that great :)
Good luck!!!
if anyone is ready to do this, it's you!! your training has been great!! you'll be so surprised how those double long runs and the goofy challenge will spill over and help you here, too. go get it!
Have a great race!
I think lots of runners (me!) get those feelings before a race. No matter what your goals are. Trying to focus on just enjoying it doesn't really help until your in the race and running...then the nerves can subside!
Run safe and strong.
yayyyy half marathons are the best!!! have a GREAT race girlie!
Good luck and go get that PR!! I hope everything runs smoothly this year and I love that there is an actual chili pepper on the logo
ha, I love that image at the bottom! *Every* 1/2 I've run, I think "5K Left, that's all!" at the 10 mile point :)
GOOD LUCK!!! You don't need it; the distance will be "easy" for you, and you've done GREAT with speedwork over the last two months!!! :) Get those "seeds of doubt" OUTTA there! Run confident and have fun! xo
You're doing to awesome girl!! RUN STRONG!!!!
Omigawsh Mar, you are going to do amazing! I believe in you girl!! And I love the " A 1/2 marathon is just a 5k racve with a 10 mile warm-up" - That totally makes it not sound so bad! Goodluck!!
Have fun and good luck! I love that saying that you posted, major LOL's!
I hope you have a great time and meet you first goal! Trust your heart, not your brain...you can do this!
Good luck, Marlene! I bet your speed work will carry you to your A goal!!! You've been running so strong. Have fun!
Have the BEST time this weekend-literally and figuratively!
Can't wait to hear all about it!
Healing vibes to hubby!
Love the 3 goals. I call them my "reach" goal, my real goal and my "safety" goal.
good luck this weekend - I think a half marathon is just a 5k with a 10 mile warmup for the pros, and the marathon a 10k with 20 mile wu! crazy.
Good luck!!! Fingers crossed that you get that "A"!
we have the same PR!!! you can do it girl! go get em! kick some booty!!! :)
You're going to do great - good luck and kick some booty!
good luck i know you will totally rock it!!
GOOD LUCK!! you will be awesome and fast.
Great goals, you can do it!! I hate that your hubs is injured and can't run this one, that's got to be disappointing for him. I hope you have a great race, everything feels perfect and you get your PR!
You'll do amazing!! Have a great race tomorrow!
Sorry to hear about your hubby, hope he heals quickly!
The day before and the morning of a race are the worst parts, as you know! The brain goes into "freak-out" mode. You'll do fine once you start running and establish your pace. Good luck.
Haha yeah probably shouldn't forget about the Goofy Challenge!
Good luck tomorrow, I think you have worked hard and will PR tomorrow, I am rooting for you at home :)
Good luck! At least the weather will be not so chilly!
Good luck tomorrow!
Love the quote!
Good luck tomorrow~
looking forward to the recap!
wow, congrats! (1:47!)
Wow-what yumke said! And Mark ran too?
love that sign.
im back and catching up on my reading.
i sneaked a peak at how u actually did before i read this post, so i know u rocked it!!!
great job!
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