Sunday, January 27, 2008


Well, hubby has decided not to run the Chilly Half on March 2nd. He's just starting to recover from his injury and there's no way he'll be ready in time. Plus, it's not worth jeopardizing weeks of treatment and recovery (and down time!) even if he does feel up to it at that time. I know he is making the smart decision. I'll be running with my instructor who will be a Pace Bunny for 2:05:00, which would beat my previous time, so I'll be happy with that. The nice thing is, Mark will be able to cheer me in at the finish line. :) Hopefully he will be up for Around the Bay by the end of March, but if not, we'll cross that bridge when the time comes.

In other news, my good friend Patricia has taken the plunge and signed up for her first marathon! She'll be running the New York Road Runners Marathon for Women Only in NEW YORK CITY on April 6th. So exciting! I'll be cheering for you from a distance, Patricia! I know you can do it!


Zorbs said...

Can your husband run at the same pace as you? My hubby has always enjoyed running on the treadmill, but the random time that we've gone outside together, he complains that my slow pace is too unnatural for him. Sometimes I wonder if that's an excuse...

We were on the verge of buying a treadmill but the basement ceiling is way too low, no treadmill for us unless we move to a house with higher ceilings!

Marlene said...

Umm, he generally runs faster than me but we often run together anyway. He'll just go out on his own sometimes for faster runs. We trained for our first Half together but at the Scotiabank Half this September, he's running on his own and going for a killer time.

We want to get a treadmill some time in the near future, once we're settled in the new house.