last week's episode, I was less than ecstatic to walk out the door pre-5AM into 94% humidity. Temps are lower in the morning, but the air is so much thicker. Still, I enjoy the lingering darkness, the quiet streets and the satisfaction of putting in a solid run before 6:30AM. I've never been much of a morning runner during the week, but I have really taken a liking to it (with the exception of those first few moments when the alarm goes off and I have to drag myself out of bed). I also love having my evenings free to get things done or just relax at home.
Fortunately I did
not experience the same nausea as last week. My clothes were soaked through within minutes, but I felt pretty decent throughout the run and after.
16.0K (~10mi) in 1:32:21.
How did you start your day?
Awesome run this morning! It is amazing to see how well you are doing out there given the heat/humidity. I think you are definitely winning that battle!
good for u for getting out there.
i have been trying so hard to wake up and go, but it is just too hard.
but i think about it every night before i go to sleep. one day it will happen.
good job on ur 10 miler!
Awesome run! I am doing 17km before work on Friday...and am looking forward to it. (i think)
My workout is tonight so my morning started off the usual boring way.
Great run in the am! and with the humidity. I can only get my weekend long run in the am due to work schedule and commute. Its supposed to high 95F and heat index of 105 or so today...I keep teling myself if i can run in this, when temps cool off I'll be fine :)
have an awesome rest of the day!
early morning runs are THE BEST!
love, love, love early mornings. My alarm is set for 5am and I'm out the door either for a run or getting the km's on the bike....nothing is better than that to start the day!
Wow, Marlene! Great time! 94% humidity...that is downright horrendous! I usually run in the am and it is tough that first few getting out of bed...but it is nice at the end of the day knowing it is done!
I love getting my run in early in the morning too. I used to not be able to do it, but recently changed my schedule so I could. I love it so much more than in the late afternoons. I feel like I have more free time now too!
Great job....I am thinking if Soutwestern Ontario continues to get hit with this heat and humidity I am going to have to swtich a few of my runs to the are an inspiration!!
Love my early morning runs. Except the getting out of bed part. Started my day with a Dunkin Donuts coffee ... yum!
I started my day off with procrastination! Plans to run feel through with a thunderstorm. After reading about your 16K i feel like a bit of a failure. Call me tomorrow when you wake up to get my butt out of bed!
Great job on your run!
Insiring! I got out early and enjoyed it! Great 10 miler, Marlene! BTW, nice smile!!!
um. i started my day lazily apparently. oops.
Still in rehab for knee and shoulder surgery but I am proud to say I started my day at 5:45 with knee/shoulder exrcises and a 4.25 mile bike ride on gear 3 of 7 .....not too shabby, for me...anyway!!
sounds like you will have a great rest of your day :) enjoy!!!! and great job!!! hard to get up that early and get going but you do it well.
I've been so lazy getting up in the mornings being off work for the'd think that would be the reason TO get up and out early but I'm just the opposite. Haha. I'm inspired after reading your blog, I'm going to try a little harder. Nice job, girl!!!
OMGosh 94% humidity?!?!?!?!?
So impressed.
Good job on the early 10 miler!
Great run! Reading all these posts from Ontarionians makes me thankful for our low humidity here. It means the nights cool off and morning runs are really pleasant. I don't envy you that situation.
Wishing I was rich and didn't have to go to work!!!! I hate early morning runs, mid-morning is better... I would be dead the rest of the day.....
NICe work!! So impressed by morning runners, I couldnot do it. How is your new gear treating you?? I almost bought that flower tank at Target the other day..
same...only not as long...
can't wait to get back to starting my days off like this. i at least went to the gym and lifted, though.
I started my day by sleeping in. Motivation to run = 0! Hopefully tomorrow morning. Great job getting out and running long! Those first few minutes after waking up are the hardest!
Nice job at beating the crazy heat we have been getting !! I have also been getting up to be out the door by 6:15am for the runs. The post run coffee has to be my motivation.
I am running vicariously through you right now. I really don't like having to cut my miles to let my legs recover. You were out there running 10 while I was doing a measly 3.5! I am amazed that you did that before work. I have to start that habit. It would be so great to have evenings free!
awesome job!!!! glad you had such a great run :) you are getting me excited to start marathon training in a month... love those pre-work double digit runs :)
I got up this morning for a nice, easy three miles (I LOVE step-back weeks). Nonetheless, I was drenched upon my return home! This humidity is MADNESS!!!
I got up even though I haven't been back long from my trip and ran EARLY! I"m glad i did because it was less hot than and I am TIRED!
What a way to start your day! Awesome job!
I started mine out by sleeping too late and almost missing my flight ;)
As hard as it may be to roll out that early, there's nothing better than having that kind of mileage DONE before 6:30! Nice job!
all before 6:30... wow your AMAZING! :)
glad you had a good run. It's been so nasty here also, I can't imagine running in it.
Any time of the day is brutal in heat. Great job getting out there. Awesome run!
I wish I could get the run in in the morning! I used to but I just can not get up anymore and run in the evenings now. But now I really don't have time to do anything else than work run sleep. You rock! :)
Spike surprised me by asking to join me on my 5 miler! It was so great! Good job on the 10 miler girl!
Nice! it really is those first few days that are hard - but once the morning run becomes "routine", it's a little addicting ;) I started with 6 mi today, back in the Awful humidity for the first time in a week - not my fave, but felt good to get it done!
yeah we are suffering through some wicked humidity down here. nice on the early morning humid 10, that'll be me tomorrow... good to know it's survivable. ugh!
The weather is killing me. I've been running in the morning, but it's not that much cooler.
I totally feel you on the humidity. It's terrible isn't it!
That is a great run in such humidity! Woo hoo!
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