Total pounds lost last week = 4.2
I couldn't believe it when I stepped on the scale at Weight Watchers tonight (I have started going back to my Monday weigh-ins/meetings - I am a Lifetime Member at [below] goal weight so it's FREE) and had to double check the number.
Feeling great and loving the HBBC motivation. Thanks Amanda!
That's 12 lbs lost since kicking off Project Lean Mean Running Machine at the end of last month. I can do it when I put my mind (and body) to it.

Thanks for all the support!
HBBC Update
run 13mi = 13 pts
F/V = 1
walk 1 mi = 1 pt
light day today
That is great!!! 12 lbs!
I'd say your going to be one lean mean machine in no time! Congratulations.
That is incredible! Congrats!!!
Terrific, Marlene!
Nice job Marlene!
WOW marlene!!! lol i love the points=pounds.
CONGRATS! you are A MACHINE!!! (a lean machine!!!). what is your BMI?? you should get body composition tested!!!!! man you are on a roll :)
WOW! you are a lean mean working out machine!
good job!
Wow Marlene, great job, 4 lbs. That's amazing for one week. Stay healthy!
Good work! HBBC wouldn't work for me unless there are negative points for chocolate and ice cream :)
56 pts - holy crap. I was happy to get into the is so on now. :)
way to go superstar!!! I am itching to do more, but trying to be smart for this darn marathon.
however it got me to do some weights and yoga this morning which I have started to slack on again
Oh my goodness! You are amazing!! Congrats!! That will make running a lot easier! Nice job!
OMG! Way to go! You are a rockstar!
WOW...what a great feeling!! You have to be so proud of yourself.
GO GIRL!!! You can do anything you beleive and put your mond to.
WOW!! Congrats - you are awesome!!
holy crap woman!??@?! amazing!!!
come south and whip my big butt into shape! :)
A---Wait for it
you totally rock lady.. Lean and mean for sure.
Hugs to working toward a goal...just when I am talking about gaining LOL.
Wow! Did you convert that into percentage like on biggest loser? :)
Congrats! You've totally earned it. You're busting your tail off...literally! :D
Well done, Lady!
Wow, awesome job!
Way to go! That is awesome! You are really racking up those points! You are going to be hard to beat!! I am loving the HBBC too but i dont think i have lost any weight lol!
Way to bust some holiday bootie!!! :) You are killing it! Great job - you are inspiring me to step it up a notch!
Rock on girl! Congrats! You'll be shimming into a sparkly new (and smaller sized) dress by New Years!
congrats, that is awesome. i've been lax lately and have a few pounds to shed myself... then i wonder why i decide to do it right around all our holidays?! ugh. i keep repeating self control is good ;)
That is such an awesome weight loss! Congratulations!
Wow, that is fantastic!! Congratulations!
Congratulations, that is awesome!! Keep it up!
12 lbs??? Just awesome!!
GREAT job!! I wish I was closer to you so you could keep me on track!!
Wow, congrats on the 12 lbs loss!
Congrats! I am hoping to follow your lead. I am doing the HBBC and I am eating my 7 fruits & veggies (minimum) but I am eating too much other stuff too. Nice to read your blog and I am hoping I will get focused too. Keep it up!
WOW!!! Way to go! Isn't it a great contest? I feel like it really gets me going when I just want to loaf around! Nice job!
WOW! Good for you Marlene. Doing it the healthy way too, which I love even more!
WOW girl, you are amazing!
WOW!!!!!!!! That's HUGE Marlene!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!
12 lbs in a month?! Look at you goooo! :) Congrats, miss M!!
That's amazing! I need to follow you around and take more classes! Great job!
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