Random observations from chip removal:
• It was exciting to see the 5K speed demons coming in ~16:00; just don't get in their way!
• Many women crossed the finish line in tears - what a powerful thing to witness.
• Why do some people feel the need to tie the timing chip right into their laces? I untied and retied so many laces, I felt like a kindergarten teacher.
• Most people offered up the wrong foot when we asked to remove their chip.
• Latex gloves are a good idea. You never know what could end up on those shoes; snot, spit, (*gulp*) urine!
• Fluorescent yellow Mizuno volunteer hats are awesome.
• Always tell the runners that they look good... even when they don't.
• Upside-down plastic bins are not the best idea as a foot stool. When a person doesn't have any feeling in their legs, they are quite possibly going to put their shoe right through it.
• There is nothing like the gratitude of a runner who has just completed a race. Almost everyone said thank you (and many profusely!) One lady even told me she loves me.
• Note to self: don't guzzle water while the volunteer is bent over your shoe. There is a good chance you are dripping (drooling?) water all over his or her head.
I had the opportunity to see many of my friends at the finish line. It was dirty work at times and crazy busy as the 1:30 - 2:30 half marathoners poured in, but still fun and totally rewarding. I would do it again in a heart beat.
Special thanks to all the runners who made it worth while to sit out in the freezing cold on a Sunday morning. It was a great experience to be on the 'other' side.
I would like to send out a very special congratulations to my friend Erin who ran her first half marathon yesterday, despite missing three weeks of key training while her baby boy was in the hospital last month. She did absolutely awesome! Until yesterday I only knew Erin virtually, so it was wonderful to finally meet her at the finish line after following her journey from zero to 21.1. You rock, Erin!
Random photos:
Diggin' the volunteer hats (that's my sister's BF):

Volunteers need to eat too:

Checking out our cool hats in a reflective building:


I did manage to squeeze in a quick 4K when I got home (it had warmed up significantly by the afternoon) before heading to a Birthday party. I'm hoping to build the mileage up slightly this week before starting a new half marathon program next week. I have a new goal race and I'll tell you about that soon.
Thanks for reading!
OMG latex gloves! That's good thinking though! Sounds like all and all it was a great experience! Thanks for volunteering chica!!
So cool! Love the hats too. Fun! OMG - I totally LOL at your observations. I wouldn't even THINK about that stuff on shoes - but you're totally right. And yup - I've offered up the wrong shoe before. I'm lucky to even remember I have feet sometimes. HA!
Excellent reflection on everything; I haven't volunteered at a race since before I was really a runner, definitely something I want to do some day.
Some of those chip removal observations are HILARIOUS.
I've totally laced my chip onto my shoes. Thank goodness not recently ;)
So awesome you volunteered!
All great things to know when volunteering at a race!
We all need to remember to pay it forward at races, and your great experience is even more reason to do so!
Excellent tips! Neat to see the other side of things. Thanks for the perspective!
I really liked that post!! Sounds like it was a great day. And I'm glad I wasn't running...freezing!
funny post, and great observations! Kudos to you for volunteering in that weather. Thankfully the sun was out!!
I am totally laughing because I can relate. I wanted a full body plastic because grateful runners would hug me after crossing the finish line. While I enjoy sweating....I don't like other people's sweat. *shudder*
Great job volunteering. It is always great for good stories.
Great job volunteering! Thanks for the funny stories. If I ever have the chance to volunteer I'll remember latex gloves!
I have totally offered up the wrong foot! Gah! What a dork.
Nice pics -- those hats definitely are awesome!
Love the hat photos. :)
I probably would have said I love you, too. Great job volunteering!
I'm glad you volunteered. I feel like that is a great way to stay close to the racing community while you are recovering. Never thought about the latex gloves, but good call.
and...the gratitude thing is totally true!!! Im pretty sure I said thankyou to everyone right after my last half, its really the only words you can get out cus you are just so damn glad to be done!
that is sooo fun!!! you are awesome for volunteering, especially in that weather!! love the pics :)
It's interesting to read from a volunteers perspective.
Oh, and I agree, those hats ROCK!
I have a lot of gratitude for the volunteers at races...they are awesome people! I am sure the runners meant every word of gratitude. You rock!
Good for you-you will remember that experience! One of my friends ran it and said it was quite windy.
LOL at Carly's comment! I hugged Marlene after I finished and I felt bad later!! It was great seeing you at the finish line! Thanks for volunteering.
Good job and thank you for volunteering!
I swear I didn't tie the time chip into laces but the volunteer who did the chip removal for me had to cut the red plastic so many times as I secured it really well on my laces :-)
Great job giving back and volunteering! I really need to do that again.
So nice to finally meet you!
I love volunteering at races - it's fun to be on the other side, and inspiring to see all the runners!
Great job...I think my hub was beside your sister's bf for the 5km duties..he had a very distinctive Vancouver 2010 hat on for his duties.
The volunteers make the day..I said thanks to everyone I can across and so appreciate what you guys do.
Sounds like so much fun! Except getting drooled on. I have always wanted to volunteer at a race. How inspiring!
What a cool experience. When I was a kid I always loved watching the St. George marathoners cross the finish line (still do) Glad you were able to get your run in as well. Have a great week.
Thats soooo cold!!! I wouldnt even volunteer if it were so cold, but I guess since there were runners racing, may as well be there for support :). Awesome hat!
The first thing that came to mind: "THAT'S QUITE THE MUFFIN!" LOL Seriously it could have fed a family hahaha I love to volunteer, I wish I would do it more often but it seems I need to be injured and not being able to run at all to do it!
Yours is the second post I have read about being a volunteer or a spectator and I really feel like I would like to do it soon! Your comment on tying the laces like a Kindergarten teacher really made me giggle. :)
i love the hat! sounds like a great time, you make spectating/volunteering sound even better than actually running! i can agree with the runner-thank-you syndrome. i know i say it to the police officers directing traffic, the people handing me water, the person un-chipping me, the person handing me a finisher's medal, the person giving me a banana... lol. and hey i tie the chip in my laces too! just never was a fan of the zip tie thingy. although i usually bend down and get it off myself before making someone else tie my shoe :)
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