Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Fail

This morning I woke up in a sleepy stupor, rolled over to glance at the clock and see how much longer I could sleep. 5:10 flashed back at me. 5:10?!? I was supposed to meet Juliana and another friend at 5! &%^$!


Obviously that was not going to happen, but I got out of bed and out the door as quickly as I could (10 minutes) to salvage the run. I drove to our meeting spot and left a note on J's car, then headed out on one of a few possible routes in the hopes of finding them.

No such luck, but I did manage to get my 10K recovery run in.


These dark, cold mornings sure are a lot more pleasant with company, although I'm pretty sure I slept through half of it.


CautiouslyAudacious said...

:-) That's a rough way to start the morning but I know the feeling all to well! Great job on getting out there! I am not good at morning workouts..

Runners Fuel said...

It is so difficult t get up when it's dark and cold.

Jason said...

Your adrenaline carried you through for sure. That is the best part of having people to hold you accountable.

Great job on not rolling over and texting them that you weren't going to the run. That is what IronMarlene people are made of.

Missy said...

Ugg, I hate mornings like that. Way to stick to the plan, though.

Amy said...

Good for you for getting out there even if the morning didn't go quite as planned.

Happy Friday!

Vanessa @ Gourmet Runner said...

Great job getting in your run anyway. I think at that point I would have been tempted to just stay in bed!

Lindsay said...

Obviously these people are not good friends. Why didn't they call/text? Gah. Soo unreliable.

runnergirl training said...

Nice job getting it done!

Laura said...'re supposed to be awake during early morning runs/workouts. I have been doing it all wrong then.
Congrats and kill it this weekend.

Marky Mark said...

It's a tough adjustment! I'm glad it isn't as hot and muggy but don't know whether to change out of shorts and a tee yet or not.

Anonymous said...

Ah, worst feeling ever! way to go out and do it anyway :) good way to kick off the wkend!

misszippy said...

Seriously hate when that happens! I remember one time when I had alarm failure and was scheduled to meet my friends for a long run. Drove like a maniac to get there but was really late. One of my friends was doing shorter miles and happened to arrive back at the parking lot at the same time as me, so she drove me out to find them. A shorter run, but any run is better than none!

Char said...

What! No alarm?! I just hate it when you've made arrangements and stuff like that happens.

ajh said...

It was cold this morning and running in the dark. My hat is off to you.

Anne said...

I really don't like waking up in a panic like that...good for you for getting out there and getting it done!

Anonymous said...

I hate when that happens! But good for you for getting out there and making the most of it. I would have rolled back over and gone back to sleep! :)

Fran said...

You're a rockstar for getting up and go anyway. Like Linzi I would have rolled back and go back to sleep :)

Emz said...

Your so awesome.
You never miss... always pushing.
Love it.

RunToTheFinish said...

doh that is never fun! I want your cool mornings, what if I move to canada every summer?

J said...

Ugg i hate that! At least you woke up!