The Sporting Life 10K taking place in Toronto on May 3rd is one of my favourite events. This year, I have decided to participate for more than just a medal (and hopefully PR).
My friend Erin's three-year-old son Nolan was diagnosed with leukemia earlier this year.
The Sporting Life 10K raises money for Camp Oochigeas - For Kids With Cancer.

Camp Oochigeas is a privately funded, volunteer based organization that provides kids with cancer and kids affected by childhood cancer with a unique opportunity for growth through challenging, fun, enriching and magical experiences.
Nolan has already spent a combined total of five weeks at The Hospital for Sick Children and has a long road of treatment ahead of him. Nolan's family has witnessed first-hand what a different Camp Ooch can make for these children.
I hope to raise some money for Camp Ooch in Nolan's honour and will be running the 10K as part of a team called Nolan's Dream Chasers.
If you wish to make a donation, please click here!
You can also view Erin's fundraising page here.
Thanks for your support! No amount is too small.
Some unexpected plans came up for this evening and I have lunch plans, so I realized last night that I'd have to run in the morning. In order to finish the 10K I had planned, this meant a 5:00 AM wake-up call. I am not a 5:00 AM kind of person. Even as I laid out my clothes, set the alarm and crawled into bed early last night, my mind was full of doubts that I would actually do it. But you know what? I surprised myself! I was up, lightly fed, watered and out the door by 5:30. 10.30K/1:01:32. Legs were dragging at first (definitely feeling the squats and lunges from H.O.T. last night), but I got into a groove and managed to enjoy the dark and peaceful run. There's something to be said for finishing a run before the sun has even begun to rise.
Only problem is... it's 8 AM, I'm at work and ready for a nap!
What a wonderful event to do for such a good cause. :-)
I'm with you on the early runs...I love being out there while most people are still sleeping and it's so quiet out. Seeing the sun rise just starts the day off right.
Good luck with the fundraising. If your friend is looking for support for families with childhood cancer, you can look towards They mainly help PA families, but have an extended outreach network for emotional support.
Good job on the run too!
Sounds like a great cause! I wish I could run it.
Great job on the run!
Great job on the morning run! I love running in the dark! I feel you though on the needing a nap by 8am. Usually I am dragging by 10 and need a serious snack to get me back on track!!
definitely a great cause, and sorry to hear about your friend's son :( so sad. Great job waking up so early for your run; you got it done!
What a great cause!! It's amazing how many lives Leukemia touches -- and it's always heartbreaking when it's a child. Keep us updated on his progress, too!
You're so awesome Marlene. In my line of work I deal with a lot of very sick kids. Majority of them have some form of cancer and it never ever gets any easier. I've been following Nolans story on WB.
Nolan would qualify for a wish from a wish granting organization as well. You might want to mention that to Erin as something to think about. Dreams come true don't provide a cure but they do provide a break for a sick kid and lets them just be a kid again.
Looks like a great cause, for Nolan and all the other little ones with cancer. I admire you putting your dislike of asking folks for money aside to raise money for Camp Ooch. And: great job on the morning run! I know what you mean about the nap, though.
What an awesome cause Marlene!
What an awesome cause Marlene!
I can't do morning runs very often. Not only do I need a nap, but it leaves me STARVING all day.
What a great cause too!
nice job on the 5am run!!!
Definitely a great cause, but 5 am is rough!
Sounds like a wonderful cause!
That sounds like a great cause. My heart goes out to those kids and their families!
Gotta love early morning runs. It's tough getting out, but when you do, it is so worth it!
I know what you mean about fundraising, but it definately makes it worth the effort when you can help out for such a great cause like this one. I'll definately donate! Good job at getting up so early, I wish I could force myself out of bed!
Yes - definitely nice to be done with your run just as the rest of the world is getting up, but 5am is just painfully early!
I think it is wonderful that you are running for a cause. I try an pick events/races that have charities attached to them, but you don't have to raise money. I always feel weird asking.
For you, Marlene, of course.
another worthy cause :) you are a warrior!
nice job on the am workout - they are tough, especially with a nice warm comfy bed pleading with you to stay.
Thats crazy you ran the morning after the class, IRON WOMAN! 5am is a tough hour, ugh
what a great friend! i hope you mamage to raise a lot of $$!
Good for you for getting up at 5 am! I need a nap too right now, but that isn't because I ran so early. In fact, I need to go run right now!
Good luck fundraising. I think it is great that you want to do something important for something close to your heart.
I love the early runs also. I like the thought of getting in my workout before anyone else is even awake.
Sounds like a good event!
Nice job on the 5am 10k. Yowzer!
Marlene, you are so awesome! Thank you so much for chosing this event as one that you want to fundraise for, and for doing it on behalf of Nolan. We are truly touched.
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