Yesterday we hit the local college track after a 4K warm-up around a nearby park. It was a stifling 30C/86F and humid (feels like 33C/91F) when we set out, and I was not expecting a good performance.
We had a goal of 4-5 x 1600 at a goal of 8:00 per 1600 (=5:00/KM pace, 2:00/lap).
I started with my pace group, but found myself pulling away easily. I was flying around that track and feeling good! I could feel it by the third lap of each set, but always managed to pick it up for the final 400.
1st set
2nd set
3rd set
4th set
1:43 ~ I told myself I was done after this one
5th set
1:49 ~ wondering why didn't I stop at 4?
I was floating on such a huge runners' high by the time we were done. I couldn't believe my splits! It was an awesome workout. And now I have to focus on recovering before a 33K/20.5 mile on Sunday. It's going to be another scorcher.
Have a great Friday!
Marlene, those are awesome splits!!!!!! Congratulations! You are so much better than I am at that first 1600. My coach always warns me to make the first one my slowest and I think that I am but it's always my fastest. And then intervals 2-5 are so dead on even. How awesome!
Congrats on owning the track, which you absolutely did! Nicely done! Hydrate lots for the weekend :)
wow! those are great splits!
good luck with the long run on sunday
GREAT job!!! You certainly did own the track!
Wow! Great job Marlene!
My run group did something similar last week for 8! UGGHHH! How much time/distance do you put between repeats?? I think my group puts a little too much time (400m), but that's just me.
You make me want to try track workouts!!
Great job!
All of that after a 4K warmup? WOw! You did awesome!
You were running so fast I bet you set it on fire! Good job girl!!! :)
Good luck on tomorrows run!
You go girl!!!!
holy crapola you DID own the track. you could actually just MOVE IN! wowwwwwwwwwwww! so impressive. nice work. i can't believe how many 400s you did!
who, so many times burnin' around YOUR track! damn good times..
Dont you just love that running high you get from running on the track and doing intervals!! Great job on those repeats! That is awesome! Have a good weekend!
Way to go, track owner!!!!
Have a good weekend!
This makes me want to run on the track!! :) LOVE those workouts - great job! And ahh, good luck with the 33K on Sunday!
Awesome, awesome, awesome!! Way to go. GL with your long run this weekend!
Wow! Way to go speedy! You are so freaking fast I love it (and am slightly jealous)
Excellent job, esp. in that heat! Hope the long run goes well this weekend.
WOW! Awesome job.
Have a great weekend!
NIIICE! That track got schooled!
you are my hero. and make me want to learn how to do proper speed work!
but i am particularly in awe of how you dealt with the heat -- this weather makes me crave A/C!!!
Yaw Whoo! What an effort! Look out...here comes Marlene! Those are awesome splits, it will be so much fun to see you set all kinds of PR's this fall!
AMAZING work. You have such a great spirit and drive. Way to go!
Thanks for the well wishes. They are certainly appreciated. :)
Awesome job on the track girl!
You GO SPEED DEMON!!! What a great track workout.
You GO girl!!!
Way to own that circle of hell :)
you didn't own it, you destroyed it!!! way to go marlene! those were some sweet 1600 repeats!
AMAZING!!! Great job!
MCM Mama
Those are amazing time, congrats!
omg you are amazing girl!! CONGRATS on a killer workout!
wow, those are some KILLER splits! way to rock it out there ;)
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