My quads felt pretty rough for the first few days, but I finally feel "normal" again today. No lingering pains or soreness, no chafing wounds or blisters. Overall, I definitely haven't suffered too badly this time around.
I've been a little too laid back in the nutrition department, living on a diet of junk food and wine. I should probably start thinking about getting back on track health-wise - especially if I want to PR in a half marathon 3 weeks from now. (Details to come!)
I'm meeting up with my training group tonight to share war stories and hit the roads for an easy 8K (5mi) run. I'm looking forward to getting these legs moving again. I haven't taken three days off in a row since my shoulder injury last winter!
Thank you so much for all of your wonderful comments over the last few days and thanks for being such an integral part of this journey with me!
Love ALL the photos...the double thumbs up and double arm wave are my favorite!!
Half Marathon PR... FUN.
It took me about 2 weeks to feel totally normal so you are doing great..
i love how you raise your arms and seriously look at how happy you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GREAT PHOTOS. you got a ton! did hubby take them all???? love it!!!!! congrats again!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE these pics and the ones from your previous post!!
You look strong and AWESOME :D
So Sorry it took this long to write in and congratulate you but I was thinking about you-- that I promise!
I am sooo incredibly happy for you-- It's been awesome following you, reading about your training runs, and then seeing it pay off-- You truly are an inspiration to many here!
Congrats again, and happy recovery!!!!!
Those are some great pics!!! Awesome! :) Have a great run tonight.
The second photo looks like it could be an ad for spibelt (if only the logo were right side up - photoshop!)
I love how your finish photo looks just like last year's! too funny!
great pics.... love them all.
look at you all photogenic...
So I am a little behind because I am a loser and will comment on the whole marathon in one big comment ha ha. :)
YOU FREAKING ROCKED!!! that is part a of my comment. Amaaaaazing job and I'm glad you got your redemption. I'm hoping for the same and just seeing you so happy and that things worked out gives me much hope! Great job and I'm glad everything worked in your favor.
The pictures are so good and you look so happy and cute in all of them! :) They are seriously great and the ones of you and hubby are so cute too. YAY for a great race and feeling redeemed! You totally deserve it!
Love the pictures! You look fantastic. How did you get your SPI belt to stay in place? Mine always creeps up to my natural waist.
Great pics! And there are people behind you! That's one of my two marathon goals: to finish in seven hours (that's when the course closes) and to have at least one person behind me when I do it ;)
you look so happy in all of these. congrats again. you are in inspiration, especially going for that half PR! SWEET!! DO IT :) can't wait to hear about that one.
you look so happy in all of these. congrats again. you are in inspiration, especially going for that half PR! SWEET!! DO IT :) can't wait to hear about that one.
i always try to smile at the camera but I just look crazy, you got tons of great pics!
Such lovely pics! You really had a blast, didn't you? Great that your recovery's going well.
You looked GREAT! Every step! Congrats!
I can't believe how fresh and relaxed you look!! Good work!!
There is not a single bad picture in the bunch!! Very impressive considering how long you were on your FEET! :) hope you had fun with the group tonight!
Love the photos! You look so happy and you make it look so effortless.
Great pictures! You make it look easy! :)
Love the photos! Great job!!
p.s. I think you should check out my blog post about the winner of the Zensah give away :)
Thanks for sharing these great pictures! You certainly look like you're having more fun than the runners around you in these pics! :)
You've got some awesome race pictures! Glad you're recovering well and out running already - way to go. :)
You've got some awesome race pictures! Glad you're recovering well and out running already - way to go. :)
You've got some awesome race pictures! Glad you're recovering well and out running already - way to go. :)
Again, you look absolutely great! It's amazing how you can kind of tell how a marathon went just by the pictures, huh? You look like you were SUPER strong out there. LOVE IT! Glad to hear you're already getting back into recovery runs . . . 'atta girl! :)
You look great in the pictures! Glad your quads are feeling better! I feel like they take the longest to heal after a race! Have a good weekend!
Awesome pics! I am going to smile my butt off during the Toronto half to finally get a non-death looking race pic.
Wow, you got so many great pics!
You look relaxed and happy-nice to see! I think we all take some pleasure and pride in having vicariously watched your training an dhard work and now enjoying the redemption (although I've always thought last year was a pretty good achievement as it was)!
I hope you enjoy Niagara too-I've signed up for TO so maybe if you're volunteering you can speed me up somehow.
yay more awesome pics! :) glad recovery has gone well!!
another pr in only 3 weeks? you ARE crazy ;)
Glad the recover is going well for you. That's so good!
Great pics! You look so happy! I'm glad to hear the recovery is going well.
You have the finishing pose down!! I just had to scroll back and forth to your pic from last year to make sure they were different! :-)
You look awesome in the pictures! I can tell you really enjoyed it.
I just sent you a friend request on facebook...pleeeeease be my friend!
Seriously fabulous pictures. You look so happy and relaxed.
Enjoy the rest and recovery
Looks like it's time for a new profile pic!
Great pictures. You're making it look so easy.
those picture more than show how happy you are. Love the shirt on you. makes me "think" about maybe trying one out myself!
Congrats on a great race! You look so happy and strong! Well done!
Super congratulations on an awesome race and sweet, sweet PR!!!
I really think signs from 800m should be banned. You think it means you're almost there, but it is still a long way to go!
You look so happy in all your photos :)
Those are some of the awesomest race pics I've ever seen!
MCM Mama
You must feel so proud--and deservedly so! I must say I'm a little jealous that you got through the fatigue in the last half without having to walk. Good job!
Woah... look at those legs! Lots of happiness in this picture. I can tell you felt a lot better.
Marlene - I'm loving the guts out of your photos. You're so inspiring. You look so healthy, so relaxed, so focused. All that training... it really, really paid off. Well done!!
Great pictures Marlene, you look so strong and happy!
Ha, obviously I'm not the only one who's guilty of smiling too much during her races ;-)
Awesome photos and congrats again on your PR!
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