I'll spare you the details, but work has been a sh*t show lately. I'm spend most of my days from 8 to 5 on the edge of completely snapping. I've used up all of the tactics I know for staying calm, being positive, etc. etc. BUT IT IS NOT WORKING, PEOPLE. Every day I think it has to get better and every day... it gets worse.
But enough whining. 18 more working days and I am out of here for 3.5 weeks. That is enough to keep my marbles in place, at least for now.
So today I was feeling particularly close to losing my cool and fortunately I had my running gear with me. I hit the streets over lunch (in the rain!) for a quick 6K which allowed me to clear my head, re-group and face the afternoon refreshed. It worked.
Any other tips for keeping it together?
HBBC Update
Monday: feature HBBC button/link on blog = 1 pt (hey, it's a start)
Tuesday: (so far) - run 4.5 mi = 4.5 pts
H.O.T. tonight...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
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Sounds like you'll definitely need that vacation!! When I worked in the office, a lunch time run was always very helpful, I still do now when I can. Good luck getting through the next few weeks!
oh, and lemme know if you need to vent over lunch sometime! :)
I don't know, but if you find out the answer, please let me know. I remind myself that it is easier to find a job when you have a job...just saying...
You're lucky you can run at lunch, I work through mine, .e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y.
I also work through my lunch. Running is my best therapy too. Good luck holding it together. Just think of the amazingly long break ahead of you. That's enough time to forget all the challenges at work!
I don't get to run on my lunch breaks, too hot and nowhere to hose off after, but I do go for walk abouts at lunch and/or "smoke breaks" aka walk around the building just to get some fresh air and clear my mind.
Keep your cool girly and keep up the countdown!!
Try working 4 jobs and being pregnant.
OOOH Boxing bag!!! I'm telling you it not only is a great way to relieve pressure, but its also a great workout!!!
I know the feeling of frustration and need to run.
When I did criminal defence work I would get so frustrated with my clients I would often leave work, walk to my gym, and run it out on the treadmill.
Hang in there - that vacation is right around the corner! :o)
Are you chilling at home?
Would I be unhelpful if I suggested pizza and beer?
Hope it gets better!
Sounds like your run helped blow some steam. When things get crazy at work I have to close my door and do some meditative breathing. The good thing is the next few weeks are going to fly by, so you will be on vacation in no time. Hang in there!
Alcohol!!!! :) It always works for me!
No seriously, stay positive, focus on what you have to look forward to and push all of that bad stuf out of your head-- I know, easier said than done.
better days are ahead!
Running or biking works for blowing up some steam for me. Stress balls and meditation surprisingly enough helped me in the past too.
Sometimes I wish there were coin operated cones of silence at street corner :)
Is it just us guys that use alcohol???? Seriously, use alcohol.........
Ugh - sorry about the crap at work. Awesome that you were able to go for a run at lunchtime!
This probably sounds elitist, but I like to think about how much better I am than all the people who are annoying the crap out of me. I think about how sad it is that all they have to go home to is a TV and takeout, yet you get to go home to running and your awesome athletic self.
Just email your friend Mel in the USA.. LOL!!
Hang in there pretty girl, you will make it! We all have those days, weeks, UGH months where we do not like work AT ALL. I found that after Maternity leave I had a newfound love for my job. I am guessing you are just burnt out and need a BREAK!! Keep your count down in your mind..
I like what MarkyMark said! Also, just being nosey, but what do you do for a living? Also, on a more serious note, as you know the ability to get in a quickie (run) helps!
Ha, ha...funny comments above but very good suggestions! I think the run at lunch is a great idea or maybe a walk? I sometimes wish I had a dark closet at work and then I could go hide and block out everything(sensory deprivation)for just 5 minutes...that's all it takes!! Hang in there, you ALWAYS seem so supportive and positive, maybe it's just one of those weeks!
I think running is one of the few things that has kept me sane in the teaching profession, without that, I don't know what I would do. LOL. No, actually just being able to get out and move helps a lot, but not in the moment of frustration or stress. I hope things get better for you at work soon! :)
running is always my go to. When I don't have that....wine? haha j/k. Hang in there girl!!
Hang in there! I definitely hear you on the crappy work situation so if you find any tips besides vacation, running, and wine let us know!
Ugg! I hear you on work frustrations! I go to the gym 2-3x a week at lunch so that helps and I also go for a walk/window shop (uh... real shop) in the underground. 15 mins of a clear mind do help a lot. 18 days! And then a 3.5 week vacation! That is awesome!
Hang in there! And back in the day, exercise during lunch was how I survived.
MCM Mama
yes the lunch workout was a necessity when I was having those kinds of days. I also tried to take just a few minutes before the day started to take deep breaths and read something uplifting
Oof, I hear you. I am burned out. I have access to a gym outside of work but don't take advantage of it during the day when I am at the office though I think for my own sanity I might need to.
I wish i could workout at lunch but my silly company doest have any showers in the bathrooms : ( so not cool!
Just getting to this now because of my work trip, but you can hang in there. I think you are right on the money for going for a run at lunch. Find other ways to take ten for yourself throughout the day. Get up and stretch, get some fresh air. Much love, Marlene.
When things get tough at work, I take a mini-vacation by stepping outside the building for a few minutes and taking some slow deep breaths. Positive thinking. Sometimes I'll walk around the building. Sometimes I'll visualize where I'd rather be instead (for example, on an island). It helps. Hopefully things will get better for you there soon.
Oh hun, I'm so sorry - I've been through my share of horrible jobs lately and completely sympathize.
I'm with Frayed Laces, just think about how wonderful the rest of your life is, and don't be afraid to take time to set yourself up for something new in the future. There's no shame at all in taking yourself out of a miserable environment - and it's best to be prepared to do so. You never know what opportunities will open up! :)
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