Unfortunately, the forecast is not looking too good.

It's not the risk of thunderstorms that I'm worried about (in fact, the rain will be welcome!) but the 30C (86F) feels like 42C (107F) temperature. (!!!) This is Ontario and that is HOT.
We're starting a bit earlier than usual (although not as early as I'd like) and we'll just have to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and hope for the best. This will be a great opportunity to use my Nathan Intensity Hydration Pack for Women because my usual two-10oz-bottle belt is not going to cut it.
Hopefully I'll be back to tell the tale tomorrow. Have a great weekend!
Weather!!! I did my long run this morning, but I have a long bike (58 miles/94K) tomorrow in that! Catching up with your previous post, you rocked that tempo!
Ick! Run early in the morning when it's closer to the low of 18C :-)
No doubt the heat will zap you, but also it will make you so much stronger when fall rolls around. Good luck tomorrow! You've got the plan-hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Wow- glad I got my long run out of the way today! Can you leave a pail of sponges and water somewhere on the trail to stuff down your shirt/squeeze over your head at some point? I find that has kept me cool on wicked hot days!
Good luck and have the ice bath ready for whn you get home!!
Be smart out there tomorrow, caution is okay you know. (don't I sound like a Mom?)
That is pretty hot for such a long run! The last time I trained for a marathon (2 years ago), we used to start the 18+ milers at 4 am just because it's so hot here.
Good luck tomorrow-I will be hoping for acceptable weather for you! I decided to get mine in today, given that I went solo and had no group to consider.
I am sure your hydrated properly and rocked it.. Will look for a status of FB or a blog post soon.. BEst of luck friend!!
I had to call my running partner and practically BEG her to start at 6:45. We also have 30K on the sched tomorrow. If I had my way I'd start at 6 or earlier, especially given my situation I NEED to be careful about overheating!
hope the humidity isn't too bad!! have a great run!!
can't wait to hear about it!! good luck!!!
Best of luck. I had an 18 miler today that was brutal in the florida heat - and we started at 5:30!
Good luck, can't wait to hear the report..
good luck on your long run! i hope the weather cooperates. i am 99.99% sure i will be on the treadmill again for mine due to my lovelllyyy potty issues :) so, i feel for you! get out there and get it done!
Stay cool and share your report!
I hope it went well!
Hope you got it in-the storms started only now down here in the city
I hope your run went well!
WOW, can't believe it's that hot up north!! Hope the run went well!
Did you get hit by the humidity??? The heat is always hard--but the humidity is KILLER!!!
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