Check out the worn down heel on my old pair. Yikes!
2. It was freeeeezing for our group run tonight! Hard to believe I was able to wear shorts and a tank last Thursday. We had an LT run on the schedule, I opted to skip the LT portion to save my legs for Sunday.
3. Speaking of which.... Sunday, March 28th: Around the Bay 30K, "Older than Boston"

I've registered and been unable to run in both 2008 (ITBS) and 2009 (separated shoulder). Here's hoping third time's the charm!
While this race is technically a training run for my upcoming marathon(s), I'm definitely seeking some 30K redemption from that miserable race last summer.
As usual, I have three goals:
A. (I hope I can) 2:50:00 (4:00 marathon pace)
B: (I think I can) sub-3:00:00
C: (I know I can) PR sub-3:05:03
Around the Bay is known for its challenging rolling hills in the final 10K and the weather is not looking good. Keeping this in mind, I don't expect to achieve my "A" goal, but I don't want to sell myself short either. Anything could happen!
So yeah, you will do fine on Sunday. Hopefully it won't be as bad as last year!
Good luck girl!! You'll do great!!
Those kicks are hot! I like them. You will kick butt in your race
Now freezing is cold???? I hate that little tease that we had......
Have fun in your race and kick some serious butt!
You are going to do awesome!!!
Love the plum!!! Have a great race!
Good luck on the 30K! And I like the new shoe color!
Yay for the new shoes and good luck on the 30K. I'm sure you'll do great!
2010 for the win! Go get 'em.
Good luck with that Bay Run
I love those shoes too! Your Around the Bay race looks like fun!
This weather is crazy right now! I had to pull the tights and gloves back out tonight! grr.. Anyways, good luck this weekend - you'll rock it! And super cute new shoes. love the color!
We're getting dumped on here in DC today, hope that's not your forecast for the race!! Ugh. Either way, you'll definitely get one of those goals - you always do ;)
good luck this weekend!!!
You'll rock it. I like that last 10km the best as it is truly the prettiest part of the course.
Don't forget to high five the grim reaper at the cemetery at the last 3km of the race.
...and low five the little person if he is there just past the RBG.
nice shoes. i like the plum colour!!!
and yes u can PR. i am sensing 2:48:51. I think u can do it. just dress warm....its freeeeeeeezing out there!
there has only been one race i registered for and wasn't able to run. i hate that!!! gosh!!! you really need to get this one :) third time IS the charm :) GOOD LUCK!!! i'll be out there racing on sunday, too, so i will think of you :) good luck vibes!!! --> -->
Been checking the hourly forecast.. it looks like it may start raining an hour before the race starts.. crazy.. last year was hard but kinda fun in the rain.
My last new pair of Sauconys were too big in my regular size too . . .
good luck this weekend! You have been so speedy lately, I'm predicting a big PR. :)
Have a good race! I was wearing my new saucony shoes yesterday too.
I get to break in my new kicks soon too! Yay!!!
Good luck this weekend! I love that they claim the fame "older than Boston" you crazy Canadians! :) LOL!
Yay for new kicks!!! :) Good luck on your race this weekend!
Good luck this weekend in the 30k!! I hope that you do really well! Cute new shoes! Will you be running in those for the 30k?
Hooray for new shoes in a new color! That's wierd that the same shoe in the same size was actually sized differently.
good luck this weekend!!! that race sounds soooo fun :) hope those new shoes bring you a speedy time ;)
Good luck on Sunday ... I have the same time goals, but it all comes down to my knee and the hills!
new kicks are always great! Love the plum color!
Good luck Sunday.. HAVE FUN!
Reminds me I need new shoes. Fo' realz.
Awesome pace on your almost 20-miler from a couple of posts ago!!! You totally rocked that long run!
PS - good luck on Sunday :)
Good luck on the race Sunday!! I definitely think PLUM is going to make ya speedy for goal A!!
Wonder if I'll see ya this year! Have a great race! It's your year for this race :D
GOOD LUCK BUDDY!! Rolling hills...makes my quads hurt..oh too fresh in my mind
Hey it's Katherine (that used to hang out on WB). I start half-marathon training next week and I've been reading your blog for inspiration.
Love the new shoes, I bought a new pair last week for when I start my training too. They seem so...white and clean lol.
And of course good luck at your race tomorrow!
Anything can happen ... so true with my race last weekend. Best of luck on yours, Marline!
i hope your race went well!! hooray for new shoes :) i purposely insist on different colors when i go... everyone tells me i should not pick shoes based on the color but i'm like HELLO i wear these everyday, i do not want boring/ugly :)
Love the new shoes!
I hope the race went well today!!
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