Big thank you to everyone who waited (seemingly forever!) for me at the finish line; you made it all worthwhile. And thank you to all of you for all of your kind words and support.
Congratulations to my fellow runners. Everyone should be so proud. It's an honour to run among you.
I'll be back ASAP with alllll the details and more pics, but for now I leave you with this.
These were taken in the finishing chute. At least I'm smiling. :)

4:44:40 (4:42:04)
Huge thank you to Mel for these amazing pics, and for being there!
Ahhhh you're home! I JUST commented on your last post and lo and behold you have a new one ;-)
You look so happy!! I love it! Great pics!
Great photos. Congratulations!
i'm so happy the pics turned out, and am glad i was able to see you in the crowd of people!! :) congrats again!! you are a marathoner!
you killed it!!! way to go marlene:) Cant wait for the full report
Congrats! Beautiful day. A little hot by the end though. We could use some shade on this route.
Congratulations Marlene. You looked amazing at the finish!! Congratulations and I can't wait for the full report!
I forgot to answer the WB question - yes, I used to post there and thought that you did, but I didn't post as often, so I didn't want to seem like a stauker or anything LOL. I ran my first full before my wedding.
Congratulations! Not only did you finish in a great time but you looked great doing it. I am so excited for you.
In your full race report, make sure to tell us what terrible, fatty food you indulged in!
YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CONGRATS!!!!! SO excited for you :) can't wait for the report!
YEAH!!! NICE JOB!!! Way to go!!
Good for you! (Just read your comment on yumke's blog.). We must have run together a lot as we basically had the same time! The sun and visuals the last chunk were pretty gruesome.
Great jo!
Congratulations!!! Those are great pics and that's an awesome time!!
Fantastic! Congratulations, marathoner!!!!!
I'm so very excited for you! What a delite to have met you and CONGRATULATIONS on your Marathon!!!
Looking forward to reading all about it and sorry I missed you at the finish line!
Way to GO!!!
Congratulations! I am so glad you did so well. You have certainly helped encourage me throughout this process. Great job!
Wow! You did great! And I am SO SORRY I wasn't able to meet up with you at the expo! Back issues and just too much fun that day kept me away. Congratulations on a job well done! Love your pics!
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