When did you know you had become a runner? Was there a defining moment, or was it a gradual progression over time?
Make sure you drop by the Runners' Lounge to see what I had to say and check out my slideshow of random running pics.

Happy Thursday (almost FRIDAY)!!
Don't forget to enter my Hella Sound Giveaway!
I really liked your Runner's Lounge post!! haha, looking at your slide show all I could think was, "Where does she keep all her medals?!" Way to go, girl!
I think I discovered I was a runner during my training for the half marathon...when I stuck to all those long training runs and never skipped them!!
Good topic!
what you got to select the top, you are so powerful!!
and yes no leaning backwards when you run, it's not terribly helpful for the forward motion ;)
Hee, I'd been running for over 25 years before I realized I was a runner :-)
Fun photos!!
Awesome question...darn it I already posted today...I am already an over-poster. (Truly I am aware I post way too often, but it is too fun) So I may have to reply to TIART on a Monday or something :) I really want to reply because I have some strong opinions about this... I am a "Marathoner" because I have run 1 Marathon...THANK YOU!!
I became a runner the minute that I signed up for the first half Marathon and started following a training plan.. I got ADDICTED!! and yes plan my life around running.
Love the slideshow. You have a passion for running that is infectious.
OK long comment..
Bye Buddy!!
Hmm, great topic. I'll have to think about that.
interesting topic. i'm still not sure that i'm a runner...
Marlene, I am proud of you!! My favorite Blogger!!!
congrats on your TIaRT week!!! woo woo!! just wanted to let you know i will be posting about this, i am just now finishing up work stuff after starting my work day at 6:30am,...BOOO!
That's a great question. I'm 7 marathons in and still not sure I consider myself a runner. It's just something I do.
First time I popped a toenail on a long run and smiled about it!
Very cool topic!
Very nice marlene! I love it! and I just posted! this was a good topic!
Love the post and the slideshow! I agree with you. Once you decide to forgo getting your hair done or going shopping or watching TV so you can get your run on, you're a runner!
GREAT Job hosting TIaRT! :) Loved the slideshow, and was obviously inspired to write for it. thanks for the topic!
great topic marlene and i loved your slide show! :)
gosh when did i officially think of myself as a runner? i suppose a couple years ago before my 2nd marathon when i realized i needed an almost-daily fix!
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