After a late night and restless sleep, the 4:00AM alarm came far too soon. Mel enjoyed a little extra sleep, but I'm anal about my morning routine so I roused myself and went through the motions of getting ready (slowly). I woke up with the same headache and 'off' feeling I'd had since arriving and expected it to be one long day.
Mel wasn't feeling so hot either so we commiserated together as we hit the road at 5:10. Jill and her hubby had offered us a ride to the start, so we met up with them (and Zoe) at a local mall to ride together in style. Jill was super pumped to be running her first marathon and her energy was infectious. I started getting excited!
Thanks to Mel's not-so-secret-anymore back road directions, Jill's hubby was able to drop us off super close to the start without any hassle. We paused for a quick photo.

Zoe, Mel, Marlene, Jamie (Jill's friend), Jill
As you can see, we're wearing our 'warm-ups'. It was a cool and overcast morning, pretty much ideal conditions to run in. The temperature was about 55-65F (which still means nothing to me, other than comfortable) and thankfully the sun remained hidden by clouds all morning. And it didn't rain! (The irony is that I found out later it was raining at home, while everyone had warned me about the wet weather in Seattle.) We definitely lucked out for race day conditions.
First stop: Brooks VIP washrooms! Mel was able to score some passes for us and we were greeted by volunteers in tuxedos with mints and Gu Chomps on silver platters, then treated to flush toilets in heated trailers with all amenities, including fun printed Run Happy toilet paper. The best part was NO LINES! (The line-ups for the regular "honey buckets" were unreal over an hour before the start.)

Next stop: Corral 6 for our pre-race bloggy meet-up and more photo ops!

It was awesome to see everyone and share some hugs before getting ready to start. With about 15 minutes to go, Amanda, Mel and I made our way to our corral (#10 out of 38) and it was READY, SET, GO!

Mel has done a fantastic job of recapping our adventures from 0 to 26.2 so make sure you rock 'n' roll over to Tall Mom's Race Recap if you haven't already. Mel remembered all the details of our random sightings (thong girl, camera man) and friends we "ran" into along the way.
It took us about 12 minutes to cross the starting line and it was incredible to see the sea of people behind and in front of us. The corrals were started in waves, which seemed to help a lot with congestion because we rarely found ourselves crowded on the course.

The route was really enjoyable, starting in Tukwila and finishing in downtown Seattle. The first 9 miles took us through some residential neighborhoods and then through a park along the Lake Washington waterfront, which was beautiful. Kerrie was waiting for us before Mile 4 with her camera, sign, balloon and cowbell! Spectator Extraordinaire!

Mel is waving near the middle, I'm off the the right and Amanda is tucked behind the guy in front. THANKS KERRIE!
I felt like I needed to use the washroom for most of the early miles, and finally decided to stop when I spotted a short line up for the honey buckets at mile 7. Given that I was technically racing without a goal, it wasn't worth it for me to continue running in discomfort. I felt so much better! I told the girls I would try to catch up, but Mel surprised me by turning around to cut some of the distance. Amanda was feeling good at that time and continued on her way. We would see her a few more times during the race, but did not have it in us to catch up.
The first Gu station was shortly after my pit stop, and I grabbed a handful. I'm a Gu junkie and they rarely supply this brand at races at home, so this was exciting for me. We giggled away as I spent the better part of a mile trying to stuff my bounty into pockets and elastic gel holders.
Miles 10 and 11 took us over the Lake Washington Bridge for an out-and-back. It was windy but offered some amazing views. Mel kept saying that she had missed most of this last year since she was so focused, so I made sure to take it all in.
After the bridge, we made our way toward the downtown area. We knew we were approaching the finish line, though we still had a long way to go. This was tough, especially since Mel and I were both feeling pretty mentally tired already. We both knew we could physically run a marathon, but neither of us felt mentally prepared as we had been for our goal marathons in May. Thankfully, we were in it together and we knew we would get there, having a blast no matter how tired we were.
Half Marathon Split: 2:06:42

Spotting Mel's friends just past the half way mark was exactly what we needed. We paused for hugs and a photo. We allowed a minute or two to tick by without a care in the world... until one of Mel's friends jokingly shooed us away and suggested that maybe we should start running again. Okay, off we went!

We made our way onto the Alaskan Way Viaduct for a lengthy out-and-back from miles 16 to 21. Both Mel and I decided to make a quick stop in the honey buckets for some instant relief before starting the 1.5 mile climb. This was one loooong hill and just when I thought we should be nearing the top, we turned slightly and it kept on going. We had anticipated walking if needed, but surprised ourselves when we were able to keep on trucking and barely slowed down. We enjoyed a short downhill before finally reaching the turn-around.

Suddenly that "short downhill" seemed much longer as we climbed back up on the way back. Fortunately we knew we were approaching the glorious 1.5 mile long descent toward mile 20. At the bottom, I had to stop for the honey buckets again. This was getting ridiculous. I felt like I had to go so badly, but I finally got in there and.... nothing. I don't know what was up with my bladder that day, but the same thing had happened at Disney in January. It must have something to do with being more relaxed and less focused, because I never have to pee! Anyway, after this episode, I told myself 'That's it! You're not stopping again until the finish!' Mel was such a good sport and joked that I was the Official Honey Bucket Inspector.
We hit the second and final Gu station, so I grabbed a couple more (I couldn't help myself!) and stuffed them wherever I could find room.
We continued on our way back toward the finish line, but knew we had to run straight past for one final out-and-back. We suddenly had a burst of energy (it was mostly Mel but she rubbed off on me) and we got EXCITED, whooping and hollering at spectators and other runners, laughing and waving our arms around. It was fun to get pumped up so close to the finish. Unfortunately, it was short-lived. Miles 24 and 25 seemed to go on forever as we ran along the Viaduct and still had to face some hills.
Suddenly Steph came out of nowhere with a big smile and her handy camera. She had just PR'd and BQ'd (again!) with a 3:34 and was out on the course to give us some support and run a few extra miles. She snapped this pic before sending us on our way.

We kept on smiling even though we were hurting.
The Mile 25 sign was a welcome sight and we started to pick it up. Along the way I spotted Tall Guy Surfing + Jenny up ahead so we introduced ourselves and chatted briefly.
We finally made the last turn toward Qwest Stadium and found ourselves sprinting down the ramp, around the bend and into the finish. We grabbed hands, raised our arms in the air and cheered our way all the way through that finish line.

Final Chip Time: 4:15:49
It was amazing to run this entire race with my buddy and I am so grateful to Mel for sticking with me every step of the way. It's crazy to think we had just met for the first time two days before. We hit it off immediately and made great running partners (no surprise to either of us). It's amazing how well you can get to know someone over 26.2 miles.
After collecting our medals we found Amanda who had finished just before us (with a new PR despite being sick!) and had our official finishers photos taken.

We slowly made our way to the reunion area after collecting some food and drink.

So happy to be done!
It was time to slip on our pink compression socks and sit down.

Family reunion area "B" quickly filled up with bloggers and we snapped a few post-race pics.

Miscellaneous Race Observations
- There were bands at least every mile and they were fantastic! I really enjoyed the variety of music and most of them did a great job on engaging the runners.
- There were also several cheer squads out and we loved cheering along with them, most likely looking like idiots but totally loving it.
- Spectators were plentiful throughout most sections of the course and made sure to thank them for their cheering and signs. We were often called "Team Pretty in Pink", which we obviously enjoyed!
- I carried my handheld and refilled countless times during the race, also taking a cup of Cytomax frequently. Both Mel and I found that we were extremely thirsty no matter how much we drank. I wanted to stop several times and just chug an entire bottle of water, but I knew it would slosh around in my stomach.
- I took Salt Stick caps before the start and around half way.
- I felt surprisingly good immediately after the race. My legs were hardly bothering me at all and my stomach felt great. Usually I have a hard time eating immediately after a marathon, but this time I was stuffing my face with everything in sight (special thanks to Mel's friends who brought food for us too!). I expected to wake up sore the next day, but I could hardly tell that I had run a marathon. On Monday I headed out for an easy 5K, which felt great after taking only one day off.

Sounds like so much fun! I can't wait to run with Mel and Zoe and Jill and Kerrie in September! Congrats on another great race!
wow, great job and great recap!
Congrats on a great race!
awww! team pretty in pink!!!
LOVE the city views in the background of your halfway photo. WOW skyscrapers!!!
congrats on a great race!!
love it!! great report!
i recently had issues w/ the bladder on my 31 mile run. never had it happen before but i felt like i had to go so bad and i actually didn't. it was so uncomfortable. wonder what causes that...
AWESOME!!! sounds like you guys had SO MUCH fun out there! love it and love allll the pics!
Love the RR and all the pictures. Aren't races with no expectations just so much fun?? Glad you had a blast...and I LOVE all that pink you guys were wearing :). Hope you're recoverying well...enjoy this week off!
Runnings with friends makes everything "easier"! :) You two had a GREAT finishing time, despite the stops, headaches, Honey Bucket Inspecting and hills, haha! I bet some of the thirst/headache comes with the stress of traveling just a few days before - thats not easy on the bod!!
GREAT Race recap - impressive, as always! :) Congrats on another 26.2!!
First of all, awesome race report! Second, I love that you collected GU!! When I first saw the picture of you and Mel at the finish line, I thought, "Wow...she still had that much GU left at the end?" too funny. Thirdly, man I wish I felt as good as you after. I hobbled through a mile today. Amazing. Congrats again on such a great race!!
Sounds like a perfect marathon. And now you have a back up career; honey pot inspector! ;-)
Awesome race report Marlene. Inspiring as usual!
Glad to hear that despite a few issues here and there, you managed a great time, and had fun with some new friends!!!
Great report! I love all the pics!
how fun! awesome job on No. 5, congrats. that's a great time too. ohhh and i see you met up with some wichita girls, sweet! i was wondering if ya'll would catch up to one another. that's awesome. jealous (but happy for you) sigh.
Great recap! Sounds like ya'll had a blast and I've been loving all the pics and recaps from everyone! So jealous I couldn't be there to run too! Congrats on another marathon finish girl!
That just looked like a ton of fun!!! So glad the experience was a great one :)
Good job on the recap! It was so great talking to you on Friday night and I am so glad I met you. I am sure it was kinda nice to run a "relaxed" race, as it was a pretty course. I will continue following your running on your blog and hopefully we will meet up again sometime...mmmm...maybe a race in Canada would be fun! Gotta renew that passport ;)
Great job Marlene!! You and Mel did awesome! It must have been so much fun to meet and run together!! Congrats on a great marathon!
Congrats on a wonderful race and awesome time with friends. We are so going to have to figure out a race to do near the border the next time I head north. ;o)
Congrats! Ya'll are too cute
Fantastic! It was so great to meet you!
congrats! great pics! i heard it was an awesome marathon!
Good Job!! Your race recap was awesome and I loved how you were snatching up the gu's whenever you had a chance. I am so proud of you for all your hard work.
You are amazing!!
Marlene, great report and I'm glad you had fun. I love how you collected up the gu's as you ran...sounds like something I'd do. I love running with the hand held, too...
you seriously deserve an award for this RR. WOW. Awesome. I think I need the VIP port-a-potty news at the end though. That cracked me up so bad [had never heard of a VIP pee pass] that I kept thinking of it throughout your whole report. LOVE IT
great fun, awesome weather, new friends, super race experience....and VIP porta-potty passes...doesn't get much better than that, huh?
Congrats on a great race! Sounds like you all had a fantastic time; I love how energetic you were, even running a marathon!! Congratulations!!
All the pics are great - the pink compression socks may be my favorite! You did great in spite of all the pit stops and pics. In my world your time is great! Congrats! Glad you had so much fun!
Great job! and time!
Wow cowbells at mile 4? That is just asking for a great race :)!!! Its somethin' about em that totally gets me going! I love your outfit to!
Great race report... awesome that you had a friend every step!
Great job! I love your pictures! You look like you are having a blast the whole way...What a fun race it sounds like and it's so awesome that you all could do it together!
Glad to hear the VIP port-a-potties were worth it! (Wasn't sure when I first heard about them.) Great race...great memories!
Amazing amazing job Marlene!! Great race report too! I love all the pink && all the pictures! Looks like you guys had lots of fun!!! :)
Great race report, I just had to smile while reading because it is clear you guys just had so much fun running. Congrats on another awesome marathon!
Urgh comment 34... R N R called they want your Honey Bucket inspection report immediatly :)
You are the BEST running buddy a girl could ask for. This Marathon was ROUGH, I honestly did not think I would be able to finish. I was so tired, thirsty, crampy and just out of it... Together we made it fun and our bodies held up as best they could.
The pictures tell the story, our Finish line photo will be framed and on my wall for the next time you come to visit :)
you are AMAZING and I miss you already... so do the little studs..
Awesome recap, and love all the smiles in the pictures, you girls know how to rock it!!! Congrats on #5!
You're amazing and make it sound so easy! It looks like you two were having so much fun the whole way!
Congrats on another great marathon! I don't know how you did it so close to your last! Love all the pics!
Awesome race and report. I can't believe you did such a good time with all the stops!
Oh wow I LOVED reading this race report!!! Definitely adding this to my list of races I want to run someday.
As usual, great report and pics. So happy you guys were all able to meet up and run together.
Sounds like an all around great race and amazing that you felt so well afterwards!
Super race report and pics! Well done! Anyone who can smile so much during a marathon rocks!
That was a great recap! VIP bathrooms sound like a great perk!
These photos share the joy you had during this race. AMAZING!
That looks like such a fun race and I love that you and Mel ran it together- I think you'd both be so fun to run with!
I'm sure you can expect I have to comment on the awesome pink outfits. I love them. Seriously, I'm in love with the outfits alone. And you guys of course!
Man, that great of time with not a care in the world! Nice job Marlene! :) Glad you had a great time. Those races are the best.
Great recap and OMG VIP toilets?
Glad you had a blast!
Great race report and pictures, sounds like a really great time and tons of bloggy meetups.
Great report! What an awesome time. I love all the pics and just think it is so cool that you all ran together.
Love the "pee like a rockstar" btw!
Wow, what a great race Marlene! It sounds and it looks like you guys had so much fun. You have the best pics from this race!!! Nicely done!
Awesome recap! It was great to run into you there at mile 25. I was obviously struggling and you two looked super strong! Congrats! I had no idea we ended up starting in the same corral too! Those Gu stations are the bomb!
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