Wednesday was a blustery day in the Greater Toronto Area with wind gusts up to 90kph. I wimped out and ran my 5K on the treadmill,dragging my feet every step of the way. I don't know what the issue was, but I wasn't feeling it at all. Maybe the wind would have been better? Anyway, I slogged it out in >30 minutes. Ugh!
Thankfully yesterday's run was much better. I met my clinic group and had a great time running with my friends again. It turned out to be 10K instead of 12 and we finished in just under an hour.
For today's Foto Friday I dug up this shot from the finish line of my 5K last summer. If you look closely, you can see my time on the clock to the right: 23:35.

I would really love to beat that at the B.A.A. 5K next month.
What's your best advice for a 5K PR?
Have a super weekend!
23:35 is a pretty awesome PR! I don't think I have any advice to offer on how to beat it, but I bet you can do it, esp. if you're willing to run short intervals, ick! ;) Have a FANTASTIC and romantic weekend!
90 mph winds? I would have headed for the treadmill too. I don't have any advice for a PR on a 5K. I just usually run as fast as I can. Not very technical, is it?
That's some blustery weather!
I'm not as speedy as you, so my 5K advice may not be great, but I read and heard form other runners that you should aim to go out fast in a 5K. I know, I know, it sounds contradictory to everything that people say, but because it's a short race, going out a little faster means that you establish a higher VO2 max from the first mile and you're better able to sustain that through the other two miles.
I've never run a 5k as a real race, but with your PR, you seem to have it a pretty good plan already. :o)
Wow, what an awesome photo Marlene! This week has been dragging for me...TGIF!
That's SOOOOO fast!
Don't go out too fast for a 5k but then don't go out too slow or you will never make up the time. So go out at a good pace but don't over do it! lol
i agree about the slow week! enjoy the weekend!
clearly i have no advice on speedy running... LOL. You'll do awesome though. i think i should have opted for the TM that windy day :)
Doing 800's every week last summer helped me shave almost a minute off my prior 5K PR. And I always go out as fast as possible in 5K's.
I'm glad it's Friday too . . . hopefully we will be done with this wintery weather now!
A flat and downhill course? LMAO! I have no words of advice other than LOVE THE PAIN! HAHA!
Super speedy... I wish I knew what to tell you. Good though.
wow, you would be right with me at a 5k! :) Great pic
Wow that's super fast! At that rate I think you just have to sprint the whole thing for a new PR!
I am sooo ready for the weekend too!!! Its been a LONG week. have a great weekend!!
my best advice is don't follow MY advice. I'm a lot slower than you.
I love that picture, you look so genuinely happy!
Do you do speedwork 1-2 times a week? What's your weekly mileage? I'm sure if you put your mind to it, you'll beat that time. :)
speedwork and more speedwork.
you're gonna have to cheat on my dear friend Easy Run with his distant relatives Tempo or Intervals of the Speedwork family. ;)
love the pic and 23:35 is awesome!
happy friday and have a great weekend!
My 5K PR started way too fast than I was capable of, the whole race was very uncomfortable and end up with positive splits, but it was a PR. I don't think you should follow this advice :-)
Great 5K! Love the picture! and yes, this week has been DRRRRRAAAGGGGING!
I wish I could offer some advice, but I avoid 5K -I'm whimpy with the LT runs. However, if I was to run that race, I would envision the finish line, and how glorious it will be to cross. Oh and lots of I-want-to-puke-now interval runs! LOL
I agree, this week was pure torture for some reason. At least I had yesterday off!!
I'm not seasoned enough with 5ks to offer any advice other than run fast...??
To PR in the 5K; good warm-up-be sweating right at gun time, having done a couple of bursts of 5K pace.
Go out fast, hold on, finish strong. Good luck!
I'm with you. This has been an extraordinarily long week.
As for the 5K PR, start up as far as you can. In such a short race, you lose a lot of time in the first couple of minutes with people who start at a 10 min/m pace and decide that they should be up front. Also, try running toward the side of the roads to loop around people.
Sounds like you got a lot of great advice -- I may have to write it down for myself!
great job on the 5K!...23:35 is about 4 minutes faster than my PR, so I think I should be asking you for advice ( ; great pic
Dang! That is a sweet 5K PR Miss Speedypants, nice!!
That's a great PR! Awesome pic, too.
I like to go all-out in a 5K, but then I can't wait for the finish line. But then, I dread 5Ks.
90 mph wind??? I nearly poop in my pant but realized its 90km wind. That is quite windy!
My advice for 5K since its a short race. Only a cute 3.1 miles ! The best thing to do is JUST GO ALL OUT till you puke. ;-)
Nice flashback pic! For a 5k you need to put the pedal to the metal and just go go go!!! :)
Run first kilometre a bit faster than pace, settle in for quick next two, then turn it back on for last two. Hang in there all the way and remember that the pain is temporary
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