After my morning run yesterday, I had a thorough butt-whooping at the gym in the evening. H.O.T. class presented another round of intense intervals from burpees to mountain climbers to walking lunges to step-ups to planks to jumping jacks, and the list goes on. I even hopped on the elliptical for 20 minutes before the class for a little warm-up. I love a good workout before my weekly dose of The Biggest Loser.
Project Lean Mean Running Machine is well underway and pretty soon I'll be adding the HBBC to the mix for added motivation. Bring it on!
Tonight I'm meeting some people I have not seen enough lately for a 10K (or so). Since adding varied exercise to the mix, I actually love running more. Imagine that!
The awesome weather seems to be continuing with sunny skies and cool (but not too cold) temperatures. Jess made a comment about finding it funny to be wearing a jacket in November; we're just lucky not to be wearing full-on winter gear at this point. The best is yet to come.
Happy Hump Day!
what is H.O.T?
you've mentioned it many times.
its some kind of group exercise class at your gym....but what do you do in it?
I love the Biggest Loser! I think I'm addicted now.
We always watch the first hour of BL and DVR the rest...Janice spoiled the ending for me on Facebook, Oh well!!
Hugs friend meet-ups for running.
Tomorrow Fleet Feet in my area is hosting a Diva night..so I will get the chance to meet a few new Bloggy friends and hopefully more people in the local running community.. Good times!!
Have a great day! I need to get on my tracking for the HBBC
sounds like a tough but awesome butt kicking class! Isn't it great how adding different workouts let's us enjoy our running days that much more. Have fun tonight on your run!
I miss the classes at the gym more and more since you've been blogging about it. :-(
Go you! I'm going to need to join a gym one of these days...
MCM Mama
It just doesn't feel right for me to watch the biggest loser without sweating first. lol.
I am very happy that it is 40 degrees in the mornings instead of 0F or lower!!! maybe we will have a mild winter!
woot woot for meeting friends to run!! yeah hbbc we're all gonna be lean mean fighting machines...seriously that would so cool
I feel guilty if I watch Biggest Loser and haven't worked out!!!
Lest we Forget. :)
Yes, the awesome weather seems to be continue here as well. I am shocked, but lovin' it!
I am loving this weather as well!!! I got a bit ahead of myself though-- saw the sun out this morning and packed shorts for my afternoon run...
It's warm-- but not that warm-- I froze!
I guess we should appreciate the great weather while we can!? Hope you have a fun 10k...it's always good to switch up the exercising, thanks for that reminder!
You are doing so good with your gym workouts, way to go!
OMG, you are seriously kicking butt, girl! Love it!
Isn't it amazing how running becomes a pleasure when you "don't have to", because you are mixing it up with other things...
You are right too, enjoy this weather!
Lean mean running machine is seriously in High gear! love it! Definitey feels good to workout before TBL - it's so tempting as you watch them get their butts kicked by Bob & J!
Hope you enjoyed your running meet up!
Hope it was a great run, and yes, keep enjoying the weather while we can!! Kudos to you for continuing the cross-training, you're doing awesome!
Definitely agree - crosstraining makes running more enjoyable!!
Nice job on the HOT class - sounds tough! I'm enjoying not having to break out the full winter gear yet too . . . keep it in the closet as long as possible!
Being on my bike through the winter will be intesting but I do love me some winter running.
Your H.O.T class sounds incredible!
I missed Biggest Loser this week :(. Any big dramas I missed?
I have to work out before the biggest loser! Can't miss it :)
Great job on being a running machine! rock on
That H.O.T. class sounds similar to a boot camp class I used to take. I remember it really whipping me into shape and making me strong. I should do something like that in my off-season ...
And, yes, I've found that doing other things than running makes me love running more too. Maybe that's why I love tris?
i love BL! the season timed almost perfectly with my marathon training - i would've had to cut some runs short had it started earlier ;)
stay on top of your plan chica! no holiday flab hanging around these parts.
Project Lean Mean Running Machine - love it!
I thought it was getting cold out this week when I had to think about if I needed sleeves.... Doesn't feel like Nov at all.
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